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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. I m sure we have all heard that a time or two in our lives! Too funny
  2. This isint fishing but it could possibly be the coolest thing you have seen all day..other then the snow that is...lol <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo0Cazxj_yc?version=3"><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo0Cazxj_yc?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo0Cazxj_yc?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
  3. thanks! Looks nice! Why did he have to leave the old camp?
  4. You will have to excuse me on this one question. Why is it we have ot wait till next sept to go? Is he booked up all next summer? Id like to go but there is no way could go in Sept. If he has other dates avaiable and a few other OFNERS want to go id be game...Just not in sept thats all. Sounds like the trip of a lifetime to me! 3 grand and the wife can come too..so is that $1500 all in? We sure would like some ore info. Does he have a web site..again sorry if these seem like dumb questions but this is the first im hearing of this chance!
  5. Awesome topic guys! I remember things like the Pop Shoppe. We used to collect empty bottles and return them for the spare cash. Taking the $ to buy tickets for the Dundas Blues Jr.C games. Nan and Pops (dads parents) were the greatest in those days. My Grandfather , who never did learn to read managed to run 3 small business in his lifetime. A landscaping company, a trucking company and a sports store downtown Dundas (R&J Sports). He was also the Trainer for the Dundas Real Mc Coys (late 50's early 60's). My mom’s mom (Nan) lived alone as my Grandfather passed when my Mom was 7. Nan raised 4 kids on her own.3 girl’s one boy. As soon as I was old enough Nan would take me fishing out on the Trent River, where she had a trailer in a local park. Just recently my family bought a trailer in the exact same park and fishes the exact same waters, I learned to fish in. Now with my 3 kids. I too am youngish (36) and can only remember that the simple things were just that. Life was good. Like many others us kids didn’t go without and mom was a stay at home Mom. We too had only one car and it was an old Volkswagen Rabbit. I didn’t notice the real change in the world until George Bush SR invaded Iraq for the first time. If I remember correctly that’s when Gas officially went over the 50 cents a liter mark. You could still get a Big Mac meal for under 5 bux. I now have 3 kids and I so badly wish I could show them how it used to be. Capt Bruce your right it does almost bring a tear to one’s eyes. That’s when times stood still for me and I will never forget those memories. Thanks for allowing me to share!
  6. WOW irish. $2800, so what if she or you couldnt afford it? Surely they wouldnt just send the patient home without? NO?
  7. Oh please tell me your not talking about Hetrick Harvicks seeding penality? "Gill there's just no way I was speeding" lol ya right..Those guys are the best at getting speed between the timing sensors. He just got caught..Didnt slow er down in time thats all. All the crying comming out of the 29 car, I thought it was the 24 for a minute there..Jimmie for 6? lol Gettin pretty boring if you ask me. I think Harvick should thank his lucky stars that there isint anymore races left this year..I think the 18 car and KB would be head hunting..Untill Daytona!!
  8. Oh Man what an ordeal..Id take it for a buck for sure! Sad but if I didnt take it somone else would...
  9. This is somthing i have never seen before..Check it out.... http://www.watchersweb.com/sub_preview.php?sub_no=r4hjjj1290146382
  10. Awesome, Wilson isint that much different...we have all seen his press meetings...
  11. Sat nite will be a barn burner big time!
  12. wow amazing fish! Those are some real beauts ya got there! Thanks fo for sharing
  13. If they do that then Toronto will want one too..lol. All kidding aside things should take a turn for the better in leaf land soon!!
  14. lol I drove by there aout 10 days ago...You could have walked across the river on the shoulders of the fishermen..Way too crouded for my likeing..
  15. Awesome vids! That double header in the 2nd vid was unreal. Id like to get just 1 like that let alone 2 at the same time. WOW
  16. http://tapatalk.com/ Lol I just had to know myself...
  17. Awesome as always Simon.. Let me know when you want to go fishin!.You live in walleye land dont ya! lol Thanks for sharing, Ron
  18. Ya that was an unreal game the cats played. I dont think I have ever heard such a quiet game in Hamilton..Sure picked a bad time to drop the ball...Pun intended
  19. I thought it was funny..thanks for posting..
  20. Wow i have been suffering from WORK for many years!! Now off to the "Bothersome Employer Elimination Rebooter store"
  21. Hey GBW , did wilson grow a set of gills in place of his.......? LOL
  22. Thats to bad, One would think that they would take advantage of the exception and run a good business out of there on the ice. Any locals out there want to rent thier hut out for a weekend or 2?
  23. So im looking at my regs book and see one of the only places to ice fish for waleye in zone 17 after jan 1st. It just so happens to be im about 10 min from crowe lake! I was wondering if there was a place to rent ice huts on that lake? Also how is the fishing there generally? Walleye closes on monday for the season in zone 17 and im missing it already...I plan to get out one more time for some night eyes this weekend!
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