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Everything posted by Beats

  1. This reminded me of a similar event when I was a young kid. I can't remember if it was a store or a homeshow type thing. I just remember it was myself and my dad. Someone waived us over to their table with some sort of offer of a deal on something or cash savings on a purchase. All my Dad had to do was fill out their form. He did but at the end of the form it asked what type of vehicle he drove, year and model and I remember my dad just kept saying "it's irrelevant" to the person and "what difference does that make". The person at the table made it out like it was no big deal.. just answer the question... to which my dad refused and walked away from it all. Some forms you see out there seem normal until near the end where they start asking what seem to be completely random arbitrary questions that don't relate one bit to what they are selling/promoting. Makes you wonder what's really going on behind the scenes.
  2. Not even the cost of it, but the speed. You can get a tiny usb flash drive, as stated above, for around 20$ and then you just drag and drop stuff onto it. You could fill the thing way faster than you could ever burn 1 of your 12 cd's. I'm just saying that USB has it all beat as far as cost, speed, size, ease of use, portability are concerned. But if you are happy with how you are doing it, then perhaps there's no reason to change.
  3. That fish is massive. Looks ready to burst.
  4. Nothing like a boat packed with beer. That cooker is 1/2 the size of my car
  5. I guess there wasn't much to say. You went, had great weather and caught some real nice fish
  6. Never used it myself. Typed it into google and it seems to be getting good reviews from ppl who have used it. http://www.cabelas.com/prod-1/0041923121536a.shtml http://www.buzzillions.com/dz_264756_abu_g...ng_reel_reviews Hopefully someone on here has the same reel or has used one enough to comment on it.
  7. Nice fish. Do you only cut the heads off for cooking when they won't fit in the pan?
  8. Nice fish, especially the brown. There's no shortage of herons around Ontario. There's a few egrets here in London mixed in with them as well. I've seen them at the Woodstock dam catch pike over 12" long and carry them off to the shore, then flip them up and swallow them. Great fishers.
  9. The Avon is hardly a river. I know it is a river by name but that's about it. Take the dam out of downtown and its a creek. It's a creek leading into town and it's a creek by the time it's 1/2 way to the Old Grove. They just give it a nice name to make it more picturesque for the tourists IMO.
  10. I dont know about DVD's but I know that over at gettinghooked.net they have downloadable episodes on trout and salmon fishing. I particularly remember one called Dropback Steelhead. I know, as well, that Bob Izumi's site Realfishing.com has streaming episodes of steelhead fishing in the Meaford area..
  11. Nice report and great shots. I fished the N branch this morning as well and caught 3 white bass. Went out again and got skunked but my 2 friends each caught a couple pickerel and there were white bass being caught all over. Not as impressive as catching them on flies though I'd say those are above average sm bass for the London area. I fished all over last summer and the biggest one I caught by far was 1.5 lbs. Delaware area has some hovering around the 3lb mark still.
  12. Beats


    that reminded me of this one... A lawyer and a Newfoundlander are sitting next to each other on a long flight. The lawyer asks if he would like to play a fun game. The Newfoundlander is tired and just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines and tries to catch a few winks. The lawyer persists, says that the game is a lot of fun. "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me only $5. You ask me one, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500." This catches the Newfoundlander's attention and to keep the lawyer quiet, agrees to play the game. The lawyer asks the first question. "What's the distance from the earth to the moon?" The Newfoundlander doesn't say a word, reaches in his pocket pulls out a five-dollar bill, and hands it to the lawyer. Now, it's the Newfoundlander's turn. He asks the lawyer, "What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?" The lawyer uses his laptop, searches all references. He uses the Air phone. He searches the Net and even the Library of Congress. He sends e-mails to all the smart friends he knows, all to no avail. After one hour of searching he finally gives up. He wakes up the Newfoundlander and hands him $500. The Newfoundlander pockets the $500 and goes right back to sleep. The lawyer is going nuts not knowing the answer. He wakes the Newfoundlander up and asks, "Well, so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?" The Newfoundlander reaches in his pocket, hands the lawyer $5 and goes back to sleep.
  13. Thanks, that's what I was kinda figuring. No clear mention of them in the regs from what I can see.
  14. Was out fishing the Thames tonight. Got 3 small pickerel and 1 16" eater. The last few times I have been out fishing there has been a father/son combo fishing nearby (same ppl , I assume father/son) that have kept 2 pails of 1-2 lb white bass each time. I stand not far away trying for pickerel and they are pulling in white bass one after the other. I admit, they have a working strategy. They were there before me tonight and in the hour or so that they stayed they must have kept at least 12 white bass all fairly large. These are just the ones I saw. Not to jump the gun about over-fishing or anything, I am merely inquiring if there is a limit on white bass? I read somewhere that most places in the U.S. don't have limits on them because they are such big eaters that they interfere with other species. Just wondering if there is a limit in London (zone16) or anywhere in Ont. I am pretty sure they don't fall under lm or sm bass or even sunfish? So I am kinda leaning towards no limit?? Just seems kind of sad to see the same ppl night after night filling pails from the same spot. Probably won't be able to figure out where all the fish went a few years from now.
  15. I'm always amazed that so many ppl have never figured this out. It's fairly well known. Must be great to play price wars with yourself and always win.
  16. That's a white bass. Unless you are fishing fairly close to salt water, I wouldn't think you would be seeing many striped bass.
  17. The fish pictured aren't from the lake or above the lake. I am well aware of the TRAA's work and past projects and I have been considering membership for a while now. I have met, and spoken with, many members whom I have randomly met along the river. Most have been a great source of info for me with regards to learning more about the creeks, stocking programs etc of the Thames. Too bad their website has been totally out of date for a really long time. I have been checking it for months and all their past projects etc are dead links. http://www.anglers.org
  18. Everything in moderation. I mean, look at the numbers of ppl out there catching and eating fish from any body of water. If the fish looks good and the fillets look ok then I would say a single fish/meal wouldn't do any harm. But if you strongly feel you shouldn't eat it, then by all means don't.
  19. I was there a couple years back and didn't have much success except for pike and the odd bass. Do a search and see what comes up. I didn't hook into any pickerel up there but my friend did and they were all caught just drifting worms on jigheads through saddles between the mainland and islands at dusk.
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