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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. So some of you may have read I'm going Laker ice fishing on lake Bernard this weekend. Here's the catch.lol. I have never actually been ice fishing for lake trout. So what techniques do you all recommend I use? Jigging with jig heads and minnows. Or spoons and minnows? I want to be sure I make the most of my limited time on the ice. I also sooo badly want to add to team 6's numbers . Anyway just looking to some friendly advise on catching these and the whitefish. Thanks guys n gals
  2. That glass is only there to protect the likes of magire and healy.. I always thought it was stupid having them there is the first place. Send them back up to the press box where they belong. Loose that section of glass and this never happens again. As for the criminal charges I think GBFISHER said it best. investigators must be habs fans too. These habs fans have always been a source of enertainment for me. They destroy thier own city when they win and moan and cry when they loose. Player or a game..What else is new..Blow Habs Bolw
  3. Congrats Pete! Although I dont know I know you will do awesome! They dont select just anyone for that type of training..Way to go!
  4. LOL somone wanted a day off.. Not how I would go about it thou...
  5. All i have to say is that was a clean hit. If anything that useless section of glass shouldn't even be there..its only there to protect the useless commentator like Healy or Maguire. I say loose the glass shove the bums up in the press box where they belong and this never happened. Just imagine how poor Chara feels after breaking a guys neck. As for the habs fans, bring on the cheese to go with the wine. As for Max Pacioretty I hope for a speedy recovery. Good clean hit and a good call by the league..For once the NHL made the right decision
  6. Thanks guys! To all of you, means a ton..So as it turns out there is still 3 feet of ice and still snow on it too. So were booked for this sat at Lake Bernard Outfitters. 35 a day for a 4 man heated hut minnows not included. Im super stoked and cant wait for the weekend now..we will be heading to perrysound fri nite and going early sat am..Any OFNers going out there? We may have a spot left in the hut, so far we only have 3. Let us know if your interested! Thanks again for all the info...
  7. I too went to get my seeds from william dam seeds!! Starting brussell sprouts tomatoes and peppers tonight!!!..ya , that did indeed just happen..its here!! Will fire up the greenhouse in a week or 2..
  8. Hello to all today! Anyway just got a call from a friend in Perry Sound today. He has invited me to join them ice fishing on lake Barnard.. I have never been there..I guess they have booked with an outfitter. First are there any locals that giv me ice conditions? I realy dont want to drive all that way to find out were out of luck. Secondly, what can I expect to catch and what gear do you all recomend I bring? I know so many questions but I honestly hoping to have one last kick at the cat before hard water goes away!!! Thanks in advance folks!!
  9. lol and yikes all a the same time....wont be long my friend, wont be long
  10. I was thinking I want one of these ford trucks..Sweet looking rides. Seen one here in Brantford lastweek.. http://media.ford.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=33186
  11. cool! thats mighty nice! Hey I recived an ice hut here on OFC from sandbag. this is a wonderfull place isint it!!
  12. Oh my. I have a 9yr old daughter.. couldnt imagine this ever happening. My thoughts go out to the family..
  13. 50 grand, althou awesome he should be hung by his toes for that.
  14. im in!! Will be bringin my boat this time.. last year we borrowed a leaky boat with an antique trolling motor..Geez guys if this event gets any bigger were going to need a new venue. I highly recomend getting there early as the launch was busy last year..I couldnt imagine any more guys out there then we had last year. Cant wait. Like the date change but it may just be a hott day out.. Come on summer!!!
  15. Oh sure, now I want to know what I missed....darn.Im sure it must have been good
  16. Awesome game!! loved to see elcapiton get the 1st star..And seriously for those that PVR things STAY OFF THE INTERNET>.Please for the love of god.
  17. 300? Thats it I would have thought hunting without a licence would have ebbn a way worse fine then that..
  18. Oh man that must have sucked...You know I love that guys newspaper. you thnk I can subscribe to it, no? I have to go get it free at the tourisum centre,in Campbellford.
  19. That was cool.. Looked like the mouse scared the Hell outta that one horse. Its impressive how much those beasts can pull
  20. Were here for ya Ryan.. Ill pm ya a little story about our special little girl!! You met her at the fishathon!
  21. After reading all the above, I notice a horrible trend. Everyone my age (35- 36) have no retirement plans...Im self employed and have no way to save either.. were having a hard enough time making ends meet every month. The wife works at the local drugstore. She has good bennifets but no retirement plan either. Were just simply not making enough to be able to save. I see a horrific trend here. Somthin will have to change.
  22. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Awesome shirt!
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