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Everything posted by IndySKS

  1. Leave The Elk Lake Eco Center alone you bunch of bullies...why don't ya go fishing or something.
  2. well i made my first birds nest today...not nice!

  3. Not to Hijack the thread but i never thought of some of you guys needing lead, i run into some from water lines once in a while most of the stuff i have had in the past went to hunters for making their own bullets, if i find some more i will post it and see if someone wants it. It's just one of those things i see lots of and never think it might be hard for the average guy to find.
  4. Thanks for all the input I have passed on the idea of underwater camera and hook, I had no idea that so much stuff was lost down holes. Btw it wasn't on Simcoe it was on Nippissing. It does sound like a weekend adventure once the water warms up.
  5. Would a GPS dropped into the lake (turned on ) be worth recovering ? Would the card in it be any good or any of the data be salvageable ? A buddy dropped his down the hole this weekend into 29 feet of water, just wondering if it's worth going after once the water softens up? He was more upset about the card that was in it than the GPS it's self. and before any one asks yes we have it's location marked on my GPS and we have dive capabilities, just wondering if it's worth going for.
  6. Try using GPS Babel. You get get a free download (use Google) or use GPSvisualizer.com. it converts the files from one brand to another.
  7. Shinning Tackle in london is the closest i know of.
  8. uglyfish I believe there is a program out there that you can use to convert those Magellan to Garmin or whatever, I thought I had it but i cant find it right now.
  9. Yea like Musky said run it if your not planning on going too far it's only going to cause a bit more wear in that area on your sliders in that area. There was a thread on one of the sled sites a couple years ago about how a guy fixed a problem like that it was a neat idea, will see if I can find it for you. A used rail is your best bet. Could try Sno Line Sports in London.
  10. Or just put them in a jar that don't leak............ small peanut butter jars work great. I tried the tip about leaving the vacuum seal under the lid and just cutting a small hole in it but the tubs are such an awkward size for tackle bags it was just easier to put them in something else.
  11. Good post ! I had thought about the comparison to skiing and golfing before but until you related it to fishing, it never really sank in to me since i don't golf or ski. A perfect example would have been yesterday, I went to Angling Outfitters in Woodstock to talk to Joslyn about a new fish finder and without much thought came home with a new bait cast rod and reel instead, at about the cost of a trail permit, and that will be just one of many trips into a tackle store this year.
  12. Just to clear up a couple things, there is 3 types of enforcement on OFSC trails. Trail Patrol - usually a member of a local club, these people have the authority to lay a tresspass charge on trails that are on private property for which they have signed permission to be there by the landowner, a tresspass charge would be laid through local law enforcement pursued by the person or Club. This charge results in a visit to a judge and he determines the fine. Trail patrol are ambassadors of our sport and are there to check for permits and to assist where needed, thats all, they have no powers to lay provincial charges other than to enforce the trespass to property act as it applies to snowmobile trails. Stop officers - these are special constables that work with local police to enforce laws on snowmobile trail. They do have the authority to lay charges just like an law officer. I'll stop at that cause im not an expert on Stop officers. OPP/ local police - obviously have the authority to lay any provincial charge on a trail. As for being caught on a trail without a permit it is highly unlikely a Stop or Police would charge you with trespassing as there is another charge that is failure to have a trail permit and i believe the fine begins at around $200.
  13. Ok I'll try to give you the coles notes version of an explanation for this, yes there is a large number of Clubs that haven't groomed much at all or very little due to lack of snow but like you the Clubs can not predict if it's going to snow or not and when. The money spent on grooming/maintenance is a significant amount but in reality it's only a small portion of the Clubs expense's, they still have to go through all the motions of setting up trail and signing them, the insurance bill is always there, club house maintenance, trail improvements/culverts and bridges are upgraded...you get the idea. Low snow years are also know for high repair bills to the groomers too. So any money not spent on grooming will be spent somewhere else on the trails or if the Club is really lucky there just might be some left for a capital fund for replacing a groomer that can cost in excess of 150k. Trail pass money is spent on trails somewhere, it doesn't get spent on anything else and this is closely monitored by the MTO and OFSC auditors. Now just to complicate this a bit more, each Club only gets to keep a portion of the permit sale price, this is based on a very complicated formula called a Matrix that averages a number of factors to determine this club cost of a permit, the remaining money goes to the OFSC to support OFSC programs and some is also spread around to area's that are in need of money. For example a club in northern ontario might have a long season and a substantial amount of trail and yet not sell enough permits to operate, some of the money collected by the OFSC goes to support these trails so they are there for all of us to enjoy. On the reverse if a Club sells a lot of permits and doesn't have snow to groom the matrix takes more money away from these Clubs since based on a provincial scale they could be over funded. It's not a perfect system but it dos work an there are very few Clubs across the province that have money in the bank at the end of the year. Don't ever think because the cost of a permit there is extra money floating around, keep in mind the whole system is mostly operated by volunteers(appx. 7000) that for the love of the sport put their time in to create the trails and operate them, yes there are a few people that do get paid but it's only a small portion of the people that are needed to make it happen each year. I hope this helps without going int too much detail.
  14. Oh sure you couldn't start out with an easy question....lol You know thats pretty scary question from a guy in Sault Ste Marie at the end of January. Winters are just not what they used to be anywhere. If we could just get a good 6" to 8" dumping there would be some riding around here, but it's not looking good. I have put about 40 trail miles on my sled and my second sled has yet to see a trail, so i understand your concerns.
  15. I think you will like the pond it's quiet relaxing sitting around it during the summer enjoying a few drinks, ours always seems to be the conversation piece. Personally i would pitch the koi but that's a personal thing. Ponds can be relatively maintenance free if they are managed properly, but it's all about the balance in it's ecosystem. If you looking for a pond place near london i use Thorndale nature ponds to get my yearly supply of plants and fish feed. One or two of the biggest key things is to keep enough cover (60%) to keep the sun from turning it green and having the proper balance of all the parts of it's own little ecosystem. Lots of good advice out there and everyone operate their pond slightly different and im sure you will do just fine with yours, the offer is open any time(when it's warm out) if you want to come out for a beer and discuss ponds.
  16. Just a shameless plug for a friend of mine but they do excellent work, if you looking for place's it might be worth a try. The Old Barn Address : 173480 Mulock Rd (At Hwy 4), Durham, ON N4N 3B9 Telephone : 519-369-1710 Category :Counter Tops,Granite Directory :Walkerton Brief Description : POLISHED STONE CREATIONS GRANITE COUNTER TOPS BETWEEN DURHAM & HANOVER
  17. Dan, i think Bill and Dara ave pretty well explained it. But if you need any more help let me know. I am the President of OFSC D5 and my wife runs the District office. Be glad to help out if you have questions.
  18. The whole process couldn't have taken more than 5 minutes.....a you think it's a pain ? WOW Sorry off topic...... back to hunting yotes...i bought my self a camo predator hunting suit( Gillies Suit) on the weekend, just looking forward to spring to use it.
  19. Thanks for the report, im heading there on Thursday. Lets hope the snow holds and we get some riding in too.
  20. There i fixed it for you.....
  21. 300 Hp HOLLY sufferin sucafash Comes with parachutes too right ?
  22. So does Freezing hurt any of the scented baits or gulp alive ? Any one know ?
  23. MMA vids
  24. And some need to bring more than 3 ! I'm not going to comment on your shooting skills or choice of shot, I'm just glad you recovered the deer, congrats nice buck
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