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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Ya im with you..Im not using them at all..I have 3 in a box and a 4th smaller chrome one..They have little propellers on the top that spins..Very neat stuff.. Besides I don't do all that much bass fishing..I like fish i can eat...Walleye crappie trout perch whitefish..Tried Bass once, didn't care all that much for them
  2. Thanks guys! I didnt think they were worth to much..If they were I was going to give some cash to my friend. Its funny I read the instructions that is in the box and its a top water bait that your supposed to use a piece of pork rind or frog chunk with..So back to using frogs as bait lol..Seriously thou who would cut a chunk off of a frog...lol ill try to post a pic of the instructions..Its a good read..
  3. A friend was cleanng out his shop and offered me these lures..I have never heard of them before..Thought I might as well post pics here to see if anyone knows what they are and what they may be worth..If anything at all..who knows? Have a gander and let me know if you have seen these before.. Thanks folks!
  4. Lol awesome..Not even a member for a full year and your on it..funny stuff..Oh the stories of bass boats and Muskies..
  5. Hey there Ryan and Dan ..Im not to sure I can make it again this year..Where can I get a pledge form so I can collect some donations from folks I know.. The least I can do to help this great cause!
  6. Nice Ski! I may be doing some ski fihing this fall at a friends cottage..Looking forward to it big time!
  7. Nice fishin Rick! You guys sure had a great day out there!!
  8. Way to go Christopher..Once you get the pike dialed in they only get bigger! What tourneyment are you going in
  9. This guy really is chasing beaver....lol <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sekLEG8xsOs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. Rob she is a great supporter of this fine country already eh!..lol See Skipper its not about the lousy goverment here, its all about that pic Rob posted..
  11. The river fishing in Brantford is nothing short of fantastic! You just have to be willing to explore a little..Look for back eddies and deep holes..You find spots like that you find success.
  12. Happy Canada Day folks! Dont drink to much.. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FBI68Il4Zsc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Good on him for standing up to the greedy government. I'm all for this NOT happening. When will the rape and pillaging of our planet ever end?
  14. Imagine being the family that rented that place..Thats horrible and oh so ignorant..Id be pissed if it were my family on that DVR..
  15. Yes ill second that..Even when your not fishing for them....
  16. you hit the nail right on the head..Louongo should be moveable in a heartbeat, however with his contract they cant give him away..The problem for Vancouver is they want to resign Cory Schnider..He is looking to make 4.5 mill himself. What team has 10 mill set aside for their goalies alone? One of them will have to move. Somthin tells me it wont be LOU Go get Thomas for 2 to 4 years Burkie..I could personally care less if he is a freak..Great mentor for Reims
  17. I walleye fish there at night when I have company up to the trailer that wants to night fish..Never been skunked..Also that Pioneer gas station is always 10 cents cheaper a litre then it here in town..So I always fill up there on my way back to Brantford..
  18. Ya thats the one.... lol thanks for the correction..
  19. Wow great vid! Very impressed..The show should be on OFC.. Edit...for some rason I cant type o f n. as in the tv station.. it defaults to ofc..
  20. lol I couldnt have said it any better..But ya this is a fair trade..no one wins or looses here..Yikes both Schenn boys in Philly..Big 2 days for bothers in the NHL or what
  21. This just in... Leafs trade schenn to Philly for James Van Reimsdyk!! We have a power forward boys! JVR Lupes or Kessel..Now we need a top 6 centre.
  22. Leafs and Boston gm's seen talking with Thomas's agent..Hmmmmmm..Interesting
  23. Great pick by the Leafs..I love it!! Rielly has "million dollar legs" according to a scout
  24. What makes you say that? Not trying to start somthing , was just wondering what makes you think that.? I honestly dont know him other then as an awesome net minder...Id be happy to have him fo rhte last 2 years of his carear, then its Rime time..If he ever gets healthy again...Damn you Gionta....
  25. TSN is reporting Tim Thomas has just today agreed to waive his no trade clause.. Indicating he doesnt want to play in Boston..Go git him Burkie! for those that didnt know this he was going to take next season off to avoid playing for Boston. It was his last year of his contract..He wants out bad..I wonder who pissed him off?
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