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Everything posted by spincast

  1. One of my biggest worries was the sailboats. There are some really large ones in this part of the lake, and most of them white. As for hearing them I have poor hearing to start, and even if they are under power, with the little motor, all the way out the back they are pretty well completely silent, at least until it is too late. And if they are under sail - same thing. We passed a 30 footer coming in as we left the harbour. From the stern wheel house, even if the rest of the boat wasn't in the way, there is no way they would have seen us. and with the little visibility there was, while the chances were slim, had we met up, it would not have been good. 3 miles from shore, 0 visibility, 50 degree water and my son in the boat. The fish will have to wait for their picture perfect opportunity for one more week (hopefully that's all they have to wait)
  2. these guys are amazing - seen it quite a few times. If you go to the Pacific Mall on the food court level, there is a guy there that makes it look sooo incredibly easy. It aint - the texture has to be perfect - its like the old Italian pizza masters who would through the dough when they made the pizza. We had one of those guys in my neighborhood when I was a kid. Watching him make it was almost more fun than eating it, and oooooh was it good.
  3. Well, 2015 is definitely presenting me an interesting spring.I was away last weekend, so missed all the action on O as the first hot weekend of the spring came on, and between family commitments and other obligations, wasn't able to launch today till lunch hour. Not expecting the best fishing, I was hoping to find a fewer greasers hugging the mud to pass a few hours away. Driving down the QE the skies were occasionally lightening their load of high humidity with those heavy, brief rain outbursts. No biggie, me thinks. Got the gear, got the stand up and I haven't melted yet so probably wont today. We get the boat all set and are the only folks there. Mothers day? I'll take not having to watch the usual circus of in and out mayhem We head out to 50 FOW and start to set up with our game plan to head to 120 and back seeking the bulldog feeding grounds. As the first dipsey starts to click out the distance, a few whiffs of fog blow by. 15 minutes later, when we are all set and ready to relax to the gentle sound of water across the bow, we can barely see the planer board 30 foot off the port side I have heard of people being out on the water when a fog rolls in and how disorienting it is - this is the first time it has happened to me - and I have a really good sense of direction after decades of driving for a living. It was spooky - looking down at the chart plotter and its telling me I am going in a direction completely the opposite to what I thought. We trolled around hoping the fog would dissipate, but it just got thicker. And If I took my eyes off the chart-plotter or compass for more than a few minutes, when I looked back we were off course again. After a bit, we pulled in the lines and started up the main motor, and ran in at about 6 mph, trying to see anything. Watching the chart plotter and depth, I knew, finally, after the most zig zag course, ever we were right on the harbour, but couldn't see it. If you are familiar with Jordan - you know how close this is. This is when it finally became visible. It was like those movies whee the big boat comes out of the fog and it is right on top of you. The breakwall was disturbingly close. some random views as we headed back needless to say, no slime today. Then just as a final insult - we get home to partly cloudy skies, sunshine and high humidity. I am now convinced that MOTHER nature was giving me a subtle hint, even if I had explicit permission from my other half for the outing today. Dinozo slap to the back of the head. No wonder I got no hair left there. Better go start the roast on the BBQ spit.... where did I put the mother's day card......
  4. Hi John: "close" to fresh is still very different, but the packages of soft or "fresh"noodles most grocery stores sell will do for a stand in, - unless you happen to have a deli nearby that makes their own daily. Making noodles - easy - just a little messy. 2 cups flour, 2 eggs and water till it feels like playdough. Let it rest for an hour in the fridge under a damp cloth, and put them through the machine - or hand roll and cut if you don't have a machine. LOTS of flour at the rolling stage to stop them from clumping. I can throw together a batch of noodles in about 15 minutes from mixing to cooking - just add the wait. You can get inventive with them too - lemon, basil, paprika all kinds of really flavourful additions to the dough as for the roux - this one is pretty easy and close to what I do http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/chicken-tetrazzini-108730 after that you just tweak it by adding a bit here and there with whatever your taste buds desire.
  5. looks like we may be a little late to the table, but here we go anyway, at our house, we have a couple days that recognize our family structure - gotcha day, and for ever family day We recognize these in a variety of ways, but food always plays a big part, You get to pick what you want to eat - we can go out, eat in, what ever you choose. G's current fave is chicken Tetrazzini. I'm the cook in the house, and G is into learning to cook, so tonight was learn how to make your fave supper dude, we do this one from scratch start with a whole chicken, boil it for 30 mins with some onions, garlic, celery, carrots and secret seasonings. let it cool and pull the meat off the bones. Save the juices make the noodles A A few butter fried mushrooms make the roux, mix it all together and throw in the oven There are no leftovers
  6. sweet! That's a boat load of slime there - and no bugs this time! hoping to try for some of the same down here tomorrow, if the wind holds off.
  7. I run 12lbs off 3116 booms up to 120 down at 3.1 mph No worries i did run aluminum strips on the under side
  8. Oh, sure, this weekend I'm home and the weather is .......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish



