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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. lol by the sound of it , it wasnt the beer it was those wild "mushrooms" you were eating off on the shoe line...lol
  2. Awesome Report Mike..Im now speechless..Thanks for that..
  3. In my opimion its ok to fish without one. After having said that I use my eletric all the time..Somtimes I forget the battery at home and dont bother using the eletric and I have just as much fun..
  4. Imagine if these Asses would put fourth the same effort to earn an honest living..The world would be so much better off...What ever hapened to earning an honest living anyway?........
  5. why cant you show it Simon? Would love to see it...not like you were fishing for it...
  6. They dont want you to return it, thats correct..However I belive the laws in Canada give you a month to do so..I would waste no time id attempt to return it if it were me..MinnKota service is brutal..
  7. Funny who hasnt had one of those lawn chairs wipe them out atleast once...lol
  8. Where did you buy it? I had the same problem..If you bought it from canadian tire take it back..I managed to get them to take it back on a swap for a new one. 2 things...Check the foot pedal..Somtimes the roller ball that controls the speed advances beyond the control switch inside..Also do you know anyone nearby tthat has the same unit? if so swap out the pedal..If it works then you know its the pedal. If not you wore the motor out in the weeds. What ever you do dont tell Minn-Kota you got her tangled up in the weeds..Good luck..I know I was very frustraded with minn kota service so I just returned mine to the store..Without the recipt..Gool ol Canadian Tire
  9. Go to the bait shop in Havelock.. They sell them for 10 bux a hundred..Great deal..
  10. Hey as a Leaf fan I say go Devils go...I have a tad bit of trivia for ya all..Who was the last man from Brantford Ontario to get the game winning goal, to hoist his team into the Stanley Cup fianls? Thats Easy Adam Henrique, thats who! Way to go kid! As for Brodeur, id love to see the man hoist lord Stanleys mug once more..I say down with the kings.....
  11. Considering the Marlies are in the calder cup finals is it safe to say the Leafs do indeed have lots to look forward too? Its too bad Doc Sal left us..Hey Musky Matt what are your thoughts now? Im a proud and happy Leaf fan today! Go Marlies Go!!!
  12. Thats a good possibility I hadnt thought of..
  13. Watch the guy jump up and yank the cable into the prop of the chopper..The rest is, well watch and see for yourself...Suprisingly no one gets hurt or killed... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SZWDY2vIjNA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  14. Lol awesome..Wheres the video camera when ya need it eh!
  15. http://www.torontosun.com/2012/05/23/alligator-found-in-brampton-backyard Must have been somones pet?
  16. I love my 55# minnkota PD..The only thing I didnt like was the steering uses battery power where a cable steer doesnt..Take from that what you will.
  17. Here is somthing I read and thought it was worth sharing.. Not to sure how or if it works..It did however get me thinking, what does everyone here do for tick removal? Spring is here and the ticks will soon be showing their heads. Here is a good way to get them off you, your children, or your pets. Give it a try. A School Nurse has written the info below--good enough to share--and it really works! "I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes is the best way to remove a tick. This is great because it works in those places where it's sometimes difficult to get to with tweezers: between toes, in the middle of a head full of dark hair, etc." "Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20); the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away. This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me.." Also, if you just pull a tick off, their heads sometimes break off and are left under the skin so this is much safer. Be aware also that a tick with a white speck on its back is a Deer Tick, these can cause Tick Fever so check yourself and your family good if you see any of these! "Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging in any way. Please pass on. Everyone needs this helpful hint.
  18. Thats not the case in my house..I think its more of an age thing..As the dogs get older they scare easier. My husky is only 3 but the jack is 7 and scared silly..She never used to be.
  19. Same here..The Jack Russell is scared half to death but the Husky notices the big ones but could care less otherwise
  20. I actually made some of my own on the weekend.. Put a pound of bacon on the smoker while smoking a rabbit. I actualy used it to wrap the rabbit so it wouldnt dry out while smoking..The bacon was amazing! Was just like jerky
  21. She is hott..Gotta love a woman that can do that! the old boys on Duck Dynasty would love her as I do!!!
  22. I agree it was a shame it had to be shot.BUT.....I wonder who gets the meat? I heard on CHCH news it was a 250 lb bear.
  23. How was it getting it across the border? I know you said it was a breeze but did you have to have any special paper work?
  24. this is Great as ill be fishing 2 locks below lake seymore!!!
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