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Everything posted by mattybculp

  1. Thanks everyone. I will try that. I will hold off until I speak to him personally, I originally wanted to do that, however I didn't want to much time to pass before the situation was addressed. It makes me feel a little better knowing that others wouldn't be comfortable entering there back yard when you really don't know the person. I truly don't even know his first name although I know I was told it a year ago I couldn't even guess as to what it is
  2. Thank you for all your replies. I DO NOT for 1 second believe this gentleman is handicapped.
  3. There is a fence in between his property and my property its only a 4ft high chain link but there is a fence. I would prefer a 6ft wood fence but with the size of the property finances wont allow it at this time .
  4. He has a license and a full time job in which he provides services to the public and I believe has a teenage child. In all the conversations I've had I do not believe in any way that he is mentally challenged, As I work in the the health field and deal with disabled people of all kinds all the time. I honestly very rarely see the mother and when trying even to say hello, she doesn't engage but maybe she is hearing impaired. Its strange you mention talking to previous owner and neighbours because I know where the gentlemen lives who I bought the house off of, and was going to drop buy and try to pick his brain about it, on my way home.
  5. Hello all, I have recently had some things pop up with my neighbour that are a little concerning and I wanted to ask the board how they would address it. I will give you some backround info My wife and I, 33, live in a rural subdivision with a corner approx. 1/2 acre lot maybe a little smaller. On one side is the road the other side of our property a fence dividing our neighbouring property. Neighbours are 45 year old son, and 75 year old mother (ages are approximate). Who are for the most part good neighbours. We have lived there a year and I have never really spoken to the mother and have engaged in friendly short banter like "howdy neighbour" etc.( we have never shared a beer or anything), he has a terrible speech impediment which really flares up when we speak, but is not there when he speaks to my wife, but I have never had a problem or concern with them as neighbours. My wife for the last little bit has been saying that she's a little uncomfortable and creeped out by him, as he approaches her in conversation. I of course say to her calm down, he's a nice guy its all in your head etc. I was away this weekend, attending meetings, and when I do I switch vehicles with my mom as we have a couple SUVs and her vehicle is easier on gas. So I get home Saturday night, tired, and looking for a good night sleep. Sunday Morning rolls around 7:45-8:00 AM I'm laying in bed with the window open cause we haven't turned the AC on yet and he walks into my backyard standing almost directly under my bedroom window, my wife is 65 feet on the other side of the property as she stays away from that side of the property letting our two pooches out . He engages her in conversation which she is clearly not wanting to participate in as she just woke 10 mins earlier, by only giving one word answers, but being kind. He mentions about vehicles coming and going out of my driveway and that mine was missing a couple days and that there was a different vehicle there curious as to who it belonged to. ( no he is not concerned that we have a lot of traffic coming and going, rarely do we have company as we do most of the travelling to visit) She basically just said have a good day and came in side. I honestly believe we are decent and respectful neighbour, as well as considerate and compassionate human beings, and always give the benefit of the doubt to the other guy. That being said we are private people who enjoy our space. We are planning on starting a family, we love the community, and plan to stay for a long while. I am concerned a little about him taking note on when vehicles come and go and makes of vehicles, as that to me that is a little strange, But what I am not ok with is him coming over and walking into my backyard. I went over to address the situation at Noon that Sunday but even though his vehicle was there, there was no answer at the door. I have begun drafting up a letter being as kind but clear as I can about what my boundaries are and what i'm comfortable with. I don't want to hurt feelings, or upset anyone, and would like to have a good distant relationship with my neighbour, I just wanted to know how any of the members have dealt with neighbors with intentions of maintaining a harmonious relationship. Perhaps he will read it on here and that will be that. I appreciate you thoughts and replies. Thanks.
  6. kind of looks like a butterfly pattern on the wings very cool indeed
  7. Thanks for all the advice folks. Really appreciate your input.
  8. Thanks Lew and Dave. Should I just take the prop off and take it to them vs trailering the boat out there ?
  9. Thanks for your replies. Shane, no as soon as it happened I was coming in just past foley island towards Indian river where it gets shallow and I noticed some floating weed and I though the same thing. Gave her a shot of reverse the result was the same so i trimmed up the motor to have a look and sadly no weeds. So if it was a spun prop does that mean replacing the prop or have it rebuilt.? And i made a mistake in my earlier post it's a 75 hp yammy.