    3. spincast


      Saturday = baseball, martial arts,,,,,,, 1 more competition, then its open sseason

    4. misfish


      Quick thrust kick to the chin, and your trolling before you know it. LOL

  9. sweet report and fantastic intro for the kids. Kudos to both you and Mike
  10. No wonder Nikki was sitting pretty in the front smiling! Great day, congrats, and Kudos to Pete - I think your boat got more fish than all the rest on the water combined!
  11. great stuff. I started G off with an ice rod too. He had the same results, but loved it. Next bluegill fishing off the dock. Give them a a bucket of water and he'll be busy (and smiling) for hours
  12. 'toons are towable aren't they? Promise I wont put the 115 past 1/2 throttle :
  13. that was a slow day, at least the one that came to play was a good size - a big thanks to Pete for putting us in the zone finally, if only the sun would have stayed out and that cold front could have waited another hour or so. I gotta tell ya, if we'd stayed any longer we would have been putting up the stand up to keep that NE wind off. Some sweet looking meat there - soon to be blackened and griddled up I suspect? Great to meet Pete (and thanks for the kitty food ) and Jeremy and his family. Always a good thing to meet the folks from the board.
  14. amazing how much time they can spend in a boat and still want more, You got company every outing this year
  15. love those boats, she's a beaut. Congrats!
  16. a couple weeks ago I ran a set of offshores (a friend brought his) and a set of church walleye boards (mine) in a spread. The Offshores pulled noticeably harder. This means they run further to the side of the boat per foot of line out and more parallel to the boat. great for getting to the side of the boat, but it also means your turns have to be bigger so the inside one doesn't flounder or catch bottom. Both do the job well. You cant really go wrong with either one. I do like the offshore releases.
  17. now that made laugh 'til my eyes leaked - that is soooooo why I no longer DIY motors or electrical.
  18. LO Addicts everywhere been addicted since 2010 and got there pretty much the same way too. Congrats on the new ride,a bluezoner special with lots of room for rods - sweet. Pikeslayer talk you into the sub troll too? Look forward to this years reports - now if mother nature will just start to play a little bit better- a week or two of some consistent warm temps and mild West winds
  19. That's a very common clause in homeowner policies - check the small print (on all your policies). Know before you need it, so that its there if you need it
  20. Anybody tried for cat yet this year? GRCA shows water temps at York are 12C. Looking for some alternates on windy days like today
  21. pacific marine - 375 bucks up to 30k. no layup, includes navigation equipment if listed 475 bucks - 40k 25 bucks additional gets 1000 rescue, 500 loss of use and 1000 for personal effects. includes liability and recovery if needed for environmental reason also provides coverage for the insured to these amounts if operating someone elses vessel just got my renewal today whatever route you choose be sure to look at the limitations / requirements for theft and where you park it/ how it is secured. edited - #s were slightly off -
  22. A week of warm nights, a little more rain and next weekend we should there Bill. Got my fingers crossed the winds don't make a mess of it this week.
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