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Everything posted by Beats

  1. I bought one of these floats one time a few years back to use for trout at dark. Same thing happened to me. I pulled the light out and couldn't get it to turn off. Never used it again. Probably threw it out as I'm sure the battery died shortly thereafter. It's not an expensive item but things should work properly when you buy them. Like the guy on the Dyson vacuum commercial says, " I just think things should work properly."
  2. Thanks for the post. I've seen lots of pics of peoples carved sticks but never a detailed description of how all the parts are installed and balanced. Thanks
  3. I'm looking for advice for a rod/reel purchase for lake trout and whitefish on Simcoe. I currently have 2 ultralight setups for perch but have nothing as far as the bigger fish go. I'm planning on fashioning one of those "tip-up sticks" for one of my lines for use with a spreader but would like a rod and reel for jigging as well. Any recommendations as far as rod strength/action would be great. As well, what style of reel would work best? Also, anyone know of a website/video online that shows how to make one of those "tip-up sticks" and set it up properly? I've seen people use them in magazines and in videos but never experienced it myself. I am more just concerned that I would make one with bad dimensions that wouldn't balance right. Would you use the same line on a tip-up as on your jigging rod? Thanks.
  4. Why are you cleaning fish on the ice? If you are just cleaning a few to eat right there before packing it in for the day I don't think putting it down the whole is a bad idea. A couple of fish "remains" down the hole won't affect much. I can't see any reason to clean fish on the ice that you aren't eating right then though.
  5. I'm interested in seeing a few pics of your final completed rod. Looks like a really cool hobby to have. How long did it take you to complete? Gotta have a steady hand for the guide wrapping.
  6. I've never experienced an echo but sometimes if someone calls me from a Bell line and I answer here on the Voip some of my speaking doesn't come through. Kind of like when you are losing a cell phone call and have to ask the other person to repeat what they said because every few words is broken up or missing. But if I'm using the VOIP line here talking to someone without VOIP it all sounds good to me. This used to happen a lot to me a few years ago when VOIP was new, but I can honestly say I haven't seen it happen anytime lately. No one has mentioned the sound being bad in over a year I'd say. I was always told it was due to the internet traffic going through the modem. As in, it would only happen during peak hours. It was really annoying though because the person on the VOIP line would have no idea you couldn't make out what they were saying and would talk and talk and then have to repeat it all for you.
  7. Same here. Even checked my "junk" email folder and nothing there.
  8. My brother just ordered a massive battery backup for our VOIP/internet setup and it runs for up to an hour if the power goes out. It constantly recharges itself, so if the power blips off and on there is no interruption and if the power shuts off for up to an hour (which almost never happens here) there is no loss of service.. Battery is pictured far right. The black cube like box
  9. I have VOIP at home and have had to call 911 also. No issues.
  10. But.... was he wearing his seatbelt?
  11. Fairly short interview. A couple rips on the Man Vs. Wild show. I'm sure he'll sell a tonne of copies of his new book.
  12. That's cool that you saw a bass and laker as well. As cool as it is to see fish you wouldn't normally think were under your hole, I often wonder how much more frustration the camera adds when you can see a bass or laker there and can't get them to bite. I'm sure some people would see these fish on their camera and spend way too much time trying to catch a fish that really isn't interested and not spend enough time on the perch that are more easily caught.
  13. Wow, not too many people can say that.
  14. I've never heard a person refer to a herring as a cisco on Lake Simcoe. It is the same fish as a cisco, just another name for it. I've never caught one or seen one caught but I was told a few years ago that new people come to Simcoe and mistake the fish for a whitefish quite often and have to be told to look for the differences between the 2 fish so as to make sure a herring is not kept for dinner. As long as you throw them back its no big deal. Just don't want to mistake it for a whitefish and throw it in your bucket.
  15. This is thread has apparently been submitted twice. 2 Threads for same topic.
  16. Hard to tell but that pic looks like a herring. They look quite a bit like whitefish and can't be kept. Get a look at the mouths of the 2 fish and you can easily identify them. Whitefish have more of an overbite look to their mouths that is for bottom feeding and herring have more of a standard fish mouth
  17. Must have gotten a lot of awkward stares from people seeing you leave the lake with a carp. Take it to a Canada Post office and get it weighed there. As far as I know it must be weighed on a government scale.
