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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Ill be drinking refrigerated beer watching the Leafs kick some red winged asses.!
  2. My Pleasure! were gonna win tonight...I can feel it!
  3. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/P9D0YFMvGQw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. This worked last week... Lets see if this one helps at all.. Besides THIS IS FREAKIN AWESOME!!! OPTIMUS REIME, BABY!!! <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zFwP9qUay4Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. tb4me


    Thanks for your report..It was a nice read..
  6. here's the link.. you will need to use torrent client http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4187421/My_Side_Of_The_Mountain_(1969)-JBW Nevermind Terry beat me to it...lol
  7. Just posting to try and evoke some fan energy from all of you!! Go Leafs go!!! <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>
  8. Hey Romeo, Check out Coles Point Resort on the trent river..They have everything you are looking for. http://www.colespoint.ca/ they cater to the kids with a TON of activities for them. Thier cottages are nice, clean and well looked after. They dont offer a guide but you can manage with Great fishing just about anywhere on the water. Anyway have a look and if you do decide to call them ask for Scott. Tell him Ron Ritchie sent ya.. he will work out a good deal for you..Enjoy your week where ever you decide to stay!!
  9. Awesome and thanks for sharing your adventure..Dion is a tough man thats for sure..
  10. Awesome for a minute there I thought I got caught dropping off your wife...lol
  11. Was asked if it was worth trying to go perchin at the dover pier..I honestly have no idea, so here I am asking if anyone here knows. Well...Is it any good this time of the year?
  12. It would be a cold day in Hell before I bought an 8 dollar file to finish the job they were paid $200.00 to do in the first place.. Thats just insane. If this company were half as good as they were supposed to be those reels would have never left the factory in that shape, in the first place..Thats just horrible workmanship.
  13. wow that's disgusting. Think ill stick to shimano on my future purchases... I have seen better finishes from a highschool machine shop
  14. I thought that was a Great game. If wilson had of not put giggy in net VS florida we could have been tied for the 8th spot.The boys def play like a totally different team with Reimer in net. The leafs need a good old Canadian coach, not some second rate american bum. Go Leafs Go!!!
  15. $117.6 here in Brantford at pioneer this am..I hope launch a tomahawk cruise missle up Gadhafi's you know what. Like its going to change anyhting.
  16. My daughter and Iwent yesterday.. We had a great time watching the dog jumping competition. Into the swimming pool. Parking is 20 bucks. I spent WAY too much money for what we got. Even kids are 13 bucks to get it. In my personal opinion that venu is lousy compared to the convention centre by the airport. Anyway like I said we had fun but spent way more then we should have.
  17. If you ask me wilson handed over our chances by starting that useless POS Giggy. What was he thinking.....Sad stuff. some playoff run there wilson..
  18. Wow close call. Im happy to hear you got out of that one..Goes to show a little speed can be a good thing.
  19. I was up past there yesterday.. lots of ice (from what I heard) and lots of water. Take from that what you will,,I wasnt out there just looking from shore.
  20. Went os sat.. all we did was wash lures n jigs, oh we also drowned a few minnows..
  21. Nice work Vince! Id love to try them somtime, esp on LPB Rick n Vince... I promise to get an ipod by then...lol
  22. are you using ice rods or regular rods. I have never seen somone use a baitcaster in a ice rod before.this is the only reason I ask. Hey thanks again for the tips. Just another reason I love this place so much!
  23. Wow that was fast! Thanks for the tips! I have to respool my line what is the best for these bad boys? 10 lb ice line best?
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