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Everything posted by IndySKS

  1. Propane doesn't spoil, i have tanks here i filled 7 years ago when my father went out of the business and i use it to BBQ all the time.
  2. Thats what it looks like to me too, I did my boat cap last spring and it took about 40 hours from start to finish or me piddling around in the evenings. i wet sanded with 1500 grit. It's not perfect but i was afraid of going too far. I went from something that was driving me crazy not being able to make it shine to receiving comments of wow nice shinny boat. PM me if you want any more info on how i did mine.
  3. Read this link it might help also http://www.bbcboards.net/zerothread?id=311487
  4. Solution ...? Chemical castration. The all but wiped out rabies by dropping pucks from air planes....could the same not be done for coyote birth control ?
  5. Hang in there man, been just over 3 months for me. My last one was just before i suffered a heart attack. Apparently high stress and high cholesterol and smoking will in fact shorten your life. All three are under control now but having a heart doctor ask if you had a will made up was enough to convince me i didnt need to kill my self with smokes. Good luck, lots of support here if u need it.
  6. Look around in the municipal world, i seen something the other day but i forget where or what http://ontariomunicipaljobs.com/index.php
  7. Another place you might want to look for scrapes of puck board sort of stuff is places that put it in the floor of the boxes or dump trucks and trailers. Im sure they all have some trimmings kicking around
  8. Hold on folks your ready too much modern day stuff into this.This is Dryden......snow machine more than likely means dog sled in their language. 63 cases could be doable
  9. Try Forest City Surplus in London
  10. just a suggestion: If you can ever get your hands on one of those old stainless steel fire extinguishers you used to see in schools and such that were filled with water. They can be filled with warm water and pressurized with an air compressor, they shot about 40 feet. Simple method of cleaning the dish.
  11. let your budd know he placed his tag in the wrong place....lol
  12. There is previews on youtube of some of the episodes. I missed the last 20 min just couldn't stay awake
  13. Congrats on the nine months, putting up with a bit of weight gain is far better than the damage smoking will do to you. Your other option might have been to go through what i did this week. I have become a bit of a couch potato not getting out and doing much like i used to, i used a sore back as a crutch for the last year or so and have had high cholesterol for a number of years, i just recently started taking pills to lower it. Smoked most of my adult life and could tell i was starting to feel the effects of this. Fairly high stress job that has been hell for the last couple months and on Tuesday night it all caught up to me. I had some chest pain and took my self to the local hospital(apparently i should have not drove my self)turns out i had a complete blockage of one of the arteries that feeds your heart and 60 % on another. Long story but while the Dr. was inserting a stent in my heart he says...hey bud you got a will made up? Then proceeds to show me the damage i have done to my heart and arteries. Stop smoking, lower your cholesterol and reduce stress in your life or you will be back here in a year if you make it to the operating table. So I have the next 6 plus weeks to straighten things out and develop new habits and smoking wont be one of them. Your bit of weight gain maybe a blessing disguise, it just might help you get in shape and develop good habits.
  14. I bought my LED's earlier this year at Gander Mountain in MI. they were about $54 regular price, i hit it on a day when it was 80% off...sweet deal. Too early to tell long term but so far they have been great. I was also having issues with the old bulb ones when they go wet. I put them on my utility trailer and the work great when they aren't getting drowned weekly.
  15. I know a guy in Powassan (just south of North Bay) if thats of any help
  16. I'm interested to hear the outcome of this, i work for a municipality and the water supervisor is right across the hall from me. I have heard him tell many people the same thing your water dept told you. From what i know of meters they always read less if worn out, then again there is that 0.01 % i guess. what type of meter is it...brand wise. my bet is one of your toilets is leaking keep us informed edit: For what it's worth in the 6 years working with him and all the meters he has looked at, never has it been the meter, he is a licensed plumber too and always seems to help find the problem.
  17. Wow you must have small foots.....you do know shoe size is directly related to the size of your..........!
  18. Soooo....are you going to replace both ? or go through this again...probably sooner than later...
  19. Well these guys on here know a lot more than me but is the brake fluid still going down in the reservoir if you pump the brakes a few more times then you got a leak somewhere, if not ...well then something else is wrong. monitor the reservoir and that will be your first clue to your problem.
  20. Are you sure you didn't misunderstand the baiting instructions The bait goes under the stand not on it. lol
  21. About 25 years ago i was visiting a friend on the north shore of Nippissing and caught my first sheephead. My buddy dug the stones out for me and told me the story how they were good luck. I put them in my camera case and they have been there ever since. Never thought of making ear rings out of them but i might just do that and pass them along to my grand daughter.
  22. Once you get the grunge off and want to keep it clean and shinny try Bass Boat Saver.
  23. It's just bad Karma coming to get you for not using it for the last month...
  24. Didn't someone try last winter with tragic results?
  25. Oh no doubt that's what he did, I also got his plate and used it for a couple years before putting my own plate on the trailer. Who knows what trailer it's registered to. I just want to be legal if a cop stops me. I have no problem paying my share of the taxes....my living comes from peoples taxes....lol What amazes me is I am the forth owner of the trailer and boat since 89 and the trailer has never been registered. I guess more people do the old plate switch than i would have thought.
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