  18. I remember thinking a few years ago how great it would be if fishing shows were viewable online for all to see. It was really cool when Bob Izumi started putting his episodes online at www.realfishing.com a year or so ago. More are added every so often and it makes it so easy to re-watch favorite episodes. The site linked above appears to be a huge resource of different shows, many of which I've never heard of or seen. I'll check it out in the near future for sure.
  19. Not sure but you may be confusing fly reel with "float reel".
  20. I'll just have to try and get some pictures this week to show. Hard to hope for no snow or a melt that would ruin the tracks. Its just a few metres into a cornfield from the edge of the conservation area. I guess you really just have to see it. Theres a few cobs of corn on the ground where the hair/blood starts which makes me think thats where an initial attack took places while the deer was eating and then it went down about 10 feet from there in an area solidly packed down and trampled on at which point i believe the deer was killed/taken apart and eaten. Hard to say and since I haven't provided pics as of yet It's hard to explain. I'll try this week to get some. At no point did I get the feeling that the deer had simply died on its own and been eaten. The scene just looks like a "jumping". Made me look into the trees for a long while and wonder what the heck could have done that much dmg so quickly and devoured that whole thing that hadn't been there 2 days prior. *Picks up big stick*
  21. Yeah, there is a sheep farm across the road. I'll have to ask the guy if he sees them around. I know a guy that has lots of coyotes in his bush in Kilworth which is just down the road from this spot. Websites I check out keep referring to coyotes as currently being the #1 predators of livestock and the only animal that is increasing its territory even with man's negative impact on them. My dad's old friend (alot older than him) who we rented a farm house from 20-30 years ago said lots of ppl had sheep farms in East Williams township back in the day but there were too many wolves taking out the sheep so they stopped farming sheep all together. MY reading indicates that the hunting/wiping out of wolves in sw ontario has only increased the habitat of the coyote.
  22. I really don't think so. It's a few hundred yards from the road and in front of a small conservation area. No hunting close to the area. Just looking at the scene it appears the deer was feeding and got ambushed. There are deer tracks all over the area so I am guessing it wasn't alone at the time but was the only one taken out.
  23. Yeah, I really didn't want to mention the whole cougar thing. It's funny though. My dad was following some tracks in the snow last week and then he came upon a fallen tree on the path and the tracks just went right under the tree without missing a beat. So we kind of guessed they were coyote tracks. He started jokingly mentioning the cougar but I mean, these paw prints are dog sized, not big like a cougar's. The supposed cougar that everyone is seeing I would assume is a large adult. WHo knows. I'm not saying they aren't out there, however unlikely, but I think most ppl get caught up in the hype and report what are actually large dogs, etc. BUt it did pop into my mind once I saw the deer today. I've never seen a slaying like this one. ALmost like a science to it or something. Perfectly executed plan. I just can't figure out where all that meat went. Must have been a few of them.
  24. So I was out at my parents place today and my Dad took me to out to show me something he had stumbled upon out in the woods. There are woods that border a corn field and from a little hill looking out into the corn field you could see something that was red out in the field. He takes me out to the area and it is a full sized deer that has been picked dry of meat with a complete skeleton laying there void of all meat/skin/hair except the head was left intact. My dad claims it wasn't there 2 days ago and in that time it has been completely picked clean. You couldn't find meat on that thing if you tried. There are dog-like prints all around the skeleton but doesn't look like more than 1 or 2. But it's hard to say for sure. From what we can tell it looks like the deer was out there, probably with a few other deer, eating corn remnants when they were attacked. Whatever it was that hit this deer took it down really fast as the corn cobs it would have been eating are about 10 feet from a heavily "padded down" area of snow where the finishing off/eating would have taken place, and the skeleton now rests about 5 feet from that spot. This is just west of London and I'm going to guess it was coyotes but other than that I guess wolves could be responsible but I don't hear much about them around here. I'll see if I can get pics of it one of these days. Again, the skeleton is perfectly intact and picked clean. Just a perfect bare skeleton as far as the head and then it left the head alone. The legs appear to have been ripped off and taken. There is surprisingly little blood and hair left at the scene. Looks like a total ambush that caught the deer by surprise. It didn't have a chance to do anything and died about 15 feet from the hit. I know it's tough to say, especially without pictures, but any guesses as to what could have done this? The prints in the snow aren't very big. I can't really describe them other than to say they look like a dog's.
  25. Although I'm not a fan of "diet beer", I'd definitely go for the right hand side.
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