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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Glad it went well for ya bud.You are undoubtedly the patient from hell...proud to know ya! Joe
  2. Looked it up,guess it depends on if you are doing the American plan or just renting a cottage. Joe
  3. You may want to contact the owners at Lakair as I think(dont quote me on this)that they charge per person in the cabin.Looking forward to meeting all y'all there. Joe
  4. Happy to ya Bud,when ya coming down this way for some cats and stripers? Joe
  5. I fllet quite a few catfiah a year and was taught ot pull the skin off with pliers.I have since figured out it is much easier to filet them like and other fish just use a knife to remove the skin like you would a bass or walleye. Joe
  6. Honestly,with the internet and the big box stores the little guy is in trouble.As a small business owner(and I do mean small)the only advantage I have over the big guys is service and accountability.I can provide a better service because I am held accountable for every thing my business does and every customer knows me,the owner.My prices are better than most but I cant supply and install a water heater for what Home Depot can but I dont compete with them over those type of price shopping customers.Maybe tackle shops that make thier own lures or have a location that is right where the fish are would do better.Trying to undersell a company that has the buying power of a BP will not succeed.Retail is harsh but it is what it is,buy cheap and sell dear,not exactly a service industry.Dont know the answer and I'm sorry about the place going out of business but the consumer has spoken....and its too bad. Joe
  7. Sweet..its OK to take a pill or two bud.Its a nice buzz for sure.Glad they got you in today looking forward to the pics....NOT. Joe
  8. How did it go??More than a few of us want to know.. Joe
  9. I have been using Amsoil 16 yrs in all sorts of 2 strokes from weedeaters to high performance race motors on jet skiis with out single oil related failure.I usually mix it 80 to one,burns clean and doesn't smoke.I run quicksilver in my merc with automatic mixing but if it was a premix motor I would run Amsoil in it.The only down side is if the motor is going to sit for a while you should fog it or put some regular oil in the cylinder to coat the walls because the Amsoil does not stick to the walls very well and rust may develope.Hope this helps. Joe
  10. for a Monday night chat..I'll be there around 8:30 or so Joe
  11. No worries Tom, Art and I snore but the redneck sleepwalks..and talks. Joe
  12. Nice.Got to love it when you dont know what you will catch next! Joe
  13. Brian has started a new career and doesn't think he can make it but you know how he is...he may just show up anyway!Last I heard Ruth and Don were in but haven't heard from him in a while.He still reads the board so he may reply. Joe
  14. http://www.break.com/index/barats-and-bere...others-day.html
  15. I think your report is due.Hope your trip went well.
  16. "so if your canyon is open for yodeling"....thats damn funny there!Crack Spackle,works for me! Joe
  17. Exellent report, one of the best of the year,Thanx. Joe
  18. I dont know Toto,that dont look like Kansas to me!!! Joe
  19. You got to ask Art about the tipping stuff.I just hand him my wallet when it comes to check out time.Seriously,if you were treated well and the food was good and they went out of their way to make your stay good ,tip as if it was your own son or daughter doing thier summer job for school money.Its a pretty seasonal affair being in the fishing/tourist industry and part of that is making sure that your spot will be there next year.If it is not worth it for the dockhand or cook to return your trip may not be as good next year because of it.We stayed at a camp a few years back that was absolutly horrible( I wont mention the name cause its under new management and I dont want to taint the name).The dockboy was the best I have evre seen but the management was cheap,grumpy and rude.The dock boy made out,the management lost,we never went back.. Joe
  20. Great pics and report.Nothin wrong with C&R or keeping them.I know that a big old pike fry is in my future when I go to Canada next month! Joe
  21. I can't believe he's lived this long without me killing him! Bex (Joe's loving wife )
  22. Its gonna be more of the same ol' in that cabin Tom.....you will figger it out! Joe Edited to read: Reminds me of a joke about a Yuppie (Tom) who made a ton of money in the stock market in the city. One day he cashed out and moved way out into the sticks. It was a 10-mile drive to the gas station and 15 to the post office and grocers. He lived on 150 acres, went into town once a week, and was at peace with his world. After a few months there was a knock at his door. He looked out and there was a fat, scruffy-bearded redneck in sweats on his porch. The Yuppie was happy to see someone and invited him in. The redneck said "Howdy neighbor, my name is Art and I'm from just up the road and I would like to invite you to a party." The Yuppie was happy to meet a neighbor and said, "I'd love to attend." Art said, "I got to warn you that there may be some drinkin' going on at this party." Tom thought back to his power three-martini lunches and figured that he could hold his liquor as well as any man and said, "no problem." Art said "I got to warn you that there might be some fightin' at the party." Tom thought to himself that he has never had a problem getting along with people and if push come to shove he had spent a lot of time at the gym making deals and was in pretty good shape so he said, "no problem." Art then said, "I got to tell you that there may be some sex there too." Tom perked up at this statement cause he had been in the country for a while without a woman's touch and said, "I will be there! What should I bring and what should I wear?" Art replied, "Nothin fancy, just gonna be you and me!" +++ Looking forward to meeting you, Tom.
  23. We have them down here and once in a while we get them while catfishing.Not much fun to take off the hook.There are warnings here about eating no more than one a month on the stretch of the river that we catfish.No problem there,not sure how to cook them. Joe
  24. Thats good stuff,Bernie!A Blue number three would be OK with me! Joe
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