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Everything posted by mattybculp
Musings and questions. Some fishing some nf.
mattybculp replied to Acountdeleted's topic in General Discussion
All that being said I can currently book for August, so you should be able to too. Best bet would be to call. -
Musings and questions. Some fishing some nf.
mattybculp replied to Acountdeleted's topic in General Discussion
When booking some provincial parks there is a time frame in terms of when your booking. Im not sure if its 3 or 4 months but with some you cannot book to far in advance. We usually like to book around july 1st and have to wait until March I believe, before we can book. Are dates available after your desired time ? If they are still restricted then I would tend to believe it has to do with waiting a little more time before you can book your dates, but call and find out when is the earliest you can book, because the people who regularly book days in the park, know when that date is and its crazy how fast they can be booked up especially at a peak time of year. If dates are available (not restricted) then I would guess there's something else to it. -
FishNAutographs : Do you use the mlb tv premium package ? The only concern I have, which I read is with regards to local black outs on games. The only games I'm interested in watching is the blue jays game. Does signing up a paying more for the premium package eliminate local blackouts? On our smart tv we have an American ip address so we can get American Netflix and we have a Canadian ip address on our ipad so we can watch Canadian Netflix as well, we just prefer the selection of the American Netflix and have it registered on our big screen. So I'm curious to ask you folks if I have an American ip address on my smart tv, do you think that would avoid local blackouts since its an American Ip address? Maybe the New York area games would be blacked out since its registering an American ip address. I'm not very tech savvy. Gerritt: Thanks for the info, I'm starting to do some research on these android boxes, do you have preferred brand name of android box? if you wish not to post that here I would be happy to communicate via PM. Im hoping if I do go the way of an android box, I can have an experienced tech install, set up, and show us how to use it properly. Is there a service, or location you could suggest on where to purchase them? or did you just buy it on line an to do it yourself ?
Hmmm that's interesting. I do have unlimited high speed internet. Living in the country it's impressive the internet quality and how cheap it is. I was blown away when I found out. But I will have to do some research on these android tvs. Thanks for the info.
Net minder I enjoy listening to the radio broadcasts too. One of my favourite things is to be out in the boat fishing with the game on low, or on the riding lawn mower with the headset on and a beer in my hand. I found the app "tune in radio" to be pretty good for streaming games where wifi is available and I live rural. I have rarely not been able to listen to the game through my phone when desired. . Raf I have also heard negative feedback from others regarding the smart tvs getting outdated and with privacy disclosure issues. I got a sweet deal on it ( door crasher on Boxing Day) it was cheaper than some of the lower resolution smaller tvs that were on sale, so I feel a little better knowing I didn't pay an astronomical amount of money for it to be smart. But in all honesty I really enjoy the smart tv, its convenient and has never let me down once.( knock on wood). I'm sure my time is coming though. Old iron maker. I knew I was going to get a response asking that, when I made that statement lol. I own a Denture clinic. There is a tv in the waiting room, operatory, and laboratory. So I usually have cp24 on in the waiting room, patients choice on in the operatory, and sportsnet or sports centre on in the lab. So in between patients when I'm doing my lab work I will watch it, but it takes a couple hours for me to get through my desired highlights since I'm in and out seeing clients. It's one of those small reasons I decided to go into business for myself, I like the freedom of going fishing when I want to go fishing, but I can't do that with out working hard while I'm in there.
I know there was a post a while back with regards to watching live sporting events with out having cable. We currently have a respectable cable package 3 boxes one of them hd. The truth of the matter is we simply don't watch cable tv. We have a large smart tv and between Netflix and YouTube combined with the fact we don't watch much tv in general, I can't really justify paying the amount I am ......... But I like watching sports I enjoy watching hockey and baseball, now sadly I'm a leafs fan and I didn't watch much this year because I wasn't going to waste my life tuning into that gong show, and truthfully I didn't miss it that much. I watch sportsnet and sports centre for the first couple hours at work and listen to the fan 590 religiously so I'm current with what's happening, and if it's a game of interest I can go to a buddies or my old mans. That all being said I thoroughly enjoy watching blue jays baseball I may watch 90 games a season and listen via radio to 20 others. So my main question is; is there a method out there to watch reliable, live blue jays baseball. There is apparently an mlb.net app on our Samsung smart tv. It's a 24.99 / month or 129.99 anually. Has anyone ever used it before, and what is your feedback? Or is there a device I can lay out a little more dough for and have for a longer term. ? Sorry to all those folks, who hate new posts that have relations to old posts, but I didn't know where to go to ask so I though I'd ask the fine board members here. Any information or feedback is appreciated. Thanks folks.
