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Everything posted by spincast

  1. beauty colours, and a nice catch rate.
  2. sweet report, thanks. Itchin' for some soft water.
  3. Was down in Niagara for the fishing show last month with another OFC'er. We came out of TGIF's to see the moon starting to set over the falls. It was spectacular. I tried to get down to the falls to get a shot, but by the time I got there it was too low to capture, so I raced back up to the room. The windows could have used a good cleaning and that really took away from the clarity of the shots, but it still made a nice photo or two. The new point and shoot does a pretty good job for a fixed lens set up.
  4. If it works for you, great. My last boat was a 16 foot deep V, and I found it small on the Lake. My new one is an 18 ft deep v with a 115 and a 20, Max rating is a 150. It sits low and I have put ballast in the bow. As you know even when you pick your days a swell can come up in a hurry, and with the free board in that picture, well. not a lot between you and the water is there?. You're a few miles out with that and a wind comes up, its gonna be white knuckles and wet ankles the whole way home, best case. I'd be putting a marine radio with an 8 foot antenna , a sea anchor, ditch bag and an electric trolling motor before I thought of a kicker. but hey, what ever floats your boat....
  5. that's not a lot of boat for two motors, especially if your main is near the max rating for the boat. I would be looking very carefully at how much weight you have on the rear, and making sure you will have decent free-board at the transom, especially if you are planing on rigging on Lake O - because when its time to net the fish, you will likely have two guys back there as well. That may well limit your options.
  6. Bulls eye Frankie! All we need is for the rules to say "If your post is about fishing, please put an F at the end of the topic."
  7. put this together before I saw your post cause I am now in full "insanity over winter mode". soft water cant get here soon enough for me.
  8. I've said it before and Ill say it again. That girl is an inspiration. Great news!
  9. sorry to hear that Bruce - best wishes and be strong.
  10. A man who understand's the ironies of life; he had a son who can't look into his father's eyes.
  11. yeah, B, I wait till the say they ice fishing is done, and I start to do my spring prep
  12. these guys have a pretty active page with regular updates. https://www.facebook.com/oldcutmarina?fref=nf
  13. Blacks releases make some pretty good set ups for stacking and getting a good distance between your two lines, without having to clip a stacker on your cable and deal with the PITA that is. Tangles are still a possibility, but any steelhead can do that to any set up on any given strike, Steer carefully and you should be good. Dipseys, leadcore,copper, planers, and SWRs off riggers or planers depending on the day, all have their place in a spread.Some days one is hot and one is not; but a wire dipsey with a flasher or spin doctor and a fly will consistently get the biggest fish for me over the course of a season. one of these : http://www.amazon.ca/Black-Marine-Downrigger-Release-Assembly/dp/B0007RKZ5G and one of these: http://www.amazon.com/BLACK-MARINE-PRODUCTS-DOWNRIGGER-RELEASES/dp/B002KNF65O the Blacks set up looks like this when combined, :
  14. you know me too well Sir. The link below the photo leads to the proud owner of that fish and the details.
  15. http://www.kboi2.com/news/local/Yellow-Perch-World-Record-Tia-Wiese-288872521.html?mobile=y
  16. You can check these out. I picked G up a lower end, 720 resolution model for xmas. Came with the waterproof housing, a couple mounts and the usual connections. used a groupon deal to get it for $50.00 It works great for his purposes, although the battery life is limited, and it only has an internal battery. I wouldn't go with the model I got G, but the 1080 resolution model looks workable. If you can get a spare battery with it, and the remote, might be worthwhile. http://www.amazon.com/Pyle-PSCHD90BK-Hi-Res-Action-Camera/dp/B00I33XD96
  17. and it only gets worse when it comes to admitting the error....http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/nafta-scrutiny-of-oilsands-tailings-ponds-opposed-by-canada-1.2896100
  18. spectacular fishing and scenery! the colours on those fish are fantastic A complete travesty, the damage and loss to the environment. Hopefully time will eventually undo what greed and willful ignorance has damaged in a few brief moments
  19. The MEA does great work. I wish it were closer, I'd be there on regular occasions. Not sure if hey are still doing the fundraising campaign they had in 2014, but if you made a minimum donation you got a wicked T-shirt. I picked up a couple, seems like they were loaded with karma,'cause first time out on the water wearing it was our best days on O all year.
  20. great shots. seeking same on Friday if the weather permits
  21. time for the annual "photo the tackle for insurance purposes day" policy is up for renewal

    1. grizzlybri


      you can put your tackle in your insurance policy?

    2. spincast
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