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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. What a beaut fish! Thats sad that it was kept..there should be a law protecting thsoe...wow
  2. I just love how we at OFC jump in to help out a fellow OFNER, but mention leafs or montreal, watch out!! What an awesome place to be!!!lol
  3. what are they anywy? I caught one on calendar bay and on erie. Each time I was Ice fishin.They squeal when you unhook em. I think thier gross
  4. lol my thoughts exactally, ya beat me to it..Good for him and congrats to ya both!!!
  5. Im a skilled tradesman Eddie! work out a deal in trade perhaps?!!! Wishfull thinkin I know
  6. I think ill fone the boys to see if they want to go phishing!
  7. Thanks guys! I never get sick so of course when I do im a big baby...lol Ya leafs are a shame. Long time fan. The nice thing about a young team is they have lots to work with..Remain Positive leafers!
  8. as I sit here suffering from one heck of a nasty cold. Im also here watchin the leafs loose,yet again...Anyway I was wondering if any of you fine folks have any way to ease the suffering of a nasty cold .lol I know the suffering would be much less if I quit watchin the Leafs.. Thanks folks!
  9. Cool! Thanks for posting this..Phill Kessel, too funny
  10. That vid was amazing.it was almost like they were giving away the crap. Dont see that stuff round here..
  11. actually not me..This was a topic on am640. ill see if I can find it as it was a great listen.Lots of good points. This is all I could find,,Its gone off the audio on demand. 10:30 shrtng englsh lang Four peaceful protesters stood outside the Grand Hyatt on Thursday, where the Scripps National Spelling Bee is under way. The group is campaigning to simplify the way the English language is spelled. They think "fruit" should be spelled f-r-o-o-t and the silent "w" would be dropped from the end of "slow." Eighty-one-year-old Roberta Mahoney braved the 90-plus degree midday heat in a full-length bee costume to lead the protest. She said the complexity of the English language keeps 40 percent of the population from learning how to read, write and spell. Are they right?
  12. Actually Im all for a change in the English language. Its long overdue. websters has been around sine the late 1800's I belive. The way we spell some things goes way beyond be. There was a great thing on am640 about this issue not to long ago..wish i could find the link..Its a good listen.
  13. LOl thanks fo rthe visual!!! awesome
  14. no band wagon jumping here..Im a leaf fan true and true. Always will be and to the haters all I can read is BLA BLA BLA..it will be our turn soon enough..I just hope you all can take it as much as ya all dish er out! GO LEAFS GO!!!!
  15. I belive the stuff was stolen from his widow's car at the funeral..sickening
  16. Dog person here..We are all allergic to cats and my husky hates them(took a claw in the eye as a puppy) Needless to say if you want to be rid of the cat just toss it in my yard..Problem solved!!!
  17. Per numerous Twitter updates, Joey Crabb, who leads the AHL Marlies with 23 points(9 goals, 14 assists) has been called up for tonight's game vs the Tampa Bay Lightning. Crabb will be placed on the second line with Mikhail Grabovski and Nikolai Kulemin Keith aulie steps back into tge lineup tonite while brett lebda sits out. John mitchell will also be a healthy scratch. he is the best marlie...i have watched 4 or 5 marlie games...he looks good,,,in the ahl.. Go Leafs Go! lineups for tonite! MacArthur Kadri Kessel Crabb Grabovski Kulemin Sjostrom Bozak Versteeg Orr Brent Brown
  18. You got it. from our family to yours..
  19. Awesome! If they could only stay that cute. You will love the new fishin buddie!
  20. If I remember correctly somone did a good report out of there..Can anyone find me a link? i used the search but it came up wit nada
  21. I m sure we have all heard that a time or two in our lives! Too funny
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