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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Thats what its all about..Good job
  2. Sorry for your loss,thats a long happy life for an animal.My boy is some where around 13 or so.I found hime in the road eating road kill in 1997.He was full grown then.Here is a pic from a few years ago. Joe
  3. Am I missing something here?You were speeding..You got caught...Man up and do your time.What ever happened to personal resposibility?
  4. Those were not hunters,anymore than a snagger is a fisherman.
  5. Made the mistake of growing Lima beans this year.Love the taste but they are like kudzu in the garden.Tomatoes had a great year,cucumbers not so much.Green beans were kick ass.Okra as usual were to the sky and 8 miles wide..fry them up!Carrots were a bust..the Limas took them over.Beets did well two crops..early spring were sweet..the ones the lima beans took over were a bit woody ,,we found them after pulling up the beans.Let the chickens in the garden today to finish up the bits me missed before tilling it over for the winter.I love a good veggie garden Joe
  6. Looks like one of my roosters doin the chicken dance to me.They start doing that when they are barely peeps and do it till they die.I learned more about Turkeys from having chickens than any amount of time in the field.There is a high end retirement community near where this guy was.I suspect some old hunter has been baiting this young one in.Was cool to be that close and not pull the trigger.....yet. Joe
  7. Bex brought him some scratch grain yesterday and he ate it all up.The parking lot is where she works.If he hangs around I might invite him over for thankgiving.
  8. Good stuff Brian,I hate getting "busted".Specially with a bow. Joe
  9. Found this guy walking around in the woods today.I was able to get pretty close but the camera was not on the right setting. I came back later and he was checking himself out in the reflection of Bex car.He even did a little dance for me. Joe
  10. Good luck to my northern meat farmers.Saw 4 does about 25 yards away tonight while I was splitting wood.Might have to start toting the shotgun with me while doing chores. Joe
  11. Mitch kicked ass,one of the best to be sure. Dawg loves his leafy veggies,tobacco IS a veggie...right?
  12. JB are you for real?You look a bit silly or you have a twisted sense of humor,if its the sense of humor thing I get it but for it to be funny you have to tell everyone you are just kidding.We are waiting.....
  13. Funny this topic comes up here.Yesterday I was getting a MRI of my shoulder (2 day wait by the way)and they neede to inject my shoulder with some dye.There was a radiologist to do the injection into the joint.There was a tech to run the xray machine to guide the rrad guy into the right part of the joint .There was a nurse to make sure I wasn't raped( I guess).While waiting for the novacaine to take effect I asked them if they were getting the vaccine.All three said yes very quickly.I come in contact with as many bad germs as anyone,working in 5 to 10 houses a day in the kitchen and bathrooms where the germs love to hang out.I have never had the flu that I can remember but this one is for real.I will get the shot when It is available to me.I dont smoke,I dont drink coffee,I work out at least 5 days a week,I dont eat junk food,I'm I'm 6'0' tall and weigh 185 lbs and I'm scared of this one. Joe
  14. I hear you brother.They made off with 3 Americana pullets and one pea fowl before they got to big for the hawks to carry off.My roosters just ran away..chickens that they are. Joe
  15. Most exellent report AGAIN..PM me your address,you have earned yourself a Faux Farm hat just like the one Wayne was wearing.Thanx for the trip Joe
  16. Its funny but I knew the answer before you explained it.I sometimes load mine into the tractor bucket and gut it at the butcher shop just up the road.A gutpile near the house just invites dogs and other stuff.Much cleaner gut job when you hang it and clean it up properly before putting it in the walk in to age. Joe
  17. Good advice dawg but not peanut oil.Pure veggie oil for me.Its a little more forgiving to over heating in my opinion. Joe
  18. Good stuff Jason.That first bow kill will not be one you will forget.Congrats! Joe
  19. Nice rack,way outside the ears.No bait hunting down here but it would be cool to bait just for the pics. Joe
  20. Like I said.get a clue.People have spoken.Read AND comprehend what you read after you post.There are concequences to opinions.Sometimes people think you are a an ass for what you say..Imagine that!
  21. You reap what you sow..get a clue..I speak for more people than you think.
  22. Nice edit after calling me a loser.Guess name calling is OK if you are doc.What name did I call you?I will say you have me pegged...Soy un perdedor.Just ask around here,most think I'm a loser for sure.
  23. We usually miss the point here with you doc.We are just not so clever as you.We can only hope to get as smart as you one day.
  24. http://www.break.com/index/9-year-old-pull...ockey-goal.html
  25. Welcome back young man!Where are the pics? Joe
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