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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. There is different rates on duties on each item. If it is all on 1 bill of sale then you pay the highest dutie rate for the entire bill of sale. Also take 2 other people with you when you pick up the boat. Each person is allowed a dutie free allowance. When i brought my boat up from florida it was $300.oo per person. The boat was sold to me, the trailer was sold to my wife, and the motor was sold to my daughter. That was $900.oo that I didnt have to pay dutie and taxes on !!!
  2. YA BABY!!!!
  3. Absolutely wrong !!!!!!! Costco refills all propane tanks!!!! Here in the gta it is $14.11 including tax for a 20 LB.
  4. The wife goes away and Geoff comes out to play. First you did something to the dog that has made him barf & squirt all week. Now you have gone and broke her tv. What else have you done, that we dont know about? Whats next? If you forget to pick her up at the airport, oh boy, i would love to be a fly on the wall that day!!!!!!! YOU ARE SOOOOO DEAD WHEN SHE GETS HOME !!!!!! Been nice fishing and knowing you Geoff. Any last requests!!!!!
  5. Hey, I didnt lose my float yesterday like someone else did.... I chased it down river and got it back EVERY time!!! Thank god for the chest waders!
  6. Thanks for all the replies and advice guy's. Now hopefully i can get some fish pics to post.
  7. Around 8 pm, Roy!!
  8. Harrison i sent you a pm but this is what i got. "The member cannot receive any new messages" Maybe your in box is full? I'm getting ready right now to head out to oshawa creek.
  9. I wonder how much MEAT GLUE they use???????
  10. 2 for 1 ??? Doesnt matter to misfish and me , cause you are the one paying for it.
  11. Thanks for the help Chris . Roy , the door is always open for you. SRT8, my pants had water spots all the way down on the legs and the front looked like i pee'd myself. Sweat, good possibility since i was really warm all day in them. I hope so....LOL
  12. Here's the scoop. Im starting to like this float fishing so i stopped today and picked up a few things, Raven specialist hooks size 12 Blackbird swivels Phantom fluorocarbon leader line 5.6LB What i need to know is how long of a leader do you guy's normally use, and what would be the best knot ? 2nd- Are neoprene waders suppose to be 100% water proof???? Cause mine are not, and no i didnt piss myself.
  13. No Paul you wont need a compass as long as you have that GPS, cause everybody knows that a gps can never die or quit working.
  14. What about a 12V power outlet? A good compass?
  15. 1st off, celery is 90% water, the cheese melted and covered the celery, now the water from the celery boiled inside the cheese creating a balloon effect and the steam popped out of the cheese. Thus sending your entire lunch on a new mission. The tuna was just along for the ride...... 20 seconds would have been a lot better outcome !!!!!!
  16. Hey Bernie, do they come in a tiller version??
  17. Too sensitive???? I love my ultra and micro lites. Combined with a 2-6 LB braid. If a fish even licks the bait you can feel it. If a walleye hits , it's pure fun ! Just make sure you have the drag set properly.
  18. I bet he didnt know that when he said "till death do you part" he was setting a goal for himself !
  19. 416 lets go OFC.....
  20. Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no its Super Roy!! Able to leap tall buildings in a squirt.
  21. I had the same problem with the wife's van on Friday. When i took the plastic cap off the top of the motor there is a torx head screw there, holding the linkage down to the top of the motor. I went to undo that screw and found it slightly loose, like a 1/4 turn loose. Tightened it up and the wipers worked, but the linkage on the top of the motor had moved so i just had to re align it.
  22. Why do i have this image in my head of Roy flying around 50' off the ground on the handle screeming, SHUT IT OFFFFFFFFFFF !!!!!!!! Just remember Roy, you have to hang on for 8 seconds to get any points...
  23. Is it a private sale or from a dealer? If its from a dealer then they should have no problem with a warranty.
  24. Every thing Art said plus, It's a big difference between 1750 and 2900, so make sure you HANG on to the wand with BOTH HANDS. Start out further away from what ever you are washing and then get closer. 2900 can rip paint off if your not careful. The difference is like night and day. I started out with an electric. Now i have 2 electrics and a Big gas model. I love the gas model best!!!!!
  25. To drive down to st.catherines for a muskie show? You would have to be a MUSKIOT !!!!!
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