Just awesome man, I really enjoyed watching it. If someone's not hooked on hard water fishing, that video sure helps to start the addiction. Great job Bunk !
When was it we all became "guys" NF, pet peeve
mattybculp replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
But I cant stand someone using the term " Dear". That drives me nuts. Especially when its a 18 year old serving me. But then again............... I have been called worse lol. -
When was it we all became "guys" NF, pet peeve
mattybculp replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
I was always taught that calling someone Mr. or Mrs. was a sign of respect, I could never imagine being 10 or 12 and walking into my friends house and saying Hi Doug, how's Linda? It just wouldn't seem right. Now that I'm an "adult" I will address people by there first name. I deal with a good number or seniors in my business and a lot of them are veterans, so if they come in and they are a senior or vet I will begin our conversation by saying "Hello Mr. Smith, can I call you John or would you prefer Mr. Smith." Most of the time they will say "Mr. Smith was my father and John is just fine." I just look at it as an initial sign of respect, nothing more. Its the way I was raised same as please and thank you and holding the door for a stranger. What I find with young tykes that friends have, instead of them calling me by my first name only they call me uncle matt, (even though there is no blood relation) which is a lot easier on me feeling my true age and that I'm not 19 anymore. It has never done me a dis-service to address someone by Mrs, Mr, or Sir, and right after the introduction ask them how they would like to be addressed, its surprising sometimes to find out what name they would like to be called, one time an individual came in around the age of 87 and went by the name "Scoops" apparently it had something to do with ice cream from his child hood in the 30's and his whole life that's what he was known as, and as weird as it was to address a gentlemen that many years my senior I respected his request and from there on out he is just "Scoops". So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I will teach my children to address there elders as Mr, Mrs, Sir, and if that person would like to be addressed by a different name then that would be perfectly acceptable. When I went to school I called my teachers by Mr, Ms, or Mrs, not there first name, but when I went to school I feared/respected my teachers, knowing any report to my parents may result in a tanning, I don't know if that's so common anymore. -
I believe that any child regardless of skill level deserves the right to play the game in its truest form. If a parent or child does not want body contact then they should explore avenues to place them in a league that does not have body contact, that is there right . Don't ruin the game for the kids that want to play the game the way it has always been intended to be played.
I'm Just going to say this as it refers too some peoples thoughts on A AA AAA. Given this was about 15 years ago. Where I come from there are leagues with no contact " house league" and church league which has contact but also classified as "house league". A, AA, AAA were levels above those that would involve playing teams from other communities not other local clubs. To say that A is house league division and that there is no chance of those kids moving on to play junior is just false. Case and point in some communities A is there highest level of hockey due to participation numbers and size of there communities. Depending on the talent level of any given year you can run across a A team that has the talent level of a AAA team, I've seen it. When I was in my playing days we would run across a couple single A teams that were just flat out good, when we played there was a team from Cobourg that had a very good team and many of those players went on to play some sort of junior and some to the AHL. Now perhaps the year beneath them or above them were not as strong but that happens in every city at every level. I have played with guys who played A there whole minor league career and only till they were in major bantam - minor midget did they develop enough to play AAA and went on to have years played in the OHL. My birth year was so deep that in one year I believe minor bantam ( grade 10) the A,AA, and AAA teams all won all Ontario. No that's unheard of usually if the AAA team is very good the AA team may not be as strong and A even less. However perhaps in the GTA or larger communities there are more kids playing which allows the lower levels to still maintain decent teams. My belief on contact is this, if you desire for child not to participate in contact hockey, then you should consider putting them in a non-contact league, we have one here in town so I would imagine that in respectively populated city that option would be there as well. I believe there is right and wrong age to teach body contact and it never affected me negatively for the age at which I began at, I played with a lot of small guys who were very good checkers and were very difficult to hit. I always found the bigger guys were easier targets and easier to knock down then the smaller ones. Then again I wasn't wearing armour as protection either.
Just curious if it was opp or local police ?
