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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Tough to navigate that lake, lots of unmarked rocks!
  2. Cool stuff huh? The government gets some things right! As an enviro tech I find this type of graphing and data collection very interesting. You gotta love being able to graph a whole year of flows in 3 seconds. Good job to the people doing this work. Thanks for the link, I'll be playing on this site for the next hour.
  3. I put an offer on a condo so if I'm lucky I'll be doing some major renovating. That rebuilt boat motor looks sharp
  4. Right on, nice mixed bag of fish..... way to diversify!
  5. Nice catching guys. Sorry to hear about your fav rod. Hopefully a few wobbly pops will help AJF recover!
  6. Then go fishing and post one yourself.
  7. This year is gonna get soaked in a blanket of fish slime and guts. Marinated with minnows and fake scent with a hint of eggs and toast pan fried in turmeric.It's gonna be a good one!

  8. I bet he harmed little animals as a child.
  9. If I'm not working you can count me in for sure.
  10. Here's a little afternoon excursion I had on a local trib. I was looking for some good size fish but I had a good time instead . Little spec on a homemade go getter. I have no idea what this is, but it's different. This plant is incapacitating if rubbed on bare skin! I felt something burning through my jeans..powerful stuff. I think it's a stinging nettle. Baby bow. Single barbless hooks are a must! He looks suprised doesn't he? haha Greasy chub. I'm ending the report with a fish tale. I get a huge bite, feels like a heavy walleye, fight him for 5 minutes...then...this perch comes in, pushes the walleye OFF my lure and gets a mouthful of hooks! My arm length is proof of how big that walleye was.
  11. at least he posts reports. Nice musky you got there. It was a successful season I'd say.
  12. I use 20lbs camoflage leader material on most of mine. I bag them in 8 x 2 inch resealable bags.
  13. Is that picture from Borden?

  14. Obviously you had a good eye on him. Hanging out with the little man, it looks like you guys had fun.
  15. Computers make hand made drawings so much easier don't they?
  16. Funny, I added you as a friend like 10 minutes before you messaged me.

    Frick I wish I could go to Rice one more time this year, that's one of my favorite lakes now.

  17. Hahaha. That's brutal. Unfortunately some people fall for that.
  18. 4 day weekends go by too quick don't they? Good read, thanks.
  19. My old roomy from Ghana used to cook pike in it's entirety. He'd steak the fish from head to tail and bake the whole thing. He would laugh at me for wasting meat when I showed him how to fillet. We are spoiled when we get boneless fillets that's for sure. Nice pics Kwan. Rice is an awesome lake isn't it?
  20. That's bermuda triangle weird. Wow, for your sake I'm glad nothing happened.
  21. Haha Cool story. So close yet so far.
  22. Right on man! It's nice to have a good local spot you can rely on. That one walleye looks like a bluey.
  23. You're smoking the walleye out there...very impressive fish!
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