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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. On thiurday night John Shannon (I belive it was anyway) reported on twitter that the PA agreed to the term at the table with the NHL. They went into meetings with the PA and Fehr told them (the PA) to hold out for more. Hence the disgust of Gary at his pressie...this will end this week..That im sure of.. Also as far as Ecklunds report 45 out of 50 are good to go..That number seems kinda staggering and has tipped the scales hugely in favour to getting back to the game..I think if the PA put forth a vote with Fehr this is over...Mind you this is just my opinion..
  2. Perhaps so..This is different..There is clearly a divide in the PA....
  3. I think if the PA were to put it to a vote right now this is over and were back to watching hockey.. Interesting......
  4. Ecklund polled 50 players..The results are somwhat suprising....Have a read here http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog/Eklund/Polling-50-Players-on-NHLs-3-Demands-Take-Important-Survey-and-Be-Heard/1/47870 Eklund The Anonymous Hockey Blogger • RSS• Archive• CONTACT I have talked to over 50 players. 1. 45 of them want a 10 year CBA. The realize CBAs only get worse for players in all sports each time you negotiate them. So every year you get between negotiations the players win. 2. 44 of them believe that while a 5 year term limit could potentially hurt the middle to lower guys they also agree that missing a season will ABSOLUTELY hurt those same players who will be replaced by two draft crops entering the NHL at once who will make half of what they make. Last time when we lost a full season over 100 players lost their jobs when it returned. a 5 year deal sure beats early retirement. 3. 47 of the 50 like transitional NHL systen which allows teams to have salaries which could reach 70M despite only paying out 50%. The players like this because without it teams would be required to dump salary and trade players, AND the summer UFA market over the next two years would be shot. So these are the three issues Fehr is unwilling to accept and these are the three issues Fehr IS willing to throw away all the players December money for. But don't worry. Some of the players are actually getting together and planning a way to make something happen. I do believe enough players at this point realize Fehr made a hell of deal in getting the 300 make whole and arbitration, UFA, Pension, etc. The NHL took all that off the table, but I am told it would only take a new proposal with the players agreeing to these three issues as the NHL wants them (which is also how the players want them) I was also tipped off this morning that Fehr himself may actually like the three issues as well but is holding out for 380M. He believes the owners will cave on that. I honestly don't know, but I really think in a shortened season paying players for games they didnt play with a fanbase that is pissed off in an economy less than 30 days in America from a financial cliff...It won't fly. The players hold the power now as shown by the owners willingness to do the make whole. The second the season is cancelled, going into next year, the owners will hold all the power. Talking to some owners now, over the last few days, there is sort of odd calm to them. I really believe the owners feel the deal is done and they are amazed watching the players throw away the December checks. How I see this playing out is simple At some point...end of the month, before the owners cancel the season the owners will give the players another shot at Tuesday's deal. The Players will get one more chance at 300M and 10 years. All they will need to do is accept the 3 things. It will be a "make it or take it" deal, and some will cry the NHL is "strong-arming" the PA. But it will be the deal Fehr masterfully got them. There is ZERO POINT ZERO ZERO chance the players throw away a year of their pro hockey life/ a hundred or so careers over the Three issues. ZERO. A season will happen. The owners are baffled that the players won't accept the three things now and get paid in December (and more at the end of the year because of another month of HRR) but the owners don't think the players will cancel the season over what is left. Bottom line. The players can make a season happen and it is up to them as to when it starts. Anyone who says I am pro owner or wrong to put this all on the players remember this. I am saying Fehr has negotiated a MUCH better offer then I thought anyone could. The fact that the the owners are getting their 50/50 and honoring the signed contracts without taking away arbitration is absolutely a WIN for the players...and the longer you can ride this CBA...the players win every year longer because 50/50 will go up and up and up after year 3. I don't know how many more times I can say the same thing and more to the point hockey fans, many of whom are struggling financially are really starting to lose touch with the players they once loved over it. The game is being damaged every day we wait. People are either pissed or what's worse just apathetic. And I can't blame them anymore... This survey will be telling...I don't put it in here to be a jerk. I put it in here to honestly see where we are.
  5. Funny I watched Mountian Men last night, watched the dude gut and skin a deer with an exacto knife and a piece of soap stone tied to a stick...
