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Everything posted by pidge

  1. There’s such a thing as submersible fuel line as opposed to regular fuel line. Just sayin. Regular fuel line in a tank will not last very long and cause siphoning problems. Just a heads up to that for ya.
  2. Interesting read that article was. I run only Shell high test as well through lawnmowers, gennys, etc etc. The boat because of where it’s stored is not as easy for me to do so.i do run high test, just not Shell. The lady whom I’ve seen and talked with forever at Shell affirms me Shell high test dose not have ethonal in the gas. Dose any one know if this is true for most or all others such as Esso, PetroCan etc?
  3. Google “Metal Super Market” there’s probably one in your area. Oakville has one in and around 3rdLine and Speers Rd. They’ll cut your length as well. Another option is go to any weld shop. They’ll have drops kickin around. They’ll drill it a lot faster as well. Good luck. -Pidge
  4. As others have posted, be VERY careful. I haven’t fished it in a few years, but use to do so on the regular. I never had any GPS device, but would creep when outside the channel markers. Once outside them it isn’t to hard in calm water to see why it’s called Stoney. Be careful and have fun!! -Pidge
  5. Very late update: Krattor & Raf...thanks guys. Rocky’s had the part and shipped it out, the pin and spring as well. Thanks once again I’d never of found that place without your help. Great service to boot. -Pidge
  6. From my prospective...(for what that’s worth) I grew up on gas stoves. Working on the road and in different fishing camps I’ve seen a bunch of various setups. I think it’s a personal prefrance. I’ve installed a number of gas lines to stoves and would usually be back at that certain residents sometime in the near future. I can honestly say they had nothing bad to say with regards to a gas stove except they wish they did it sooner...as far as the flat top vs. the coil top I don’t know. The flat top looks scheychy to me if something like a cast iron pan slips and hits it. I could be completely wrong and they can take a good deal of use and abuse, but the winner in my books is gas. Just my two cents. -Pidge
  7. Ok. Thanks. -Pidge
  8. I replied above, but didn’t realize I wasn’t logged in. If you or any one else reads this and can let me know that would be great. Currently have a tackle place in Orillia looking, but to now avail. Thanks Pidge.
  9. -Krattor thanks for the heads up, another source. Thanks. -Lape0019, it is the piece that keeps it stowed when in motion. I haven't thought of the Ram mount idea that's something I'll look into. I tried a mount from a buddy's ATV and it still hasn't me worried, but I will look into the Ram mounts. Thanks. -Greg
  10. -Chuck I didn't even think of that and sent a guy there yesterday for a Muskie reel repair. Duh!! do I feel foolish lol. In defence to that I didn't know he dabbled in trolling motors. Thank you for the tip. -OhioFisherman thanks for the link, but I've gone thru it already...the part it's hard to explain without a picture and I'm not computer saucy as I once was , it's the part that disingauges the shaft to be slid and holds it firm while travelling. Side note I suck at explaining sometimes...it has a handle piece that's sorta like a sled pull start handle if that makes sense at all??hope I came across somewhat clear in the decription. Thanks. -Greg
  11. Hello all haven't posted in many years, but still fish when time allows....the long and short I'm looking for the locking clamp piece of a minnkota 50lbs from the year 2002. Mine has broke and was just throwing it out there as a last ditch effort to see if anyone had one that was pooched, but the plastic bits were still good. Any help? I'm currently using a ratchet strap, but that's becoming a pain in the you know what. According to minnkotas website that part isn't available anymore....for what it's worth, it's a bow mount "power drive". 12 volt. Thanks, Greg.
  12. I sent you a PM Hackfisherman. Thanks, Greg.
  13. How much were you looking to spend? I've got a 12' tracker John boat that's been used less than 10 times for back woods fishing. Located in Brampton. Can include one of those clamp style swivel seats with it. I've also got a 5hp Nissan 2 stroke with the gas tank built in. Let me know thanks -Pidge
  14. Take hitting/checking out and wada you got? This years Leafs. WhaWhaWha do t like it I say don't play and quit your belly aching
  15. I like that they have jig heads in bulk/loose. I was up there a couple weeks ago and thought the store was done up pretty nice and there hoodie special was fair on the pricing. I thought the wolf howls or whatever it was, was a neat touch. Can't pleas everyone I guess. Pidge
  16. To save yourself some time and $$$ perhaps check out marinengine.com There's every make and model known to man on that fourm and maybe, just maybe you can fix it your self. Pidge.
  17. The bearings can be replaced. Google Woolsley/frontier hvac supply. I'm not sure they will serve you, but they might. Have the furnace model and serial # with you. It'll be in the burner compartment area. Good luck. Pidge.
  18. Just from experience. We dropped a turkey in and filled the pot with water to gauge an oil line, blah blah blah took the turkey out and gauged it again (water now lowere) Filled the pot with oil at the "water line", when the oil was heated we dropped our turkey in and to our surprise this bloody thing puked all over. No fire or nothing, but point being as a previous poster posted maybe crank down the oil a touch as compared to the water line. At the time the "book" said to do it this way and she still erupted over the pot. Just an FYI. Be careful. Pidge
  19. Just a note. Just seen a ad in the bass pro flyer that they had the camo gear section. They labeled "kids" as well. Might be worth a shot??
  20. Hey Newfi have you checked Walmart? Not sure what your looking for, but I recall in a recent flyer seeing some camo clothes they had. Can't remember what it was exactly now, but I remember saying to myself "that's odd of them" maybe checker out. Walmart online to save the drive out. Pidge
  21. Good advice from Lew given about Burleigh Island Lodge. Have stayed in the Motel Cottages twice this summer. Nice and clean only drawback for some is they don't supply a stove. Only a BBQ for cooking. Great place though.
  22. I spose at the very least he fessed up and is sorry. That takes a lot for some people. Bet he never dose that again and thinks twice next time. Pidge.
  23. Best way to moonlight! Sweet catch and good read of your outing. Nice stuff man. Pidge
  24. Wasn't that Al Bundy? Lol (Biggins).......some real monsters you got goin there very nice work man. Congrats on the second place as well, that must been a proud moment no doubt. Would you have a link or source for the red tank top your wearin? Out for a rip!! Pidge
  25. I was on a construction project last fall and they had to bypass a storm drain that flowed into the Humber river near Weston and Finch. We had some environmental people there to dam off the area as the 20' section was bypassed and fish/minnows were collected,checked, and re-released down stream. Some of the fish/minnows were quite surprising. They had a book with them that I had a look at to I.d. species and I was blown away at the different ones just in Ontario alone. There had to be hundreds. They were pulling out what looked like baby sunfish which surprised me and all kinds of other species. Wish I had asked for a spare book cause it was pretty interesting stuff. Pidge.
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