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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Does that count against your possesion limit Bernie?You better eat them quick. Joe
  2. Thats a damn shame G.Eat em up Bernie! Joe
  3. This is not all about your buddies dying face down in the mud in Vietnam!!!OOOOPs,wrong movie,I thought this was The Big Lebowski.
  4. I will vouch for the dawg,hes as nice of a guy as you will meet in person.Very thoughtful and polite,believe it or not.There are more than a few here who have met him and will say the same.Good post John,just some growing pains around here lately. Joe
  5. AAAKKK put on a shirt man!Good stuff bud. Joe
  6. I'm gonna come clean now before the axe falls,could you please delete my bogus T.J Quesnel account?
  7. They are not pitting true friends against each other.This crap goes in cycles bud and they will get bored(or banned) and then move on.The core is strong here and its not just about hiding behind a keyboard here.All hail to the mods!!!Even if they are dwarfs and geeks and poor dog owners or steelers fans or NASCAR junkies and geeky lookin guys with glasses. Joe
  8. I've been on both sides of the smoking deal also.You can squeeze the cherry off and toss the filter in your trash if you have to.The paper and tobacco will turn to dirt right quick.As GCD says ,the fiters make good mulch,they take forever to break down.Congrats on your quitting,its not and easy thing.I dont have a problem with smokers...just people that litter.Sort of like how hunters feel about poachers.I hate it when the papers refer to criminals that poach as "hunters". Joe
  9. WE are all good.Had a good feed of fried okra and catfish last week.Got a few nice ones jug fishing with Art and Pops.I haven't had my boat out since Lakair last year. Joe
  10. Food plots however are legal here.Do you have access to the land to make a plot over the summer?Very effective for drawing them in and improving racks.Does not do much for the quality here because the land is cut up into 30 acre or less lots.Any decnt rack that wanders onto the wrong lot is dispatched and will not grow another year.I tried a plot once and my goats loved it.Best of luck this season,bud. Joe
  11. Today at a stoplight a youngish girl pulled up next to me in a new Mustang.She finished her cigarette and dropped it out the window onto the ground.I looked over at her and said"Nice car".She looked over at me and said "Thanks".I then asked her if it came with an ashtray.She then stared straight ahead and waited for the light to change.what the hell is up with people throwing their butts on the road?I know from the parts of Canada that I have visited that litter on the highway is much less than down here but is thios a problem up there also? Joe
  12. I had no idea it was legal to bait anywhere.Big no no down here.Hope you fill up the freezer bud. Joe
  13. Enough!Really.
  14. Anything that craps in a box,scratches his feet in it and then jumps on my counter in the kitchen is NOT welcome in my house.Please don"t bring a dish to the pot luck dinner either.
  15. I'm with Chris on this one.
  16. Not sure of the costs for a sewer ejector install.Call a local plumber and get an estimate.They may be able to "ball park" it over the phone..good luck Joe
  17. Been there,caught that and it swam away. Thats just gross
  18. Most exellent report.
  19. I have heard of wearing light colored and blue on sunny days but not sure it makes a big differance. Joe
  20. Most exellent tune Danbo
  21. This look more like you remember him,Dawg?
  22. Its what the song says bubba
  23. "Fish and whistle"the name of my brothers boat.
  24. He had just had lung cancer a couple of years before this.He still has the guitar down pat for sure though.
  25. This is good...we got to go now.
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