  10. Hello all, I know there are some mechanically inclined people on this forum however I am not one of those individuals. I was heading down Indian river off of rice last night. We were puttering along nice no problems and then I would go to accelerate and the rpm's would increase however at a certain threshold it would just seem as though the prop wasn't spinning, it was ok to putter along at 3-4 mph but the moment any more throttle was given a lot of commotion would happen but no speed. It's a 2008 70 yammy. It's always run like a top other than then regular maintenance it has never had an issue. Does this sound like a spun hub to you ? Is there something I can do to check what it may be. ? What's involved to correct the issue and is it an expensive fix. ?Thanks for any input. You folks are great. Ps no eyes last right on rice only one crappie and a small tiger.
  11. Done.
  12. thanks everyone for the input !
  13. I have 3 or 4 hooks soaking in some coca cola right now I will post my results.
  14. I was just going through some of my tackle and I've come across a box loaded with high end hooks and terminal tackle that have rust on them. There not coated in rust just spots here and there. My primary concern are the hooks, I some how dropped the ball and didn't recognize that there must have been some moisture/ water left in the Plano tray. It was a wet fall fishing period for me. I did some looking around some say coke, others say vinegar,CLR,stain remover,paint thinner. Has anyone had the same problem and did you find a particular method better than others. Thanks for the help.
  15. Yeah he has some nice crappie baits in right now. Don't think they will be around too long, I'm going out after work to pick some up.
  16. Just wanted to let folks in my neck of the woods know that Frank at Bridgenorth tackle is having a 20 percent off sale on everything but electronics and boats I believe( he has it every year ). It's this Friday,Saturday ,and Sunday. He's stocked up pretty good, a little light on the Muskie tackle but overall pretty decent. I'm not trying to advertise for him, just wanted to let any kawartha guys or gals know there's a sale. I was in last week and was going to pick up some tackle and he was decent enough to tell me for the amount of stuff I was picking up to come in this weekend and save a bit of cash.
  17. I'm no where near you ! But welcome to the board.
  18. I have a BPS drift sock, although I'm not sure of the size, its not the smallest but not the largest either so I guess its the medium size one. I had it for years never even took it out, then last year I was fishing on buckhorn/pigeon and it was so windy it looked like white water rapids blowing through gannons narrows, I figured why not give it a whirl, and to be honest I was totally impressed how much it slowed the drift down. I would position the boat going with the chop throw it out the back of the boat, and just used the trolling motor to keep me on my desired track. Well worth the money and easy to use . Just a couple tips depending on where you tie it off, be conscious of your light pole and I found it best to have the motor up so the rope wouldn't rub or put pressure on my lower unit especially if I get off that straight line.
  19. I wont be happy if this screws up my spring crappie fishing. Its one of my favorite times of year. The in laws have a place on upper buckhorn just through the narrows and I can still walk 10 feet out from the shoreline and am still on bare ground and rock. I don't think this is going to be good. All my spots are virtually dry.
  20. I really like the look of that tile. Did you do it yourself ? If so it looks great, gives me some thought for when I redo our bathroom. I cant afford to have any finger mis-haps though as I'm already down to 9 1/2. I lost a battle with a wood splitter when I was young, so now I'm very conscious of where my hands are. When you cut a finger off you really start appreciating the remaining 9 and a bit lol. Great Job!
  21. I have also lived and fished in the Peterborough and Kawartha lakes area for my entire life and have been stopped twice by the MNR. It was not to check possession limits but rather to take a pleasant "survey" on the water. Before they left I offered for them to check my live well, to kind of lightly bring up the point of, if your out here doing a survey why not check or at least ask about individuals fish which they have in possession, but I was told they were only students and that they were not authorized/trained to do so.
  22. I may be wrong here, but assuming they are fishing a zone which walleye is in season during the fall, I think that keeping walleye in the slot size is perfectly legal, and is what I strive for. I play it safe and only keep walleye between 14-19 inches but if I catch one in the slot, I keep it. That being said walleye is open in my zone till November 15 and I will keep 4 of them if I can get them. But anything outside of the slot goes back.
  23. I'm not going to miss Brett Lawrie one bit. Josh Donaldson is a big upgrade !
  24. My crappie spots are a couple weeks away, but that water level better come up, as all my spots on chemong and buck are dry right now.
  25. Man, Martin looks great behind the plate ! There has always been complaints at the rogers centre/ skydome about the field, that the turf is too hard and there isn't as much " cushioning " as a grass surface. which becomes hard on a atheletes body over the course of 81 games. I think if I had to choose I think I would prefer grass, as would a lot of pros. I remember seeing multiple times a fielder diving for a ball in the outfield and watching a knee or foot get caught up in the seams. Every year they are changing/ improving the turf qualities, I wouldn't be surprised to see it move to natural turf once they can figure out how to maintain it in a dome environment. I can say this I too have played on the turf at rogers centre where I dove for a ball, in the field and all I got for that besides an out was a 12inch burn on both legs, don't remember that happening on grass, just a stain that wouldn't come out. It burned through my tear away pants.
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