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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Ha has a lot of such stories.I haven't got to that one yet though.
  2. Sam it is..He was a blast back in the day when he was on Howard Stern. Joe
  3. Great story Kevin,How is the Walleye pond doing?Need any snappers made into soup?I'm gonna miss you and Leslie but there may be a September trip in the works.Take care my friend. JOe
  4. I scored a book by this guy at a church sale last weekend.Its a reprint in 1975 from 1957.Very interesting stuff and a different way of managing the Muskie resources.Mr Swim Whiz loved the Muskie burger for sure.. Joe
  5. I have for the last 5 years but will miss this one.Its the highlight of my summer for the most part.Check out the pics in the galleries and you will see what a good time it is. Joe
  6. They are just a bunch of regular guys,funny you honed in on the keyboard and monitor thing.There is much more to this place than that.You can call me Joe if you please.
  7. Jocko,if you are that close you really should visit the event.Nobody there will bite you,cept maybe Peter but he will have a funny hat on so it wont be so bad.There may be bears there also,I rassled one for a shirt last year.Might be a dwarf and a goat also.Prolly a rocket scientist and an asian guy with a guitar who's wife outfishes him.Some guy who brings a dog that is smarter than me.Another guy that brings the sweetest little airdale ever.Some guy who has a new boat that has a big mustache and a passion for Muskie.More than a few guys that post here not so much but will be there.This place is not just about hiding behind a keyboard and monitor,its a real place where people meet in real life and dont correct each others spelling around the campfire.I hope you show up and have a chinwag with some of the boys.I'm really gonna miss it this year. Joe
  8. Good luck with that attitude.Lucky you live in a place where braver men than you have given you that right.
  9. I joined the US Navy as a Seabee when I was 17.Did me a world of good and would do the same for most 17 year olds.A couple of years serving your country would teach a lot to these young boys with their entitlement mentality.After my 6 years I worked in a shop that had mostly ex military and we were the most productive shop that company had.Teamwork and respect for others go a long way and are not such a bad thing to learn.The feminization of our youth has begun for sure.
  10. If it were my spider I would call her Ophelia.I just like that name.If it was a boy maybe Percy Rasputan Farthing.
  11. GCD came by and sceered off the wimmins.Guess I'll be gettin dressed now.
  12. celebrating all of the traffic here.
  13. Exellent report bud...I never took you one of them trout guys but looks like its all good. Joe
  14. If I pull the 20a fuse to the tcase it de-energizes the motor.I'll mess with the switch later.Thanx again. Joe
  15. I posted a couple of weeks ago about my truck battery going flat after sitting a couple of days.The 4wd service light was on and the selector motor was drawing current with the truck off and key out.It also was not shifting into 4wd.I replaced the motor and now it goes in all of the gears but the motor is still drawing current and killing my battery.When I disconnect the battery I can hear the selector motor click.The motor is also warm to the touch when the truck is sitting.I'm happy to have 4wd again but I need to sort this battery draw out before I can trust this thing.The truck is a 1999 GMC Suburban.Its a late in the year 1999 and the selector motor was the same as a 2000.Thanx in advance. Joe
  16. I'm not crazy about the pens winning cause they took out my Caps.They looked much better than the wings last night for sure.I still hate you Marty. Joe
  17. From what I understand they are so cheap you can just throw them away and get a new one.If it was a baitcaster its another story.They are way expensive so you have to clean them and take care of them.Seriously,I rarely need to clean them up,I did use carb cleaner on one..not such a good idea.WD 40 will flush grit out but use reel grease to lube them.WD is not a great lubicant. Joe
  18. Best of luck bud,cant help you out but hope it works out for ya. Joe
  19. Major props to my man T!!!He is prolly the most all around talented racer in NASCAR.If it has wheels he can drive it! Joe
  20. Thanx Bern,This was a lease turn in from Michigan so the salt factor is there.Wish me luck.. Joe
  21. Sounds like a job that will be easier with a lift.Might have to take it to my buds garage.Maybe a tranfer case and diff fluid changing party is in order.Thanx for the help. Joe
  22. Glad to hear it Paul... Joe
  23. Guess I'll be checking that oil soon.I would think if it was having a difficult enough time changing gears it would blow the fuse.This thing is just stuck on I guess.How tough is this little gem to replace? Joe
  24. Unplugging that one does not turn off the light.Its not on top of the t case.Its sort of on top but the plug is on the side facing the drivers side.Could not see how many wires were on it.
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