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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. Awesome report Bernie! The air boat ride , then the fox. I bet you didnt know you had a new neighbor that was a real foxie lady. I think she will be around your place for a long time. At least the left overs wont go to waste.
  2. The inside of the boat is going to be black? Thats going to get real hot in the summer.
  3. And here i thought a decade was 10 years!!!!!!! Terry , you were home schooled weren't you?
  4. In answer to your question mercman, NO I am sure that there are people out there that eat them, but not me.LOL But then again, i guess you could say yes cause a lot of people throw them in the garden soil for fertilizer.
  5. I forgot to put up Yonge_one's "Gun Shot" I have more pics from yesterday, and even some "fun shots" but i dont think Everyone will get the humour in them SBB......
  6. LOL I guess you were not thinking to hard ADB !!!!
  7. Went out today with a friend hunting down the rainbows. Yonge_one(Will) caught 6 rainbows I caught 3 rainbows and lost 2 monsters And between the 2 of us we must have caught 25 suckers, even had a double header going with the suckers.
  8. You need to look at the plate on the boat for the maximum HP rating. If you over power it your insurance company will not cover it. A half decent motor will cost you $6,000-$10,000. I think for that kind of money you can get a complete package, without the head aches of getting a motor and getting it mounted.
  9. On the status, i posted that i had a fun day (not a great day) and I went 10 for 11. Didn't say it was rainbows. The day started out with meeting chefboi17 & caster. They brought a friend with them, it was his first time float fishing. After about an hour of them catching only suckers , they decided to move up stream. I stayed at the same hole, in hopes to catch something. Chefboi17 gave me a jar with about 6 roe in it. I tried the pink worm, nothing. I tied on a fly, nothing. Switched over to the roe,and first cast i had a small rainbow. It was small but it was a bow. A couple minutes later bam, line peels out. Good fight going on and i was pumped. Got it about 7 feet from shore and it surfaced,with the unmistakable brown color on its belly. Yup, it's a sucker, but it IS a fish and it did put up a fight so that's good with me. The next couple hours did not disappoint. With every hit i was hoping for a nice rainbow. But every hit was a sucker. I did get 1 bow on but lost it near the shore. To sum it up, I was out fishing, met up with 2 other guy's from the board, had a ton of fun catching fish, and brought home 3 suckers to entice someone here to take me out for some of those huge cats down in Dunville.
  10. Call the seller and ask what the rating is on the trailer and what the boat weighs complete. Is it the original trailer that the dealer sold it on?
  11. Impact driver is what it is called Lew.
  12. Sorry to hear about your BAD day Simon. Sure hope things pick up for you!
  13. When is the dock going in Cliff???? Let me know.
  14. Happy Belated Birthday Carol!!!!!!!
  15. If you think it is out, just test it. There is a thousand way to do it. 5LB bag of sugar,10LB potatoes,40LB bag of dog foodect. Or a 2 foot piece of heavy fishing line with a loop on each end, go into walmart, find the weight lifting dept and start weighing all the different weights!
  16. Musky Lure???? Great idea Saltydawg! Why dont you go grab that strip off the old lady and hand tie some new musky lures and let us know how they work....
  17. Oh are you going to take a beating for lying that reel in the sand...LOL Nice going with the new reel and first fish. You were casting across the river on your first day? Can you teach GBW how to do that?
  18. I had a 94 mazda precedia mx3 As for interior room, there is lots of room and head room, I'm 6' 240LB and i could fit in it comfortably. Mind you it was so low to the ground that getting out of it was fun sometimes.LOL Fuel economy was great. Repair costs are more then domestic repairs, but if you take care of it , it will last. As for the 07 G5 i don't know. Best bet is to see if anyone has one , that you can at least sit in. Even at a shopping mall, people are usually nice if you tell them why you want to look at it.
  19. If you are going to let a bad knee stop you from fishing then you might as well get a rocking chair and put it on the porch.
  20. Whahoo, he got the pictures working.... Now there is no excuse for not posting lots of reports WITH pictures!!!
  21. Fulton is $10 cheaper then they are in the states!!!!!
  22. I know on the older models of mercs, that they have to be IN foward gear to get the lower end off. That is something you need to check before you go any further.
  23. Interesting...... http://www.ontariooutofdoors.com/fishing/flyfish/?ID=278&a=read
  24. Its NOT on here in toronto!!!!!!! Tv listing for the History channel is "Life After People"
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