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Everything posted by mattybculp

  1. Well the weather network dropped the ball on this one, saying we were to get 5cm of snow. 15 cm later and its still coming down. That being said I got a new to me snow blower and I'm pretty excited about using it tonight !
  2. I cant believe nobody mentioned " grandma got run over by a reindeer" . Growing up as a kid that was one of my favourites. And yes I loved my grandma and I did not wish for her to get run over by a reindeer. Just remember laughing so hard when I heard it the first time.
  3. This past October I showed up to a vacant ramp at a marina on pigeon lake, Nobody else launched all day. Went out had a decent day boating a couple ski's, heading back to the launch we notice a military exercise of some sort going on with many military trucks, soldiers, and a couple boats working around using the launch and it was miserable out (cold and wet). I pride myself on being efficient at the ramp both loading and launching by myself a lot of the time. So I say to myself lots of eyes watching better make it good. Everybody is standing around watching, I back the trailer in flawless and quick, hop in the boat load it on the trailer, clip the front of the boat on the winch, hop out, pull the truck and boat outta the water and I'm like "nice job under the pressure " so I pull about 20 feet from the launch and I get out and I'm all head nods and stuff to the guys, and I start strapping down the boat emptying out my equipment and such and after probably 3 mins a guy walks up to me and says " hey you might want to shut your motor off." it was so loud that I couldn't even here my motor running from all the military equipment, definitely felt like a knob.
  4. I love the ice beard Rollof has when he gets back , I chuckled a bit for sure watching that .
  5. very cool! i enjoyed reading what i could from the picture you posted!
  6. Watched an Espn 30 for 30. Called "the Bos". About Brian bosworth it was pretty good. I watched it last night. I have pretty much seen them all, and like bill said the Bo Jackson one is good what a freak of nature, a true beast. My favorite is "broke". And to answer the OP no I'm a real man and watch the CFL. Lol........... Not. Go Pats.
  7. The nature boy ( stylin' and profilin'), hogan , and the rock.
  8. Let me know if you get in a jam Pete, I could drop it off for ya if your not in town before closing time.
  9. Great post. I enjoyed the read. I cannot wait to make my nipigon Brookie trip happen.
  10. I have to agree, although I love the store, there website is pathetic. ( at least time I was on there). Say what you will about bps website, but I think they got it figured out. They may not convert into Canadian dollars, but at least I can find what I'm looking for.
  11. Happy Birthday Lew! It was nice meeting you and Diane this past summer and thanks again for helping me out !
  12. Sorry, I cant help you out with information, but welcome to the board.
  13. It's that time of the year where I am reminded how lucky we are to live in such a great and free country. A significant reason for that is our men and women of our military services past and present. Both of my great-grandparents fought in The first Great War,my grandfather in the second, And a cousin and brother-in-law who did tours in Afghanistan. I was privileged and lucky to know all of them, although young I still remember sitting on my great grandfathers lap teaching me to read (as he was a retired principal from high park in Toronto) and Rolling cigarettes with his old-school machine. Some truly great memories. I cannot comprehend what these men went through. I have never felt prouder,more humbled and thankful then being at my local Cenotaph on remembrance day if you've never been I encourage you to do so you will never feel prouder to be a Canadian. Please take the time tomorrow/today at11 AM to reflect upon the ultimate sacrifices these men and women made for us. Lest we forget
  14. That Paul guy drives me nuts, I think its the whine in his voice, not the accent.
  15. Great Report! Really enjoyed the read this morning that one dolly is huge, and the colour on the bows are spectacular. As far as I'm concerned your living the dream !
  16. I was thinking the other day about how Diane was doing. I'm so glad to hear the procedure went well !
  17. I remember saying to the wife that my favourite boat is also hard merchandise. Sometimes you don't know if his boat will make it back to dock.
  18. Great advice craig !
  19. yeah I'm not jumping on any band wagon yet either, I will wait and see what the "reports" say. What I do think is that we as country need to be a little more vigilant. A lot of people believe it cant happen to us, until it does, and then we will take appropriate measures.
  20. What kind of a coward shoots a soldier guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier. Pathetic.
  21. apparently could be multiple gunmen
  22. 1 confirmed kill inside parliament
  23. just turned on the cbc. wonder what the hell is going on there !
  24. Great read Mike! Great way to start off my Sunday morning ! breakfast and a Borger fishing report.
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