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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Maybe she left early because she new the flood was coming?
  2. That's quite the rant. He wanted it off his fields and was protecting his irrigation equipment (or whatever other logical reason he probably had) Hats off to him for not shooting it; legally he probably could-have. I enjoyed that video and my IQ is at least a couple dozen.
  3. Gotta love early piking! Great trip
  4. He smashed that taildancer! You got the last word though.
  5. I only took one video and it was bad lighting...and I was swore loudly when you turned your tail to me hahaha.
  6. Nice muddy-water cat boys! That camera set up works great.
  7. Thanks all! We love living here. It's a lot of work, but very rewarding. That darn dog better not try that again. We got him for free, but the vet bills are adding up.
  8. Good stuff boys, those pike were hitting hard! 'You're allowed to fish here, but I'm asking you not to" hahaha
  9. Eat raw garlic and wear clothing to cover most of your skin.
  10. UPDATE: I took a break from making ATV trails (so close to the river now!) and decided to throw a few spinners. The water was down and the fish were in shallow current. This is the biggest spec I've caught in this river, and maybe my 3rd or 4th biggest ever. The fight was incredible in 1.5 feet of water in high current, just like fighting a small rainbow in the shallow creeks. Estimated at 15 to 16". Released. He (?) sat in a quiet pool for about 8 minutes before swimming away... I really hope he makes it...he was not deep hooked. Can you find the hidden brookie?? I haven't posted much lately due to silly computer issues... but I always liked sharing pictures of the trout I catch off my own property and the random things I do, so here we go. First attempt this year; not much luck and the water was very cold! The lawn finally turned a healthy green. My new ride as well. Spagetti monster! Almost a year old now Twice in two weeks. I played vet the first time, the second time he got it much worse. I assume his thoughts are in the range of " I'LL GET THAT PORCUPINE NEXT TIME" Thinning the forest and cutting stovewood. A big ol' maple way past prime Yesterday! I walked down the hill, through the thickets to the river that runs through my property to chase a meal. The fishing was slow as it's still a bit early, but the one pool was loaded with big specks. Average size was 10 to 12" with a solid 13" coming in at the end. The photos kind of suck because these iPhones have cameras that don't know how to focus properly. We went for an evening walk later in the day and enjoyed some brews and a sunset. Enjoying some homemade maple syrup...yuummmm That's all for now! Chad
  11. You did well on 'cold front' lake. Couldn't have been as bad as last years attempt, especially with you buddy in jeans!!
  12. I cleared three 3/4acre fields with an excavator last fall and this year two of them will be plowed and the discs put to them. We have been spreading chicken and rabbit poop and compost on the clay since the winter. The field you see pictured will have 100 pumpkin seeds (1 giant seed from CBC) and the neighbors will use a plot for their potatoes and turnips. The main garden has an awesome manure mix and will likely grow like it's nuclear-powered! We have seeds for: Tomatoes Peas Yellow and purple beans Kale Spinach Carrots Herbs ...and my wife likely has more.
  13. I'm done posting. Brand new computer and everything fails, jams up, doesn't load properly, won't paste off photobucket, won't quote. Full report wasted. I'm done. Looks like I'm just a troll now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. aplumma


      post up a list of issues and put it into the computer section we have a fine lot of people who have some of the best answers you can get.


    3. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Yea, it's IE. How is it possible the latest version can't handle half the websites I go to?? It's a work computer so I can't even download or update anything. Between the iPhone and this computer I'm going through a technology-use breakdown.

    4. HTHM


      Call help desk and they will give you admin rights to install chrome and whatever else you want.

  14. I'll be proud of myself and my daughter if we can do day trips like that when she's 2! Great stuff Nick. OFC is a bit better now.
  15. Your going to see 10 foot chain link fencing around you park within a week .." DESIGNATED ARCHEOLOGICAL DIG SITE" That bow is super fresh looking. Great catch for your bro
  16. Same here Chris, didn't really want to see that Awesome post Drew! Red is a babe!
  17. Ya I can see how it's seen as another payroll tax for employers, especially small business. Luckily your federal tax rate just went down to 11 or 9%? I guess that should offset a bit.
  18. I'll be glad to have another employer-matched pension plan. 100% immediate return...how many investments give you those returns, guaranteed?? I don't know all the details, but if it's managed properly like CPP, then it'll generate steady and secure returns. I like doing my own investing, but I'm fine with having my investments immediately matched. CPP is about 4.5% employee contributed, and 4.5% employer OPP is said to be 1.9% employee and 1.9% employer I haven't had a cigarette in 3 months. In the first 10-15 days of each month I save approx. the equivalent of what my OPP contribution would be. Peanuts. At some point in time, we'll see the OPP rolled into the CPP.
  19. TJ!! (how do you yell on this thing) How'd you make out this season??? I've been checking your maple syrup site for updates. Hope everything has gone well since your last update.
  20. I guess white rhinos will have a lot in common with red herrings. Very sad indeed, the white rhino is a high profile animal... imagine all the others that go extinct without anyone caring or possibly even knowing about! There is my big sad thought for the day, now back to my little un-influential world
  21. Yep, full barrels of green goo a foot beneath some clay..haha Not a 'bunch', that's an exaggeration, but yes, if there is in fact any significant radioactive soil contamination (which I kind of doubt there is), that site will never be returned to pristine conditions. There is a difference between full (background) remediation and remedial effort. Just saying, most remediations are not 'Full' remediations.
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