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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Hi there.. I didnt read any other responses on this issue yet so im sorry if it has already been said. You need to cut a hole in the drywall of garage ceiling to determine what the issue is. Insulating your garage door will do nothing. I do these rooms over garages all the time.in fact im on my 4th this week alone. I have seen all the builders tricks. Im almost willing to bet they used r28 pink insulation with the vapor barrior insalled on the wrong side of the insulation.There will also no doubt not be any tuck tape on the seams of the vapor barrior.I have seen where the builders actually use your hard earned $ to heat the cavity between the floor joists to the drywall. Of course that wont work and all that does is waste energy, no matter how you heat. There also may be 1/2 pound foam. If its foam and white and you are able to make a snow ball like thing its no good. That foam is an "open cell" foam and air will travel right thru it. The only way (in my mind) is to remove all drywall and any insulation (including the 1/2 pound) on the ceiling and have Insta Insulation in to apply aprox 3 to 4 inches of 2lb "closed cell" foam. The nice thing about the 2lb foam is it is a vapor barrior.It may cost you a couple thousand dollars but you will never have a cold room above again. Please feel free to PMme if you wish further information. Hope this info helps! Now to go back and read past posts! Good luck to all with cold rooms over garages. There realy is only one way to fix them.
  2. Awesome. Another 40 bux, go figure. My son is in the navy cadets and he recived a military id card to get over the border..They went over to Buffalo last summer to go on a navy battle ship of some sort. anyway I think id rather stay here in Canada where the beer is semi cheap. As far as this hockey tourny, this is by far my favorite next to the olympics.These kids can fly! Canada has a solid defence this year. Offence on the other hand.....Yikes. Im not liking what im seeing roster wise, so far.
  3. If you found him on a referal then he more then likely gets most of his work on referal. A contractor like this wouldnt want to risk his business with an unhappy customer..Talk it over with him and see what he says. If he is a respectfull guy he will look after you.I know I would anyway.
  4. Ya im in the same boat Don..I guess I should stop dragging my heals on the pasport deal. What are these special licences you can get to go across the border? I see the commercials on TV. Nexus or whatever thier called. Anybody?
  5. Cool shot of the young guy tieing his own bags! I wish my kids would learn.
  6. Well..... What happened to all the yappy habs fans now? Funny when the leafs are loosing there is non stop yappin going on in here..Go Leafs Go. Blow Habs Blow..Ya baby!! We need a stiring the pot emoticon..
  7. Seen it too..I watch it all the time. Good show. I like the boston pizza dude, cnt remember his name now.... Love the show and congrats to your friend!
  8. Thats incredible! CYV news is covering this storm on the national channel. This is going to be one of the biggest dumpings that has hit that part of Ontario EVER!! Yee haw, here we are 45 min down the road and were lucky to have 5 to 10 cm...Good on the guy to help push you out. Food bank.. just goes to show times are tough.
  9. I actually thught it was a horrible game. We were in the mancave watchin. All I have to say is thank god for darts n beer. Other wise that game would have been turned off. I wonder how many leaf fans switched it off only to find out they won this AM...lol Good work Toronto! I love it when we beat the caps! My dad remarried and when he did he left the Leafs too! went on to be a washington fan. Now his whole family are ovenchicken lovers..Looks good on em..he he he.
  10. We got about 10cm here in Brantford lastnight. Just enough to make the husky happy!
  11. tb4me


    Just post the embeded link youtube provides and when you post it on here expand the post options at the bottom of the page and turn HTML on.. either mode works I belive.
  12. Wow and Yikes. where was that? Looks like dunville but im not sure..
  13. if you clear your browsing history or cookies you can vote all day long Edit, nevernind..just tried again didnt work. Odd
  14. Stihl here too! Wouldnt settle for less
  15. Wow I just looked up on youtube. Thats just gross.Did he end up getting charged?
  16. Yes I have Big respect for our officers. But the other day I seen a lady opp officer,in her car talking on a cell phone, I was not impressed.
  17. This was a deserving win and the post game reaction was just fine. They had lots to celebrate. The end os a slump. Good for them. Now lets see if they can carry on with it!!! Go Leafs go!!
  18. I might add Army did an amazing job!!!
  21. ill second that..My jack is the smartest dog I have ever owned. I can teach her to do anything. One of these times ill record and post the video of her saying "I love my daddy" or singing a song...lol its so funny.
  22. I have one of these dogs and she is exactally like this dog with baloons..Great dogs! http://imjustcreative.posterous.com/killer-jack-bauer-russell
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