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Everything posted by IndySKS

  1. Yup had one of those earlier in the year, was constantly on the grand kids play set and my tin shed. I tried my best to let nature be, but when i was in the shed working and he wouldnt go away one day. I lost it ..12 guage solved him.
  2. I would be really interested in seeing that video.
  3. Bought this today, too bad my wood is all done for the year http://www.tscstores.com/FOREST-KING-25-TON-LOG-SPLITTER-P33246.aspx#.VgyXpOes-c3
  4. 30% worn out at 15 g km ? Seems kinda low to me to be 30% used up. I understand how the labour and warranty stuff goes but when you bought the car/ truck it had tires on it mounted and balanced. I would be telling your dealer to "stuff it"!
  5. 175 Cajun with a 150 Merc with just me and a slight ripple on the water it will hit 59 mph
  6. Use the o ring or wire tie method or what ever works for you but dont put the hook into the worm its self. It creates a weak spot and your worm will break. Just hook it under the o ring. Honestly o rings are dirt cheap and you generaly wont loose them very often. Imo dont waste your money on other brands i have found they dont perform as well overall. I prefer black senko's with a #2 red wide gap hook.
  7. Its bad enough when the guy does it once but following you around from spot to spot gets beyond what is bare-able. I hate people near me. Most times i just pick up and move on. A couple years ago i had a guy do just that and after following to the third place i had enough and picked up my markers and lead him into an area that is circled by rocks with only one way in. Of course i made ot look like i was catching fish one after another and it wasnt long till company was coming... I can still see the look of the guy on the bow yell...ROCKS! Just as a lot of crunching and clunkng started. Problem solved.
  8. With the new regulators they use you must have no gas flow through the burners (control knobs turned off) before opening the tank. If your burners are open and you turn the tank on the regulator goes into a minimal flow mode. This causes a lot less heat/ flame from the burners. Try that method and see if it helps.
  9. http://www.cerka.ca/default.asp Try these guys
  10. Well since it's just a "cottage " driveway and see's very little traffic, and from what your saying it shows some remnants of a gravel base and is by what i read as it being level and solid, unless you want to dig it out and start over or build it up with B gravel or pit run. I would suggest just adding some of the A gravel to the top of what you have. maybe 2 or 3 inches would be all you need to just spruce it up. Unless you plan to pave or concrete it in the future for all the traffic it see's imo thats about all you need. Do you know what pit run , gran b 4 inch and Gran B is ? Certainly not something you want to use to be adding a layer of gravel to a cottage driveway. This material is generally used as a base with another type of material put over it. "A" gravel is what you see on the gravel roads out in the country, There's many reasons that they use that type of material for a top later on roads and not any other type of material. Go with the pro's on this one. I would stay away from the 3/4 clear stone too. Good material just not the right place or application for this material The crusher run that a few guys have mentioned is also a good idea but has it's disadvantages too. Unless the person with some knowledge see's first hand what you have, it's all up to interpretation and opinions and what you want the final out come to be based on the conditions you have to work with. Well and how many $$ you want to spend too.
  11. Well i hope you have a good week up there and the weather co operates for you. If your looking for some good eats the Rock Pine motel just across the hwy has some relativly new owners and the food is great and lots of it. You wont be disapointed.
  12. I think the best map i have seen of all 4 lakes is one from beaverland camp. You might try contacting them. It's a pretty generalized map but atleast it will give you some idea of where the different depths are and of course the rocks !
  13. In the photo posted by rod caster the body of water directly to the left of where martin lake is marked is what they call little martin lake. I think in the picture theres 2 red dots on it, West of the bridge on Martin lake road is just martin river. I'm not sure if you can get into McFee lake, last i have heard there was a beaver dam blocking access, I havent tried getting in the for about 4 years. McFee is fairly shallow with a mud bottom and very little stucture, not really my type of lake. There is certainly a few good spots out there in Martin lake at the right time of year it can be very productive. As for Wickstead i would consider it a far better lake to fish but be very careful getting in and out there is a lot of rocks and trees and some very narrow passages.
  14. No I cant say i remember that one, I never cared much for being in a machine while taking one down, especially a payloader
  15. Well i guess not many people can say this but...Been there done that ! We used to demo a lot of barns when i was in the Excavating business, silo's were the funnest. Back when dynamite was easy to get we used that but as it became harder to get we moved on to pushing them over with an excavator, sometimes hired the local redneck that for some reason had a suppply of TNT ( i didnt ask why). One of the last ones we did was one of those slab type silo's and we(my brother) had the brainwave to poke a few holes in it and do some fancy weaving with some heavy cable and then pull the cable down with the excavator. Well the landowner thought we were nuts and filmed the whole thing. Lets just say basket weaving wasn't my brother best trait. We pulled the cable and about 1/2 the slabs that were supposed to come out actually did. Guess who had to finish it with a sledge hammer. Thank fully it landed right on target, i was less than 20 feet away from the base when it landed, the whole time hearing the landowner repeadedly yelling RUN. Someday im going to drop by and see if he still has that tape.
  16. Yea that was so very long ago, i got the 4 stoke itch last year and got that sled. Completly different world than the old touring sled. Lets hope for snow this season
  17. Same sled as last year, haven't took it in yet for its yearly check up.
  18. First fish of 2012
  19. "Water damaged fishing tackle?" No i know why i buy tackle and keep it safe and clean in my bags...lol
  20. It all depends on what you like to do i guess, i find the area very interesting and twice in the last year have stayed near there and checked out different attractions. Elora is not far away and there is lots to see there if you like that sort of thing. We stayed the one time in north end of Guelph and ventured from there, Royal Distributing is close to there if you do any outdoor power sports. As mentioned the market is usually open and the outlet mall is across the road.
  21. Ok i need to settle a dispute here: Take into consideration how many different types of shirts their is, T shirts , golf shirts long sleeve dress shirts...well u get the idea. Now how many shirts total should a man have?
  22. I hear loblaws was willing to give it up to anyone that had the courage to admit in public that they were a leaf's fan....lol
  23. Done and done thanks Teressa and moosehead ...and everyone else
  24. Give me your votes please, St. Marys is in a contest put on by Schneiders and we are running neck and neck with Edmonton. There's 100Grand on the line and it could really help fix up a park near the Thames river Who knows someday if we win and fix up the park you might just come here and enjoy it and possible catch a fish Thanks to all those that help out, its appreciated http://apps.facebook.com/picnicanywhere/entry/183433
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