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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. They need to do something about the agressive lane changing,tailgating guys here.The average guy doing 10 to 15 mph over on the interstate is just keeping up with traffic is not the problem.I generally dont pay much attention to the speedo,I drive as fast as the rest of traffic so I dont get run into.Thanx for the heads up Phil. Joe
  2. Dawg,yer an OK redneck in my book.Thanx for all the beer and that special edition Rapala.I'm sure we'll see you before next years GTG. Joe
  3. Great report and was good to see y'all again. Joe
  4. Good job Rick,I think you captured the moment pretty well there bud,cept for that photoshopped pic of Dawg and his prized Mackeral or whatever that fish was.. Joe
  5. Hope to see ya soon Jack. Joe
  6. There are pumps available that have 12volt windings as well as 110volt.I have had problems with the small 12 v back up systems not being strong enough to overcome the check valve on some instalations where there is a lot of head pressure. Joe
  7. Some fishng Lodges may even pay for it if its a real wallhanger. Joe
  8. I would go with the contrctor you feel the most comfortable with.They will make the differance if there are issues down the road.A good service tech is worth his weight in gold.A poorly installed unit will haunt you no matter who makes it.For the most part I like Carrier stuff and Trane stuff but I haven't been in the HVAC sales for a long time.Good luck Joe
  9. Cool!.Looks good on you Gramps! Joe
  10. I had heard Liz had left but didn't know the place was for sale.It would be a handful to run alone. Joe
  11. Was good to meet you Dano and you are dead on about Kevin and Leslie.Top notch people Joe
  12. All I can say is .Dawg..suck it up and do your job!Any more whinin and I'm gonna send you down the road totin yer lunch bucket! Joe
  13. Looks like a great honeymoon,Jason.Best wishes to you and Steph for many years of happiness! Joe
  14. Its a tough dirty job drivin all the way up there to show them Canux how to fish but someone has to do it! Joe
  15. Been a few years since I was there but its a nice strech of water there.Brian will tell you where to start.Tons of pike and the odd Musky to keep it interesting.If I can find my map I'll PM you a few choice spots.Tell Brian Art and Joe from Virginia said Hello. Joe
  16. How cool is it that a guy shows up and must have fished with 10 different people thru out the week!Thats a lot of local expierience (and some not so local) and everyone is happy to have fished with him.What a great bunch of guys. Joe
  17. Was great to see you again Norm.Guess we'll have to do it again next year. Joe
  18. Was a pleasure to finaly meet you Bernie and I will be up for a tour of your place next year. Joe
  19. Was a pleasure meeting you Rich,you fit right in with the rest there.The fish will come with time up there.If you want to travel south a bit you have a fishing partner here. Joe
  20. Happy to ya bud,was good seeing you this weekend. Joe
  21. Great Report was a pleasure to meet both of y'all.We got in around 7:30 this evening and I'll be posting some pics tomorrow. Joe
  22. Craigslist has tons of scams like this for cars.I like to mess with them and tell them I have a buddy that happens to be in the location where the car is and he can look the car over and pay cash on the spot if it is really in good shape.I sometimes tell them I have tons of frequent flyer miles and recently retired so I would like to look at the vehicle and purchase it on the spot.Somehow they can never meet there to do the exchange.Craigslist has it set up so they dont get your e-mail address so I dont worry about getting spam from them. Joe
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