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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. Think about it for a minute bigugli..... IF you could do that, you would be a movie star!!!!!
  2. Large coffee $1.45+5% tx(0.0725) = $1.5225 2 Large coffee's $2.90+5%tx(0.145)=$3.045 BAAAAHHH Ram you !!
  3. Well since you brought it up. Those orange boating safety kits, the ones that are $24.99 at bass pro. Are$9 at walmart and $11 at ctc. I told the manager that 3 years ago and to this day they still have not lowered the price....
  4. LOL---NO But it is true.
  5. ----- Original Message ----- Subject: FW: Overpricing at Tim Horton's Interesting! All you coffee lovers, here's a bit of news for you to check out and pass along to others Does this happen at ALL locations?.....I wonder... Let's see how many of us are actually being charged 23.5% tax without even noticing! To whom it may concern: I would like to bring attention to the fact that I'm constantly being overcharged at almost all Tim Horton's locations, no matter what I purchase on the menu. It seems that either the tax rate is being set way too high or the cashiers are always pressing the wrong buttons on the cash register. Take my purchase today in Stoney Creek for example: I purchased a breakfast wrap combo priced at $3.89. I didn't do any substitutions at all, I simply ordered the combo with a medium sized coffee as pictured on the sign. The cashier took my order and stated that my total came to $4.80. This didn't make much sense to me, so I did a quick calculation and noticed that I was charged 23.5% tax! I brought this to the cashier's attention and she agreed that I was charged way too much and refunded me the different in change (since I had already paid with debit). It's also important to note that at this point, the cashier explained to me that this seems to happen quite often, where the total price does not match the listed price of the item plus HST. A second example of this happening to me: I went to Tim Horton's in Oakville last week (head office to be specific) and bought a single cookie priced at $0.89. My total came to $1.10. $0.21 tax for an $0.89 order. This is again consistent with the 23.5% tax amount given in the example above. This time I actually did pay the extra amount though, because I was in a hurry and left without thinking about what the total price should have been. I know for certain that this has happened in the past as well, as I quite often visit Tim Horton's for lunch and many times the total seems to be quite a bit higher than it should, but I have always let it slide because I'm either in a hurry or don't want to argue with the cashier. From now on though, I'm going to be more vigilant about checking my total and making sure that I'm not charged 23.5% tax. I will also be forwarding this email on to many of my friends, as I'm sure they are also being burned by this without knowing. I would highly recommend you have someone look into this as soon as possible, because as much as I love Tim Horton's, I'd have no problem taking my business elsewhere if I have to go through the annoying processing of re-calculating my total each and every time and arguing with every cashier out there.
  6. This location is NOT in mississauga. It is in scarborough at bellamy rd. HOOKED & TACKLED FISHING SUPPLIES - 2956 Eglinton Av. E. #1, M1J 2E7,
  7. Whats the famous last words you will hear when you get there Geoff???? Im sorry, we just sold the last one!
  8. Saltydawg: Any fish you catch legally can be entered into the tourny. Make sure you have the OFC sign in the picture with it.
  9. Happy Birthday Beans!!!
  10. Mercman was home schooled !!
  11. Pikeslayer, does this mean you are coming this year??? Great im looking forward to you,mercman and GBW being there this year
  12. Mercman, after all the salt you have been rubbing into my wounds the last 2 days, I have cut the roof off the tent you and Barb will be in.
  13. Crane. Or just let the customer do it.
  14. As Roy said. My anniversary is that weekend,so i know it has been that weekend for a long time. Normally a guy wouldn't be allowed to go away fishing on his anniversary, so i was smart about it. I bring my wife with me Killing 2 birds with one stone LOL. Mercman, you doubted me as to when it is? Ha, like i would be wrong.
  15. Your link is a no go. ok , now its working on here.
  16. That is my beloved king Shepard!
  17. IT'S SWAMP PEOPLE TIME !!!!!!! I dont care if they are re-runs.
  18. Happy Birthday Wayne !!! In metric you are only 22.3 years old .
  19. 4 stroke???????????? Hang on, I'm drooling on the keyboard.
  20. LOL, ya think? It was just a little over on the towing capacity. You are absolutly right Wayne, that thing cuts threw the biggest of waves and keeps on going. It came with 150 merc, but it is rated for a 250 hp. I would like a 200-250 on it, any brand is good. The lowest i would go is a 150 but would prefer bigger.
  21. My son plays them all, including black ops. But dont ask me anything about them, i only pay for them.
  22. Which way do I go, which way do i go.... Poor bugger was so confused... Glad they got him out , both times..LOL
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