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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Thanks! Im the one that asked for the review! Im going ot go buy one this week..the worst that could happen is we waste 40 bux...go figure we do that with bell all the time..
  2. Nice fish! I caught one just like that big boy this summer at the Fishathon! What a blast!
  3. Wow going to watch Team Canada now but Awesome show Dave!! Pete n shram Know how to catch the monsters thats for sure!! congrats on the 54 incher.. One question..whats with the mask? wind burn is my guess..Or is it just to make ppl like me ask questions?? HA HA HA.. Awesome first show guys! That will be hard to top for the rest of the season..Hey Dave any ice fishing shows in the future?
  4. Hey Dave is that your new Boat? Nice! Lets see how you handle and release those Musky!!
  5. Atta Boy you Nailed it! LSC it is.. Mama dont let ur kids grow up to be Muskie fishermen...lol to funny
  6. Hey Lets get a report on thise Magic Jacks? Im interested. I hear you get voice mail and caller ID with them....Any input?
  7. I was shocked at the price this year for a sport..I still havent renewed yet. I get sport every year but this may just be the first year I get the conservtaion..
  8. I cant find what im supposed to be listening to..All I get are links to live radio feeds. and thier not talking trash bout canadians... Is this about hockey?
  9. We will be watching for sure!! And for anyone interested WFN is free on the Bell network till the end of the month. So that means you can watch tonight at 7pm if you have bell expressvu. I have to ADD GO CANADA GO!!!!!! Canada 4 Russia 2 take it to the bank!! We will Stomp new holes in thier you know whats...
  10. I see it on all the other boards and I personally thing its a great idea..Sure would make life more simple when deciding where to ice fish
  11. We used to do that stuff with GT snow racers when were teens. Fun stuff.. Is amazing no ever got hurt..
  12. The funny thing was..She went on ticketmaster.ca at noon gamegay to get those tickets..all 3 seats for $315.oo
  13. Guys Canada won that game......Here's the deal..My sister her hubby and thier son went to that game. They were sitting behind the SWE net in the 1st row. The puck was shot in the net with less then 10 min to go in the 3rd. The SWE goalie put his glove on the puck and tossed it out of the net. The Ref was standing right there and saw the whole thing. The best part is...They even have proof! My nephiew had his Iphone and was recording the whole time! This is a brutal missed call.. Let me guess the Ref behind the net was a Sweed? Anyway watch it here Im PISSED.You may have to watch it a couple times to see it as the video is jumpy.Photobucket video sucks,but if you do you can clearly see the puck in the net around the 9 second mark and the Canadian player pointing at the puck......Oh well we now need 3 more wins to win Gold.. GO CANADA GO!!!! <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid23.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fb379%2Ftfb4me%2FIMG_0060.mp4">
  14. We did it!!! who hoo First year in this for me and we win!! I think that next year there should be a $1 entry fee that goes towards t-shirts or hats for the winning team!! Go Team 7...
  15. Ya this has been an amazng game! Roy Hasnt had much of a chance tonight. Those Sweds agr good...!GO CANADA GO!!!!
  16. Awesome report, THanks! Now lets just hope this warm weather and rain doesnt wash away all the ice this weekend....
  17. So who wins? When do we find out?
  18. No kidding eh.. I screamed loud enough for the officals in Bufalo to hear me. I like the fans chanting Bull Bull Bull. Awesome game boys! 7-2 final and Schenner with a 5 point night.Kassian best not get suspended for that hit. It was clean, not late or dirty just clean....GO CANADA GO!!!!!
  19. This stuff cant be real...Can it? Anyway enjoy it while you can. Thanks for sharing
  20. Yes Thanks for this! Good Job!
  21. Damn was looking forward to another Mom is that you reply... I spit my beer out the last time...
  22. AWESOME!! Merry Xmas Brian! Thats the spirit! Im sure the homeless man will be thankfulll..Good on ya!
  23. MErry Xmas Wayne and family!. Here to hoping she can get home soon! We constantly think of you and your family. After reading lastnights update I didnt know what to say. Woke up this am and decided to spread our family's Xmas joy to your family. We will all be thinking of you all!.Hope Leah gets better before the big fella comes!!
  24. Dude you need a healthy dose of Chevy Chase and the Christmas Vacation...Awesome movie. Randy quaid is at his best EVER in that movie.Watch it, you will quickly have the Xmas Spirit...All the best to you and yours!! <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=decUIVkZ4GI?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=decUIVkZ4GI?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=decUIVkZ4GI?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
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