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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Never went to Wiki Art, - in fact I intentionally refused to . And lowering to personal insults in response to a statement you don't agree with, as opposed to the message is well.... let's say disappointing. I have not once passed comment on you, or any of your peers who support the notion of arm the masses, I have merely challenged the position, with empirical data, that more guns result in fewer deaths from guns. I provided statistical proof documented by US scientists, or quoting US governmental agencies. If there is something in Mr Obama's statement that is factually incorrect, please, I am open to hearing it, provided it is supported by some type of empirical evidence.
  2. “So tonight, as those of us who are lucky enough to hug our kids a little closer are thinking about the families who aren’t so fortunate,” the president said in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, named for a man severely wounded by a would-be assassin’s bullet, “I’d ask the American people to think about how they can get our government to change these laws, and to save these lives and let these people grow up.” Mr. Obama said that given the frequency of mass shootings, people had “become numb to this.” “And what’s become routine, of course, is the response of those who oppose any kind of common-sense gun legislation,” Mr. Obama said. “Right now, I can imagine the press releases being cranked out. ‘We need more guns,’ they’ll argue. ‘Fewer gun-safety laws.’ ” “Does anybody really believe that?” he asked, his voice rising.
  3. found this during the Food Basics trip the other day, along with a matching habanero sauce. I'm thinking we got some good wings coming up soon - just in time for the ALCS playoff, I'm thinking
  4. I pay taxes to the US every year. Iived there from birth till 18, with some stints overseas for months at a time. I question which party is blind in you allegory. The conclusion I draw from your story is you were sworn at and threatened by an ill mannered individual. . Do you mean to imply that in the US there are no rude interactions from jerks because the chances are someone is carrying a gun? And, FWIW, People like that, aren't worth my time, I turn and walk away
  5. which combined mean that the death rate per capita from guns in the US is very close to (actually, I believe the report said it was higher than Afghanistan), the death rates in the countries that they invaded to protect the populations.
  6. really? Curious where that stat came from? This one has some interesting numbers based on the urban rural comparison... http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/firearms-death-rate-per-100000/ "Age-adjusted rates per 100,000 U.S. standard population. Rates for the United States and each state are based on populations enumerated in the 2010 census as of July 1, 2013. Rates for Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and Northern Marianas are based on the 2010 census, estimated as of July 1, 2013. Since death rates are affected by the population composition of a given area, age-adjusted death rates should be used for comparisons between areas because they control for differences in population composition. U.S. Total does not include Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Marianas, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. Causes of death attributable to firearm mortality include ICD-10 Codes W32-W34, Accidental discharge of firearm; Codes X72-X74, Intentional self-harm by firearm; X93-X95, Assault by firearm; Y22-Y24, Firearm discharge, undetermined intent; and Y35, Legal intervention involving firearm discharge. Deaths from injury by firearms exclude deaths due to explosives and other causes indirectly related to firearms. SourcesThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Vital Statistics, National Vital Statistics Report Volume 64, Number 2, Table 19, February 5, 2015." This link is kind of interesting in that it compare US death rates by gun, per capita, against the rest of the world. http://www.humanosphere.org/science/2014/03/visualizing-gun-deaths-comparing-the-u-s-to-rest-of-the-world/
  7. nah worries mate. Glad to hear the other half is on the up and up. I got a killer recipe for burritos too, once that's all nice and set up
  8. x2... let's see....without reaching too deep into the population density item.... Britain, Ireland, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, come to mind for higher density and pretty well non existent mayhem from madmen with weapons whose design has nothing to do with the intent of the 2nd amendment - which was referring to a citizen's right to protect itself from a government attempting to trample on their rights.. and.....not quite sure how the 2nd amendment got brought into a discussion on Ontario... oh wait, yes I am... Trump for president!
  9. we just got clouded out, darn it. Had a beauty clear sky till the moon came up
  10. If you can find it - a great book for this type of recipe is "Summer In a Jar. " Andrea Chesman Simple Salsa 24 cups tomatoes 2 cups white vinegar 2 onions 4 cloves garlic 1 1/ cups minced hot peppers boil vinegar and toms till soft (about 45 mins) Process. strain to remove seeds and skins return to sauce pan, add the rest, simmer till desired thickness can mix it up by adding more peppers or tobasco for more heat. I have a green tomato chow chow recipe somewhere...
  11. Paudash - you will notice I made no reference to any political party, nor the current electoral situation in Canada. The two situations I refer to I have great experience with. The first involves my father, and second the country of my children's birth, several highly educated citizens of which I have come into contact with and had discussions at great length on this very topic. Opinions without knowledge are prejudices. And, as an observation, an employee of the Government is a Civil Servant. I will resist the temptation to provide examples of how rarely we interact with one who is both civil and servile, but by definition - they serve the citizens of society, not the leaders. They owe their allegiance to the democracy, not the ruling party. They are not paid by the ruling party. They are paid by government coffers, that are replenished with tax dollars collected from all. Regardless of which political party gets in power, I hope they recognize that truth and knowledge are not a threats to our existence. Only the willful manipulation of these for personal ends is a threat.
  12. When knowledge is suppressed or manipulated by those who have a motive other than knowledge itself, it is for personal interest. Those who are in a position of power to realize their personal interest over that of the public are exhibiting behaviours that by definition are not democratic. As an example - we now recognize that smoking is a prime factor in causing cancer. It was not always so, and the efforts of the tobacco community to suppress this were endless - on the political stage, the public stage (advertising) and the equivalent of 100s of billions of dollars was spent in an attempt to hide this fact. Many self interested parties went along for the ride protecting the tobacco companies for decades. Key to the duration it took to bring this to worlds eye was money and the ability for big tobacco to use it to suppress information they did not want to be released, and to sway political opinion to assist them in this approach. Are we better knowing that our chances of dying from cancer are increased significantly if we smoke or not? Knowledge must be shared and evaluated on its own merits by scientists, politicians and the public. Then at least when actions are taken everybody is aware of entirety of the situation. To do otherwise opens a very slippery slope. Do you know that in China, most citizens are not aware that the Tienanmen square massacre occurred? Both of these are examples of suppressing the truth. Ask yourself who gained by the suppressing.
  13. nice going Nothing like the feeling of finally hooking into a fish you have been targeting for some time
  14. glad to hear it all turned out well, Best wishes on a speedy recovery
  15. the way I read that is "never exceed 220 to seat the bead. "? Inflate to 50lbs, cold and get a good gauge to check.
  16. bread was from a little bakery in London. Luistana Martins. Unbelievable stuff. Now that is a feed dood. Looks amazing. be a button buster
  17. Winds kept us off the water yesterday, so attention was turned to the kitchen - a slow simmered pork roast in onions, garlic celery carrots and water calls for a rough cut of the homemade noodle served with farmers market fresh green beans
  18. someone is gonna have to teach me the secret to the Lower Niagara.

    1. misfish


      How low can you go.

  19. sweet. amazing detail If you ever get down Cambridge way, there is a pair of nesting Balds at Blair. They fly all the way down the river and will circle our place sometimes - but way too far away for our cameras to capture decently
  20. Well, the Jays sure blew that one!

    1. misfish


      Oh well, go to bed and get up in the morning and go fishing. Works for me. HAHAHA

    2. spincast


      hmm, there's a thought. Fishin!

  21. yeah baby - sweet! . downriggers at dawn in first class
  22. welll,,,,, ya know... the thought of stretching out here,,,, one eye on the rigger, coffee cup resting on the seat next to me....of course you're the Captain so you would have to be at the helm..... I mean come on... the sylvan's nice, but this is CLASS.. but seriously - awesome set up for Sean
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