Better late than never, a look back at my 2014 fishing season.
mattybculp replied to S.M.05's topic in General Discussion
Great report! I also must say that is a beautiful vanity, maybe sometime you could make a post outlining how you mad the concrete sink and the mould used. Some real beauts in the report. -
Great write up mike. I enjoyed the read ! keep up the great work, and don't forget about us little guys when you go big time. ( I kid of course).
was there on Saturday. it was 15% off fishing stuff
The reason why is like Bill stated above because they're gone. I have ice fished for crappie for a while now, and that is the observation I have made. I have stayed out on the ice long enough after sunset to know for me, on the particular body of water that I fish, that it is not worth it for me to stay out and fish for them. After sunset I'm not going to be chasing crappie around a lake punching holes to find them. All I know is that couple hours before sunset especially that last hour can be lights out good, but like Bill said, after a half hour after sunset they're just gone. Blue gills and perch will hang around, but I'm out there for crappie and crappie only ( as perch in my neck of the woods aren't really worth the work for a small feed, jumbos like on simcoe aren't so common in my parts). If you have a "permanent hut " what I do is keep my minnows in a big clear "plastic" pickle container I drill a bunch of small holes and attach a piece of rope to it. At the end of my night my I take "minnow bucket" big pickle container put some bread in it with my pin heads and put it down the hole. Whether you believe the minnows in a clear container keep schools of crappie or other panfish around or not who knows. I have never lost my "minnow bucket" and the mortality of my pinheads is usually less than taking them back and forth to the house with me. That being said I have the ability to check my hut out daily should I want too. I don't always use pin heads, micro tubes work for me aswell . My grandfather used to do the same thing years before I was even thought of. A friend of mine showed me an email of a guy who was giving away " crappie secrets " via emails and we had a good chuckle as the "minnow bucket" idea was on his list. I don't really believe that its that big of a "secret" and my success is more than likely from years of fishing them and having my hut on a productive spot, it just eliminates me bringing the minnows in and out on the sled or atv. Man I am pumped for the early season soft water crappie bite, it has become one of my favorite times of year, and they are delicious! good luck
We target crappie from about 11/2 hours before sunset to sunset but as soon as the sun sets we are gone and off the ice.
Lew, Merry Christmas to you and Diane ! Merry Christmas to all ofc members, may your new year be filled with loads of new PB'S !
loved it !
LOL. If I actually read the post instead of just looking at the pics, I would know you have 8.5 into it and 8.5 to go !
very nice man ! I really like the catfish ! How many hours did you have into it ?
I was going to start a topic this morning asking how much you guys/gals were paying at the pump, not to hi-jack the op, but I filled up on the reserve today for 90.7 c/L. I know its a far cry from where it should be but its saving me about 12 bucks every time I fill up, which is nice for a change. Its crazy to know how quickly it will jump back to $1.30/L
Video of a "sportsman" dragging a trophy Musky to his truck
mattybculp replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
I personally would not keep a ski over 50 inches for two reasons. #1. I have no desire to eat them. #2. I practice a live release on trophy fish of all species. (Especially all muskie). If I'm going to keep a couple fish I'm not going to choose a fish in the trophy category, I prefer a little younger and smaller. I have found for walleye that I enjoyed a walleye in that 19 inch range. I have eaten larger eyes in different zones and just noticed the mid range age fish just taste a little better. I would prefer a 2 1/2 pound bass to a 5 lbs but that's just my opinion. Although it is not the way I choose to harvest fish, and I would never do it, it is legal and at the end of the day, and can be a tough one to debate when you know you can't win, the law is the law. But I never like to see trophy muskie killed ( if your feeding your family then you do what you have to do ) but I unfortunately have seen instances where the fish was killed to be brought in for show and tell and ended up being fertilizer, I thought this day in age technology and cameras would cut down on that. But I'm a CPR guy on muskie, but I have to respect his right to keep his fish if he is doing so within the regs. -
Whats with the price of pork spare ribs
mattybculp replied to mr blizzard's topic in General Discussion
That is an absolutely ridiculous price for my area! Im not sure about NWT. I would not even think about eating ribs for that price usually back ribs are a little more pricey than side ribs, but if cooked and prepared right side ribs can be better than back ribs. That being said I haven't bought ribs in a few months, when they go on sale I load up, I food seal them and into the freezer. I usually can get 2 long racks for about 25-30 bucks at Costco. I'm not sure if there charging more because the ribs you purchase are prepared for you, if so by your own make/buy a good marinade and do it yourself. I find its always a little more expensive going to a butcher than a grocery store chain, however sometimes the best quality meats I get are from rural local farmers. -
just goes to show you how important doing your L turns and figure 8's are. Good video. I can speak from experience that it is not easy using those big nets by yourself !