  6. These threads always crack me up.. I once made a comment on a bathroom reno on here, got blasted for it as being a "know it all renovator". That quote is very fair..If you wanna do it yourself go for it, but that price is very fair. I think you will find that if you do indeed do it yourself you will save maybe $1500.00 but is the 100 plus hours of spare time you will put into it worth it? Think about it that way..
  7. MEH, if they cant figure out its a non fishing thread by the title then I shouldnt have ot expalin it...lol seems kinda useless dont ya think????
  8. Ok Thanks guys! I was thinking the swing blade knife cause of its orange rubber handle, 1 so it doesn't disappear in the leaves and 2 if and when I do go bear hunting...They can be very greasy when field dressing them....
  9. Im not a lawsuit kinda guy but id seriously consider after that...That little girl is lucky she didnt get hurt...People do stupid things when scared like that....
  10. I am looking for the all in one knife for field dressing a deer.. I found this swing blade knife what do you all think and what do you all use? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/NEW-OUTDOOR-EDGE-SWINGBLADE-SWING-BLAZE-KNIFE-SZ-20N-/330788713461?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d048b33f5
  11. I only wear mine when alone or out with my young daughter.. Id hate to fall out trolling and not be able to catch up...If im with the boys i dont wear it.. I figure if I fall out one of the other guys can stop the boat.. I bought an extra long cord for mine, When I do wear mine I clip it to my shoelaces..
  12. this link worked for me..May be gone by game start thou..Justin tv is quick to shut down the feeds.... http://www.justin.tv/argosfan#/w/4246486768/7
  13. Well I think its safe to say we all know that...lol Hoestly its good to know that we can travel across all of Ontario and further north and have good people to fish and spend time with..Gotta love this palce eh!
  14. nice haul! That one is a beast!
  15. Nice vid Jacques..Thanks bud! Looks like im going to have to head your way for some fishin one of these times..
  16. Awesome show..Its on like donkey kong, jack!
  17. Shotgun season ended sat night Bow opened again sun at dawn..I seriously doubt it was a shotgun at that range . Not to sure about Native status and hunting regs..I would imagine they can hunt any time. However I don't suspect they can hunt from roads with high powered rifles in densely populated areas.. Perhaps it was an accident but he broke many laws in doing so..Sure sucks for the family of the young man Killed.
  18. Nice vid Rick..This year looked like it was amazing for you and your family! This spring we will leave the boat at home and pound the banks of the Grand River..I know we keep saying that but this spring it has to happen!
  19. Lew, Don Cherry did a nice piece on the fan 590 yeaterday on those corvettes. He said they were canadian made and one of the worst ships to be in the Atlantic with, they were rough and got tossed around horribly..Those were the days of real men, thats for sure..Im not to sure if anyone can find the audio track from the fan or not but it would be worth a listen..If you can handle Don for a couple minutes...lol Here is the story from Don himself..Dudley Red Garret is who he is talking about..Good listen thats for sure http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/grapeline/~3/PY76txkpZxM/gl_20121109_172813--Grapeline---November-9---Friday.mp3
  20. This years ceremonies should be completely packed with all the people that go to school and work that don't make it every year..This will be my daughters first trip to the cenotaph in her 11 years. Wait till she hears the howitzer go off to mark the beginning and the end of the moment of silence..Lest we forget folks! Thanks to all the men and women that have served us past present and future...Thinking of you fine folks this weekend....
  21. Any Ideas of rosters? Lets hope they dont settle the lockout this week...Sounds like a great time to be had!
  22. With the current talks ongoing I remain optimistic they will work it out..What do you all think? For the record I do care and I do want my Leafs hockey back..... Thought this was funny and worth sharing..Enjoy! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8QUEb1WcgN4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  23. It should have been..From what I understand they were shooting them from the hummer beheading the animals and leaving the edible meat behind..Heres the kicker they were farmed animals...So not only is it poaching it should have been theft too.
  24. http://news.sympatico.ctvnews.ca/home/alberta_couple_fined_100k_over_poaching_convictions/acc5e231 his is unreal..Wow is all i can say..These people will never pay the 100K they should have had thier arese thrown in Jail..Brutal, just brutal..
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