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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Good to see you and Sleded are getting along famously...not that there is anything wrong with that.. Joe
  2. See ya next week Wayne.Drive safe.... Joe
  3. Good to see ya back for a cameo Dave.Would like to meet ya in person at Lakair one day.Dont be a stranger here and come off of some of the $ for a high speed connection! Joe
  4. It has a 4 pin and a 6 pin.I'll bring it with me to Lakair and you can toss it if you dont want it. Joe
  5. I have an old fish ID plus from about 10 yrs ago to give to anyone who can use it.It is missing the transducer and power cords but does have the owners maunual.Serial number JB 940 8128.If you have the cords and transducer you may be in business.Otherwise it goes in the dumpster. Joe
  6. What TJSA said.exept Art and I are bringing a boat and will be using the restaurant.Will prolly be switching off with others in various boats during the week. Joe
  7. Lots of folks there now...even some wimmins
  8. You named a fish after Roy?Dont look like no Melancon to me!!! Joe
  9. Being from south of the border but a hockey lover all I can say is WOW!!!Honestly,no one down here could care less about hockey,but the politics facinate me.Go Caps... Joe
  10. Lakir is good.Also try the upper French.Put in at Dokus,there are many spots around there for walleye.Fairly sheltered unless you go all the way out to the lake.Good luck Joe
  11. Very nice kitty there.Thanx for letting someone else have a crack at it.A few pounds less and you are talkin bout some good chow! Joe
  12. Thats not a bad day fishin at all Dawg....Nice hat! Joe
  13. 18lb Channel cat is a very respectable one to be sure.Sounds like a great time. Joe
  14. Heard from Don(DEG) yesterday .He and Ruth will be there from Monday till Monday. Joe
  15. That would be cool,maybe a Molson sponsorship also.Guess I'll be coming home early tomorrow. Joe
  16. Gonna miss you Gary but you know you have to do the right thing.Get healthy and come see us next year! Joe
  17. I think that trophy wants to winter in a more temporate climate....like Virginia! Joe
  18. Do you realy think that very few people enjoy thier work?Thats a sad statement for human kind.Most of the guys I come across enjoy what they do and the ones that dont soon run out of customers. Joe
  19. 36.5 I think,but it gets there instantly!I should prop it up bit but its a handful at that speed.The boat is rated for 15HP or so and the motor is prolly around 120 hp.You lose about 1/3 of the HP by using jet power but its still a wee bit overpowered.We do have a much more powerful motor to put in it but have sorta lost interest after it actually floated and ran. Joe
  20. Maybe a job trade for the summer would be a good idea.Sorta like a time share.I wouldn't mind living up there for a summer but winter is another thing.How are your plumbing and HVAC skills?What do I have to do up there? Joe Seroiusly,what kind of field are you looking to enter?
  21. Boredom is the mother of invention Joe
  22. PIKE!!! oh never mind,I read it as Pipe.Was wondering what the season thing was all about. Joe
  23. Nice report bud.Didn't know that there were sauger around anymore.Thought there were only Walleye and Pickeral!Cept for the occasional Zander!!Good on ya for getting out! Joe
  24. Some really talented guys here..Good job!Here are some pics of a jet boat Art and I made out of my wife's race boat (jet ski) and an old sears game fisher hull. http://groups.msn.com/HomeMadeJetBoats/recycle.msnw http://groups.msn.com/HomeMadeJetBoats/rec...tseatrials.msnw http://groups.msn.com/HomeMadeJetBoats/rec...decksseats.msnw Joe
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