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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Good stuff there bud.I'm getting over run with Tomatoes,Okra,Squash,Beets ,Raspberries and Blackberries.We should have a thread of garden pics here. Joe
  2. There is a metion of Canada fishing in the song.
  3. Who said they were hunters?They are as much hunters like people who dynomite for fish are fishermen.
  4. I lived there in the late 70's and early 80's.I was stationed there in the Navy.The people are the greatest,the tourists not so much.It was expensive,but I moonlighted on a charter boat and had a blast.I will say after a couple of years I was ready for a transfer from the "rock".Learn to commute on a motorcycle,tourists cant get motorcycles so the tourist wimmins will be all over you cause you are "local" if you have a bike.The place will get real "small " after a while.20 miles long and a mile wide,think about it.How much vacation time to come back will you get?I would not trade my time there for anything,the place was awesome! Joe
  5. Just read Arts reply...Nevermind. Joe
  6. Ding Ding Ding..Winner winner chicken dinner!Stpper the sink,filler up and add some bleach so it spills down the overflow.Careful ,not too much bleach if you are on septic.Vinegar and or baking soda may also work.Love the bubbles. Joe
  7. If you have a boat with a console they can make the lead length as long as you need to reach the console. Joe
  8. Have a blast my friend. Joe
  9. I can vouch for the tiny tach.It also acts as an hour meter.I live in the states and just ordered it from Tiny Tach. http://www.tinytach.com/tinytach/index.php
  10. Mr Boudreau, had no idea you were French. Mr Melancon
  11. It will cure your asthma ,too. Frank Zappa
  12. Its called cobra..there is much more to this story than she is stating .She would not be liable for those charges if she had paid her cobra.If it was an admin mixup it would be traceable and fixed and she would be covered.We dont have people keeling over in the ditches here.We take care of folks here.Walk into and e-room and you will be attended to.If you cant pay you file for bankruptsy and keep your house and car an go on with it.Its a small % that get in that bind.No sense in burdoning the masses for a few.Thats communism.There are some folks ,like people in their 20's who choose not to pay for insurance because they are not much at risk.Very few folks here have no access to medical care unless they choose not to .The health care system down here need no help from the Government.We cannot afford it ! Joe
  13. Sorry to hear of it bud.Lost my sister a long time ago.I still miss her. Joe
  14. Now thats funny!
  15. Smoke is on fire for sure.He is lovin life and for good reason.I would like to see an owner driver win this year.Kyle is such a little punk,I hope the rest of the year ends like that race for him.Smashing that guitar showed the ultimate disrespect for the history of the series.He could learn from the history,like blocking on the last lap at a plate race.We lost one of the finest that way. Joe
  16. Thanx guys,just having a few freinds over for a cookout.No fireworks though,makes the dogs go nuts. Joe
  17. Nice report Jason,Good lookin cudas. joe
  18. Great Pyreneese are great for protection for sure.We are just starting to see coyotes down here but I haven't had any problems with my goats.Some people here use Llamas and Donkeys as herd protectors especially Alpaca farmers.I have a couple of dogs but they are in at night.The bigger problems are the foxes,racoons and possums getting into the chicken houses.Thats a beautiful canine to be sure,its sad to see it brought down. Joe
  19. Good to see you guys again ,even if its only pics.Love the pics of the bear muzzle loading the pike.Or is he just a geek with glasses? Joe
  20. Exellent report.I wish I was there. Joe
  21. Nuts on post Rattle.There is a difference to be sure.After wearing out a few MTD knock offs we all went in on a Jacobson (Bobcat) Zero turn and havent looked back.Cuts 6 plus acres a week for 3 years now with only blades for maintenance.Quality pays off for sure. Joe
  22. Sorry to snip your reply but wanted to isolate this statement and say...Good luck with that buddy.No malice intended and I hope you figure it out one day. Joe
  23. My peoples land was taken from us by the evil Arkanons.Its was the natural progression of things,they had better weapons and bigger brains.How can you defeat a giant lobster?We fled to earth and tried to keep a low profile.We found lands with almost nothing there and settled.Some how we are bad guys...Oh well.
  24. He was a kiddie fiddler.I dont care what else he did. Joe
  25. If you had a name like say...Clyde Melancon would you use it? or would Joe Daplumma be better?
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