On the status, i posted that i had a fun day (not a great day)
and I went 10 for 11.
Didn't say it was rainbows.
The day started out with meeting chefboi17 & caster.
They brought a friend with them, it was his first time float fishing.
After about an hour of them catching only suckers , they decided to move up stream.
I stayed at the same hole, in hopes to catch something.
Chefboi17 gave me a jar with about 6 roe in it.
I tried the pink worm, nothing.
I tied on a fly, nothing.
Switched over to the roe,and first cast i had a small rainbow.
It was small but it was a bow.
A couple minutes later bam, line peels out.
Good fight going on and i was pumped.
Got it about 7 feet from shore and it surfaced,with the unmistakable brown color on its belly.
Yup, it's a sucker, but it IS a fish and it did put up a fight so that's good with me.
The next couple hours did not disappoint.
With every hit i was hoping for a nice rainbow.
But every hit was a sucker.
I did get 1 bow on but lost it near the shore.
To sum it up,
I was out fishing,
met up with 2 other guy's from the board,
had a ton of fun catching fish,
and brought home 3 suckers to entice someone here to take me out for some of those huge cats down in Dunville.