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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Holy smokes! lol.. It was a race track fuel storage building..
  2. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=f9132a37d604" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. I'm willing to bet that it becomes a full contact sport there eventually..I myself would end up with the police hauling me away because I was choking some guy...lol No way I would ever fish like that..How do they keep from tangling up their lines? Edited to satisfy the grammar police...
  4. Congrats! When I read the title I thought it was either a baby or a puppy..All the better this way!
  5. I have a good friend thats moving to Strathdee lake..Whats the fishing like there? Looks like he will be moving nov 1st.. Does anyone fish there? were looking forward to wetting lines!
  6. Actually this is no laughing matter..What they don't report is its going to be same with all food, not just bacon. Take Beef for example..A very good friend of mine is a beef farmer. He has completely sold his livestock due to a feed shortage! He grew his own hey for many years now. The Army worms took the first cut of hey and the drought took the second cut. Its not just him..Hey went from on average 2 to 3 dollars a bale to upwards of 9 dollars a bale this fall. Some farmers are now trucking large round bales from Quebec for upwards of 90 bucks each! Do yourselves a huge favour and get a freezer full of meat..This time next year, it may not be so cheap..
  7. I dont salmon fish all that ofetn..How would "they" snag those fish? Thats crazy. Thats not fishing..
  8. Well with Tyler Seguin heading to sigh with a swiss team the players union is already showing a divide..It wont be long untill the players accept the owners offer..I hope....If more of OUR young stars head overseas the union will crumble eventually..Thats my opinion anyway. Today was opening day of preseason..Media day..THIS SUCKS.
  9. i have been living off the same ol happiness for years now...lol
  10. Lol I was thinking the same thing..Here is my sons E harmony spoof..Will this one do? lol <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UXdNZLMQEv4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. lol funny stuff..But ya best looking boots yet im afraid..lol
  12. Niced work Ron! Now thats somthing id like once, never 4 times in one weekend..
  13. Do you mean Healy falls? If so thats exactally where my dock is..Last dock before you hit the flats at the base of the falls...Lets go fishin somtime..Beers afterwords of course...
  14. Cool thanks Rick. Ill keep ya posted..Somtimes I wonder if its worh having anything nice anymore..Seems some jerk will always come along and ruin it for me..Sooo upsetting.
  15. im close and can look after you..PM sent.
  16. Funny this thread comes up..Today I was driving down a 2 lane road (in each direction)here in Brantford in the outside lane when a woman in a toyota grey comes flying up the inside lane to pass me on the right..There was a car parked ahead so she decides she has to get in front of me, so she just puts her drivers mirror and door into the front fender of my ram 1500..Then proceeded to scrape her mirror down the side of my moving truck.. I am fine but Heart Broken.. That truck is my pride n joy..its a 2008 and in MINT shape.Less then 100 thou k. Anyway long story short the police refused to do a report cause it was in town and I had to go to a collision reporting centre. I still have no idea if this moron was at fault. Im sure she is but who knows..Now its up to our insurance companies to sort it out. If I had a dash cam to show exactally what she did would that be evidence enough to have her charged and make her insurance company pay for my repairs? This woman should have been charged with careless driving as this happened right in frnt of a busy high school. So upset, i know its just a truck but I bought her brand new and kept it that way all these years. This twit comes along and wrecks it in seconds then talks to me like how dare I get in her way...End rant but I did ask a question in there too....lol
  17. if your going to grind n stuff 2 deer and some pork by hand,to make sausages, you best book a month off of work..lol Your going to need a good industrial grinder and a decent sausage stuffer.
  18. Nice work! She has a gift, thats for sure!
  19. Canadian teams make up over a 3rd of the NHL revenue and pay most to porffit sharing to teams that are falling apart...Betman whats going on here? Imagine how much better the league would do with 2 more Canadian teams?! Man, you gotta wonder whats wrong with that guy...
  20. I too think the players union is useless in this sport..We should do what the NFL did years ago.. Lock out the players hire replacement players and the locked out players will turn their backs on the union and cross the picket line eventually..Anyway no matter what side your on here this video will make you remember were all just hockey fans...Enjoy! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EWQs3O_IDas" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  21. Ron Mclean from CBC says no way there is a lockout..From what I read it makes sense.. All but 3 teams were in the black the last 3 years..Before the old lockout the owners were loosing money. It doesnt add up for the owners to lock the players out now..They will be just throwing away good cash..Im willing to bet this is all done and over with before the preseason kicks in..here's the link http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/story/2012/09/04/spf-nhl-nhlpa-cba-ron-maclean.html
  22. Tell that to the 700 hundred thousand or so fans that want one of the 100 hundred thousand tickets avaiable..Now try that at a Bills game...lol
  23. lol awesome! I know some 30 year old men that still havent caught one....
  24. Welcome Brad, if you ever want to do some fishing on the Grand river here in Brantford let me know!
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