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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. I have a 1985 chriscraft. It has the original bearings in the trailer with bearing buddies on it.I have never had a problem with them, and when it gets launched the hubs have to get wet to get the boat off. That puts them at 26 years old. I hauled it up from keywest florida to peterborough on the back of a 92 plymouth grand voyageur Ya that was a heck of a drive, from 30 mpg going down there to 8mpg coming home. Now my baby sits in dry dock until i can get a new motor for her. Anyone got a spare 200-250hp O/B
  2. "don't do it in a fish hut, because when you do get it to light the hut will lift off the ground..at that point knuckle hair and eyebrows will be optional ..." inquiring minds what to know. you know this how Terry????
  3. Like Terry said, piece of cake ! Here's a tip to make it easier, when you pull the old lines out of the boat tie a piece of string onto the ends before you pull the lines out. When you run the new lines in tie the string onto it, then just pull the string and the new lines will follow the path back to the finder. Saves on pulling panels off and reaching up under and around .
  4. Hogs Gone Wild? Do they get a free T shirt if they flash their stuff?
  5. Thats just like the hype for , "The Flying Lure" "Banjo Minnow" and "The Helicopter Lure"!
  6. We are sad to hear this Cliff. Remember the good times and keep your chin up. He was the best friend you had and You and Sue were the best friend he had !!!! He was blessed to be with you guy's and he gave it right back.
  7. Terry, why not take the sled out? Get to the edge of the shore where the water is and hit the throttle, jet ski across then up on the ice ya go!
  8. I have been using bearing buddies for 26 years and have never had a problem !
  9. Excellent report Dan !!!!!!!
  10. Doug , you are going to be a busy man this summer. Lakair g2g in june then horwood in july.
  11. 1st off, why would they steal a pet from anyone? KIJIJI has lots of free pets listed, cats,dogs,birds, what ever.
  12. You mean these little guys. pictures were taken last spring.
  13. Damn. Daniel and I were really looking forward to it.. Oh well crap happens. I guess we wouldnt want to run behind a factory and grab a few skids to throw down on the 4 feet of open water????? Just an idea.
  14. 6.5" alone, stands by its self. 6.5" MORE makes a Huge difference, both horizontally and vertically !!
  15. I would guess that your gps locations would be out by about 6.5" Of course that would only effect your way points.
  16. Boat is stored in my garage. Can get cold but I do have an insulated door. I am going to have to look at more closely tonight but I think it was like a tan color.
  17. Did you check the lower end gear lube screws that hold the gear lube in? Then take them out and drain the gear lube out to see if there is water in the lower end.
  18. I think Oldphart should have made this a POLL.
  19. I have posted that a lot and listen to it often. Its the married mans national anthem ! For those who are getting married you better listen to this song before you take "The Plunge". Sooner or later you will realize that when you said "Till Death Do Us Part" you were setting a goal for yourself!!!!!!!
  20. Uncle John, stop being like that!!
  21. how many of you guys clicked on "OMG! Bikini Carwash" you know ya did !!!
  22. This is a funny thread. Im going to DOG Ear this page.
  23. BAD Idea!!!! If the main motor quits on you, you will kill the battery trying to get it started again. Then what good will an electric motor do you? Your 9.9 only needs gas to make it go, and will get you back to shore a lot quicker then an electric. Like everyone has said, stay with the 9.9 honda.
  24. I solved that problem real easy, i bought an adjustable draw bar at walmart.
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