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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Lew,most any of them in high def will be better than our old eyes can make out.I have the LG and hockey in high def is a thing to behold..go Caps.My pops has a Samsung and it is also great.NASCAR and football will never be the same without high def. Joe
  2. Thats very cool Lew.Welcome to the country,we'll have you peeing off the deck in no time! Joe
  3. Dude is no more a hunter than a snagger is a fisherman.Its called poaching..not hunting or fishing. Joe
  4. He may kill you when he sees this..he needs a facebook account. Joe
  5. Thats a shame,I was thinkin aboot joining up here.Hope they let me in. Joe
  6. At what point do they play hockey?
  7. I can remember as a youngster watching Gordie Howe and the production line back in the day that the goalie would "rough up"the ice in front of the net.I played a lot of "shinny" hockey and pick up games before moving south and lost interest during the 70's and early 80's watching the worst hockey team ever...the Caps.Anyway..do the goalies still scratch up the ice?Why did they do it back then? Joe
  8. How cool of a place is this?Give it up for the bossman and his band of miscreants,Roy Chris,Chris,Dan,Marty and Rick for making this stuff happen. Joe
  9. Wonder if they can go into Bass Pro and take all of the antler handle knives? Joe
  10. I heard his last drive didn't go so well... For every beautiful woman you see there is some dude that is sick of her.. Joe
  11. PB Blaster works very well for me.
  12. Come on down if you are around.
  13. You need to remove the "filter"and spray into the the carbs until it is choking out.Cut off motor and pull the plugs.Squirt some into each cylinder and turn motor over by hand. Joe
  14. In case there is any doubt about what our budding young redneck means by SSS is.It means Shoot,Shovel and Shut up.I had an incident where my nieghbors pit bull was chasing my sheep.I had every right to shoot the dog.The owner would have understood if I did.He would not like my hounds chasing his horses(they never have) and I would not expect him to shoot my dog for it either.I chased the dog off and we worked on the fences.If I see a dog running wildlife I can not and would not shoot the dog.People kill and harass wildlife much more than any domestic dog ever did.SSS by the way is for little men...if you really believe you are right enough for you to kill your neighbors pet then you should be man enough to deliver the body you pussy! Joe
  15. 4 commands that you must teach your dog,no,come,leave it and stay.They may save its life one day.Any dog can be broken from chasing game once these commands are taught.You must anticipate what your dog is going to do next and make the correction before he acts.My girl is rarely on leash and I can stop her from a full run with just a voice command.If you cant do this with your dog please dont let it off leash in a public place,for the dogs sake.Thats a great looking pup Lazlo,most doga that are that breed are too fat,good to see a trim one. Joe
  16. Thanx guys,I have two gobblers in the oven as as I sit here. Joe
  17. Take up cooking bud and get a good stove.The motor will come with time.I got mine a six burner with a double oven and a griddle.I love to cook now and one day she said I can go out on my boat..if I clean up the kitchen,wash the dishes and mop the floor. Joe
  18. Nice fishes .I dont think your gonna see a good game tonight though.My Caps are pissed after that mess of a game last night. Joe
  19. Careful about painting all of us "tourists" with a broad brush!I always buy a regular license and can count the number of fish I have kept on one hand.My brother can also say the same thing.Check with the lodge owners if you would like..or ask a few guys here.Now that I think about it many Americans that frequent this board(some not so often anymore because of some of the sentiments from some of the newer members)all buy the regular license in case they catch a Musky that can not be revived.You cant keep a Musky with a consevation license. Joe
  20. Looks like Alabannannas to be sure.Glad I'm from Virginia!Sited in the slug gun Saturday,saw a nice buck Sunday evening but no hunting on Sunday in Virginia. Joe
  21. Good job guys.The third or fourth generation already?
  22. Exellent as usual,thanx for taking the time. Joe
  23. Roy...King of the Zingers..Love ya bud. Joe
  24. Hope you had a most exellent b-day my friend. Joe
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