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Everything posted by spincast

  1. That is a sweet day, aint it? Too bad we don't have the energy to celebrate it like we did when we were . Many happy returns Tybo
  2. Tarpon (BIIIIG one) Muskie - preferably over 49 incher Marlin 45+ inch pike Arctic Char Tyee A 5lb + Nipigon Spec Gar + 5lb bass and perhaps a shark - just around 300 lbs woud be ok? some - we can find around here. Some are great excuses for trips somewhere
  3. Hey Dave - sorry things didn't pan out. The spot I mentioned was loooong paddle - its 10 mins with a 50 hp if you avoid the shoals, We just got back today. Nothng fantastic, but got a few nice ones. I think G may have something on that later. Like a few have mentioned - many lakes take a few times to figure out. I got more this time than last time, even with a couple fronts blowing through. As for the canoe I took mine too as a just in case we got to some back lakes (didnt). I noticed there was almost always a strong wind blowing down the lake. You really need a motor of some sort there if you want to explore the lake at all
  4. and the correct place for that Walleyemaster, if you didnt get the two previous hints about hijacking my thread, is your own post. shees. -
  5. G's still talking about that day. All of a sudden he likes Lunds and Starcrafts
  6. spectacular as always brandon. The Pine Martin --- perfect. thanks
  7. That is one beaut lake and 1 beaut laker. Love the shot of the plane off the wing
  8. if clueless means you dont understand life, and pointless means your topic has no meaning or direction, what is the word to describe when you dont understand the point?

  9. Nice shooting Simon ! Congrats on the PB (but I still think you're a witch - you have to be charm those beauties day after day ). Must have been the graveyard shift was it? either that or the midnight sun still shines bright? (edited for spelling)
  10. Glad you enjoyed the gift. I figured it was only aged half as much as your and Leah's marriage, so actually it was little young. It was also a thanks - for all the other offers and help with this trip, as you well know. As for your busy calendar - no need to apologise at all. We truly enjoyed the times visiting - and hope to be able to do so again - and meet Jen. "This week is one where fishing plays a role, but time with the family is the primary reason and time away from work and its embedded blackberry are savoured. ".
  11. congrats x2. That's a beaut after all this hot dry weather, putting it back to fight another day Great cast with that size lure in low light!
  12. winch stays on till the motor (at least) is in the water - whether I launch solo or with help. I stop once the skeg is free and clear of any scrapes then undo. Back in. Float boat. tie off boat far enough away the next guy can launch. Pull away. Perhaps over cautious from so many years of driving tractor trailer - but if you have ever had to crank a dropped trailer up in a parking lot after you already raised the gear - well lets just say once bitten twice shy... True story from launch attendant last week -- We were kinda watching some of the boaters who shall we say, aren't familiar with launch etiqutte or whose backing skills qualify them for Canada's worst trailer driver and having some good giggles " You wouldnt believe what happpened last long weekend." She says " Crazy line up, like 20 minutes at the worst point to launch. One of the guys drove the whole way here with nothing tied down. Backs up - boat falls off the trailer 15 foot from the water. Tow truck and major screw up time. Boat, motor - toast. The guys lucky it happened here and not on the highway" 10 seconds extra to undo once in the water. No brainer.
  13. those are a pair of brutes - well done.
  14. Nice outing. Fishin' with family is always a great time. Thanks for the report
  15. Great idea - you're on! I havent hit the North shore.
  16. x2 - nice report and great place to get away to
  17. Glad to see the lady smiling on all her supporters this weekend.Nice outing guys.
  18. Thanks Merc - the invite still stands - whenever you're ready to try some "trouty-things" Thanks Jacques. You know how it is - sometimes they want to play and sometimes they're just looking. Yesterday was playtime. Thanks Juli - we both had great days from what I saw - but you had way better pictures of your outing than us. I always love your pics of our outings together. How many yesterday - over or under 300? . Name the day Michael. As long as you have downriggers and a couple rod holders, I have the rest. Good luck up on the French - hopefully no more new rock findings this time? Thanks Corvette. Dave - we were gonna invite you, honest, but we didnt want to distract you from the whitefish you're hunting for the team . Pleasure was all mine - and count on that bassing trip when we get back from Restoule. we both had the dropsies there for a while - until the black diamond got put to work anyway
  19. Looks like a great day out there. Simon - you know what I mean when I say when it comes to watching, and listening to Juli when she has a fish on, it is a riot. Enthusiatic only touches the exitement. You just cant help but smile and share her energy. Sweet bow ther Juli - congrats on the PB. Glad you guys finally got together and got a chance to get Craig out too. Looks like the Simon guy has them dialed in pretty well.
  20. I too true - cant remember the last time I was WOT at that time of day. hit 50 FOW in about 7 minutes Sounds like you had a great day too Simon See that Michael - 50 FOW in less then 30 minutes - but seriously - thanks for coming last night - was a great party. Glad to hear you got Jansen on some fish today and got some keepers. If you ever decide to try the dark side, let me know, I'll point the way for ya. (or you can take me out in the sweet boat of yours and I'll even map it for you on your gps ) Thanks Joey - he's good a catching them, but has that Mercman slime thing and so far I haven't found gloves in his size. Thanks Mike - we only get one or two ouotings like this a year, and each one is a treat. You're about the third or fourth person to say that Rick- thanks. I must be a bad student, 'cause he still beats me almost every outing . I think its great Thanks Shasta - G-ma seems to have his finger on the dial quite frequently. Looking forward to your post - and Juli's photo's - Frank. I suspect she got some classics today with the weather. Glad to hear you and Simon got Craig onto some too - that's awesome (so, are you gonna show us that boat he's been restoring???)
  21. cool vid. - a friend of mine took the trip a few weeks ago and also highly recommended it - thanks for posting
  22. interesting vid Jacques. I gotta say, if I was your neighbour and I was looking over the fence... ahh never mind. Enjoy prepping for the season man - look forward to the venison-in-the-pan shots.
  23. good on ya Shasta. sounds like a relaxing day on the river and a great deposit to the karma bank
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