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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Me too - bot a new HDS7 to install, and move the 5 up to the bow, then a few more upgrades before we head out for some spring Lake O specialties - can't wait. If this weather holds, the boat will be coming home on the weekend Great day for it - did you happen to see the Launch? if so, how are the conditions? I think you're safe up your way for a bit longer MB. Just send any warm air you don't want our way - St. Catherines is good
  2. nice job Dave - you may need a pfd on Saturday if this weather keeps up
  3. http://www.netknots.com/fishing_knots/willis-knot use a sharp blade to cut both the core and the mono, edited - sorry - use the Willis for core to leader - I use the double uni http://fishwrecked.com/files/images/fishyink%20double%20uni%20knot.jpg for backing to core. some people use a very small swivel. Cut the lead out eaither way.
  4. Dave - the only fish that is going to take you that far into the backing is a king. And if you are fishing for kings, be mindful that fleas on Lake O in the heat of the summer can make a real mess of braid, unless you are using something like powerpro. I have a couple leadcore set ups with mono backing and they work fine. 15 lb might be a little light though - I am using 30 lb big game. be sure of the knot between the backing and the core as well. Are you savvy with Microsoft Excel by chance? I have a nifty spreadsheet that will calculate the maximum capacity of any reel based on what you want to fill it with I can email you. The nice thing about this is you can use it for any combination you want to set up. With this weather today, its got me thinking about checking all the reels too -A week of weather like this and I'll be looking for some Lake O opportunities.
  5. just a thought on the pex - if the pipes freeze, your options are limited for thawing. A lot of folks with the pex installs have had issues this winter.
  6. The new online Boat Smart is not.

    1. misfish


      Is not what? Boat Smart? or Online?

    2. spincast


      Smart. Each lesson takes about an hour and then you get 10 questions, most of which will do little or nothing to increase water safety. Imagine if you could get your drivers license on line. Its a joke. Another "looks good, does zilch" political campaign. And as for what the tell you to do on the ramp....!!!

  7. Stay tuned.. http://www.niagarafallslive.com/niagara_river.htm
  8. You betcha bud - My turn for host waters - got a seat with your name on it , as you don't mind the cold weather, it may be up front on the other side of the stand up if that's ok?
  9. Yes indeed!!. Queenston should be open with next weeks weather - if you don't mind pinball alley around the chunks on the way to the bar. Fingers crossed for Jordan or PD to open up soon!
  10. you wont go wrong with one. Great motors with rave reviews from the trade mags. I have a 20 for a kicker - love it.
  11. i thought he was promoting bank deposit?
  12. that would be another one of those election statistics; recent amendments deemed to be favorable to getting re-elected have had one or two "unfortunate" consequences. I suspect there will be quite a few farmer who will be less than happy to the changes to their seasonal labour pools as well .
  13. Great report Simon. I was looking at some photos today of G when he was that age thinking, wow, they grow up fast. Its a great age. Cant wait to spend some time on the water with the young man again. Hey, are you heading down to Erieau this summer?
  14. sweeet Huge tail on that first one! Hey Chad - where were ya man? Look at them lakers?
  15. Mike I seem to remember a story not so long ago about how you earned the name solo paddler. Strikes me the apple has not fallen too far from the tree? I think you resist at your risk, and engage and discuss to your benefit. Good luck.
  16. means I'm driving to work in the dark again, and driving home from martial arts in the dark only 1 night out of four, instead of four out of four.
  17. Thanks Brian - I'll let you know when that tomorrow looks like a go ... hint it will look something like..... this
  18. nice greaser. cant wait for some of those bulldogs on the end of the line
  19. Try here: http://www.amazon.ca/Coleman-Company-Inflatable-Personal-Floatation/dp/B00EVIOYWC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1425125623&sr=8-1&keywords=inflatable+pfd While I prefer to support my local tackle shop, sometimes you can't beat the deals that show up on Amazon. Put it on your watch list and you will get an email when they go on sale. I have made some pretty good scores by just being patient. for instance, just picked a pair of these up for $50.00 a piece - http://www.amazon.ca/Cannon-Pedestal-Mount-track-18-Inch/dp/B001M5TFB2/ref=sr_1_1?s=sports&ie=UTF8&qaid=1425125969&sr=1-1&keywords=Cannon+Pedestal+Mount+track%2C+18-Inch hard to beat that, especially when you consider you don't have to burn any gas getting to BPS. (make sure you're on Amazon.ca, not Amaxon.com) As for BPS - they wont be getting anymore of my money after some of the quality of their product have shown their true qualities over time. Ordering anything from the US will almost always incur all kinds of brokerage and other fees by the time it gets to you.
  20. That's a good thing you are doing for our fishery Richard, 2 thumbs up and thanks to you and your group for your continued efforts.
  21. ahhhhh, crap!. that is NOT what i was looking to read - thoughts and prayers for all of you as always Wayne.
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