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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Your uncle must have been happy to fish with you and catch a nice PB!!
  2. Is this the wolf lake that is very near Marten River? If so, I spend a lot of time in that area. That old coot of a CEO sounds like a scumbag. I've never heard about this company but being delisted from the Venture Exchange is not a good sign. I don't understand how they are going to open up a gold mine using only "truck sized trails"
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMjYCnMoiiw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH8216_M4mA
  4. Hwy 17 between Sault Ste. Marie and Manitoba can be very nasty to drive in bad weather. Transports can drive a lot quicker than you in snowy conditions and when your driving near massive rocks cliffs and rock cuts in the snow, it can be white knuckle scary. It's a beautiful drive but if your worried about safety and getting caught in a closure, I'd recommend taking the south route. MTO map with road conditions and closures http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/traveller/trip/map.shtml?ll=50.148746,-85.605468&z=5
  5. If mine break that way, are they warrantied?? That sucks Jacques. At least you can reuse the reel assembly.
  6. Actually, we should have a rule "20 posts alocated for every report posted." Content, content, content.
  7. Thanks Paul. Those are my icepicks... just incase. Haha. I was being over-precausious at first. I was more comfortable after I realized the large black spots were actually solid ice. It's been colder north of Marten River than it has been in NBay... should be a fair amount of ice in Temag by next week.
  8. hahaha You even have the Four-wheeler on the ice! Nice pike man.
  9. My Dad and I went for a Saturday backroad and backlake trip today and found a solid 3 inches of ice on a small lake. I was very deliberate at first, punching holes every 3feet, with a rope at arms length. We threw large rocks on the surface and jumped around but the ice was solid and did not crack at all....so we fished Usually I catch smallmouth bass hand over fist at this lake but this time was different. All I got was one small lake trout which was released. I'll wait a for another inch or two before I start looking for bass in the open water. Anyone have suggestions on where to look for bass in early winter?
  10. I canoed on Olive Lake this summer, the two north arms, and caught a few nice pike and bass. It's a really nice area and you have close access to TONS of lakes.
  11. You got it! The fishing is free with me...because there is never a guarantee of catching fish.
  12. Looks great! If there a specific location or general geographical area that you base your outdoor scenery on? Is it by design or reactionary?
  13. It was a link to Dr. Sal's song Ok. This song might sound like the (terrible) new Metallica, but it was actually made by one of our own OFC'ers! $1000 OFC bucks for the person who can identify the artist.
  14. The leading riff reminds me of Alkaline Trio-Private Eye I like the harmonies...overall it sounds good!
  15. I spoke for myself when I said "I'd re book" If I was organizing a trip to Nip from a distance I'd at least have a good contingency plan in place. Like u said keeping in touch with the operator is the best thing to do.
  16. I'm putting the aftershave one in my pocket. Hehehe funny stuff
  17. If Bell and Rogers buy them up, that could be the end of hockey night in canada. Bell and Rogers cause us daily headaches and own pretty much every canadian TV station, radio etc. If either one of those companies goes bankrupt in the future it'll cost taxpayers billions. Not a good idea in my opinion. Those two companies are big enough. Maybe Bell should use that "investment" money to fix their insolvency issues they had a couple years back, or god forbid, by making telecommunicatons cheaper in Canada for the people who pay for it. Everything will get more expensive, including ticket prices if this goes ahead. Grrrr to Bell and Rogers! Aren't your bellies fat enough already?
  18. Small chance the ice will be ready by jan 1, to be honest. We need at least a week of very cold (-20) temps to get a good sheet. Plus if it keeps snowing, the ice quality will be lower. I'd rebook for the following week or two. After that, if you want to ice fish on nip, give us North Bay members a PM.
  19. Woa! Great recap. I caught a few carp last summer; unfortunately I didn't have the same opportunities this year.
  20. Nice threesome of fish! That brown is gorgious
  21. Did anyone else when you noticed that by clicking on the cougar sighting post by Dr. Sal., that google ads started advertising Cougarlife on OFC? Advertising/marketing is a crazy thing, especially mixed with technology. From the Malware that advertises Netflix, to the high volume commercials on TV, to the websites that know exactly what you search and where you are, I can only imagine what they'll come up with next. Luckily the words fish-porn don't have the same effect.
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