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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Wow after reading this thread I have come to realize that some knives are not allowed-illegal? Please advise as to this law? I have a fixed blade knife that i use as a bush crafting knife. it has a 9.5 inch blade quarter inch thick..am I going to be arrested for carrying it? Where can i find out about this? Yikes!
  2. Thanks Roy, that sounds amazing..next sundays dinner perhaps...
  3. Ok Jacques..Can you make it here in under 4 hours? I just seared the "beast" in butter and put it in the oven @215.. I also saved the other ideas for next time..Mike do you actually cook the roast in the open the whole time or do you cover it eventually? I think id be more inclined to try that method with a beef roast..sounds good..Thanks again guys.. Roy id also love to see what ya have for recipies and ideas
  4. Roy its only a 3 pounder tops..Thanks to all for the tips! Ill post wich one I go with and that includes a dinner invite..lol
  5. tb4me


    I totally understand where your coming from Art..I also respect your opinion. I do however think that, yes he could have went in that school with a knife or a bic pen for that matter, but it was the weapons ability that enabled him do as much damage as possible in a short period of time. If he had a shotgun or a single shot rifle the casualty numbers would have been way down In the news today, they are reporting the shooter was at the school the day before and had a fight with 4 teachers.. He returned to kill those 4.. He got 3 of them the 4th was off sick..Not that it matters but this explains the "why"
  6. I was thinking croc pot..She works till 630 so i was hoping for a 7pm dinner time
  7. So I have this nice venison rump roast I want to do in the slow cooker. Anybody want to lend a fella a hand? The wife usually looks after this sort of thing..If its not done on the bbq i generally dont do it..lol. Mama is at work I want to suprise her with a nice dinner..Anybody....lol HELP!
  8. Nice post! Thanks for the reminder..
  9. tb4me


    No offence Rich but were humans, we talk to cope with what just happened. Communication is key to dealing with this no matter how effected one may have been.. Anyone with kids has had one heck of a hard time coping with all of this. Monday take the time to hug or thank your childrens teachers for a amazing job well done. Interestingly enough our daughter just had a lock down drill this week, it went down exactally as the teachers described ..
  10. tb4me


    The man in question (I wont say his name) was high functioning Autism. He was also an honour student, However he also had a personality disorder.. Lets not confuse Autism into being involved in this. This is directly from the shooters brother. Its time for Americans to reconsider the gun laws..I can almost guarantee you that if he were carrying rifles or shot guns he would have never made it in the school, and if he had he most certainly wouldn't have been able to fire over 100 rounds in as short of a time he did. I understand the guns were legally owned by the the shooters mother but I seriously doubt they were locked up in a box with trigger locks on them. I just don't understand why hand guns are needed unless you in law enforcement or military..There is just no need for them at all. So many things could have been done to prevent this, lets just hope we learn from this and move forward.. Did anyone hear about Mary Ann Jacob, the library clerk at Sandy Hook?.She Protected many children...saved their lives. God bless her.
  11. tb4me


    Im with you here Rick..Had to explain whats going to my 11 year old daughter...That wasnt fun....
  12. tb4me


    im shocked..The shooters mom was the kindergarden teacher of the class he went into..Then a NRA rep had the nerve to tweet this nonsence @NRA_Spokesman: thoughts and prayers go out to the gun owners whose rights may be threatened because of today's shooting. Im sure gun control is going to rear its ugly head now.....
  13. ha ha ha awesome! Thanks for the story! Ya i bet that would indeed feel awesome!
  14. Hey im only 38 and he is in way better shape then me.. The Keith Mon tribute was nice to see too. Townsend had a nice parting shot for everyone.. Made me laugh.. Mccartney with nirvana was horrible..Thank god they only did one song.
  15. Im not the type to venture out on new ice..Ill let the others do the exploring...I much perfer the beaten path...
  16. Enjoy.. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-xFaJUZRkQM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. I agree 100% with this statement. You would be surprised on how many of those pros would break the ranks of the union to play almost right away let alone within one season..I'm sick of the employees dictating how much the business owners put in their pockets..Thats not how it works anymore...Not in the real world..Just ask the Teachers.....
  18. http://bing.search.sympatico.ca/?q=monkey%20found%20in%20ikea&mkt=en-ca&setLang=en-CA This comment made me laugh out loud...lol awesome stevebass_98 • 1 minute 38 seconds ago Even the monkeys have nothing to do during the NHL lockout. They've decided to make miniature coats and waste time with DIY furniture.
  19. Nice fish! Way to go and thanks for sharing your day! Oh and Happy bday to ma too
  20. I agree with most above..Except the AHL the Marlies are exellent to watch..I also belive that this will settle this week. The owners and players are going to have to agree eventually..why toss the season aside.. In my opinion as we stand right now, the players hold all the cards, if this season is cancelled the owners have all the power..I also think that if the NHL cancelles this season they should fold up shop and start a new league without a greedy union..
  21. Bob McKenzie‏@TSNBobMcKenzie As fan protests go during the lockout, this one is exceptionally well done. These guys from the L.A. area are angry. http://vimeo.com/55149830
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