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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Adrenaline rush eh? One day ago i wouldn't have thought a 5-10lbs fish could fight so hard, but after last nights whooping I have a new respect for these things. Are theyfilled with gunpowder or what? Set the hook and they explode.
  2. hahaha brutal. All the leafs fans are going off soft because they are on a two games winning streak. Welcome to the world of average hockey teams you'll like it here.
  3. ahhh good read on a lazy sunday morning. Thanks
  4. Nice one SRT. Those things sure do battle.
  5. The point of fishing is what you make it. Some people have goals set when they go out and others simply enjoy the time with friends and the outdoors. I'm A-ok with both I've been chasing bows for the past few weeks and not a sniff. It's a beautiful area so I'm the better just for trying, but I sure wish oh I wish I wish I had caught that fish.
  6. I'd say "thanks" if you were "giving" that to me.
  7. How are you supposed to get deer if you keep telling them to KEEP OUT?
  8. Nice job guys! Now it's time to get beer for that beer batter.
  9. What beautiful meat on those Trouts!!! Looks SOOO clean and fresh.
  10. Sacrificial lures to the salmon gods huh?
  11. Hahaha. Whatever happens it'll be Carey Price's fault.
  12. I had my drag on zero and STILL almost lost my combo to a carp...those fish go NUTS when they figure out they are hooked.
  13. I think they are called sub-arctic char in your region.
  14. You could sell that first fish as a chrome accessory on a truck. I haven't downrigged for steelies yet...looks like fun.
  15. Nice post, very humbling. I'm thankful I'm not 5000kms away from my family anymore. This weekend I will be spending time with my GF and visiting her side of the family. She doesn't get to see her dad often and this is a good opportunity since I've got a car. Then we drive the opposite way to see the rest of her family. I'll be sacrificing some steelhead time this weekend but I'm not concerned.
  16. Be informed before trusting you CC. Only CERTAIN cards have buyer protection. If you purchase online it is a good measure of protection.
  17. Thanks Luc. I spent at least 7 full days on the ice last year in the temagami area looking for back lake Trout but litterally didn't get one bite. Lots of work hauling that auger around in cold/slushy conditions. +1. Two hours last night, two hours monday, half a day last weekend etc etc...not a sniff! And yet I keep seeing these beautiful Steelhead reports on the board.
  18. Is that a baby blue walleye in the middle of the picture?
  19. Hey Andre! You sound like a well seasoned fisherman to me. Welcome and cheers.
  20. We all have a proverbial "white whale". That certain fish that we've chased and tried to catch on many occasions without success. It might be a resident 5 lbs brown trout in your local creek or an elusive musky that has made you circle a lake ten times with nothing but 5 empty tanks of fuel to show for your work. Everytime you go out you are over-prepared and confident, yet you return home with nothing but scenery shots. I've spent many hours trolling and ice fishing for big lake trout. Many lakes, different spots, lots of reading, new tactics and many miles on my car. I have nothing to show but a 0.5 lbs baby laker and I'm still searching for something of substance. I'm looking forward to hard water season because I'm certain ( ) I'll catch a big one! What fish are you working extra hard to catch?
  21. You must like that number 2 position! haha... I foresee 1st for you in the near future. As soon as i saw "surprise" in the title I figured it was a walleye. Awesome catch Steve.
  22. Great photography. That baby gar shot is stunning, as is the egret shot. You got good eyes!
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