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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. Spinnerbaits are awesome but my favourite search bait for buckets in the weeds is ripping a white mouse back to the boat
  2. Bachman Turner Overdrive in Ottawa 1974
  3. I had a 96 200 EFI Merc and used Amsoil since day 1 sold it last year and that motor never saw a mechanics wrench except for maintenance. 19 years old and never ever let me down and I tourney fished for 15 years of that. I blame it all on the oil. Pay now or pay lots later.
  4. I think you should stop babying it so much and start running it. Those ETEC like to run balls to the walls.Forget a trade with the dealers some of them will just insult you with their low offer. Sell private or keep it.
  5. The mouse in white is my go to bait for searching shallow largies in the pads. long casts and fast retrieve, when they expose themselves we move in and catch em.
  6. There is no magic pill. You guys really need to change your diets.
  7. Another lone wolf with mental issues.
  8. I have a Sabrelite submersible in each boat. they gotta be 20 yrs old now and work like new
  9. The city isn't worried about any of the charges sticking. From what I heard none of the charged had to spend the night in jail and post bail the next day. This was simply the city using their authority to take all the shops inventory and equipment so they cant do business. Some will reopen for sure but a lot will not because of financial issues caused by the raids. The chief said it was a safety issue which caused them to do the raids. 43 shops later they found no knives,guns, swords, or brass knuckles and the cannabis is non toxic so not sure where the safety issue is.
  10. This was done because the cops always pick the low hanging fruit first. A pregnant woman is shot sitting in a car and they don't know who did it, but can afford to send 500 cops out to bust some pot shops. What a waste of resources. The LP's lobbied hard for this and got it. What all the licensed cannabis users should do is unite and boycott the LP's. Let them choke on their crappy pot and see how they like it. Their losing tons of money to the pot shops for the simple reason that they know what there selling and its a better product then what the LP's are providing. I liked the big table of trophy wares they showed. TPS is a joke and I hope Tory enjoys his only term in office.
  11. Give these guys a look. www.anp.ca I used them last summer and am happy with the product I got from them.
  12. I purchased a Silver Creek folding fillet knife made by Buck Knives in 2011 for 40 bucks. Its has the slip proof rubber covered handle and an 8 inch blade. Quality is awesome and it holds an edge. The best part is it folds to half its size which has always been an issue with me. Also when the blade is opened it locks in place for extra safety.
  13. If the provincial govt becomes the sole provider of weed in this province I guarantee this will be a huge flop. Pot doesn't belong in liquor stores if you ask me. How can you sell something so benign as cannabis along side a drug that is so poisonous. We need to put people to work in the private sector. I think it should be sold only in boutique shops that only sell pot. The other option is let everyone sell it if they wish lcbo, drugstores, pot dispensaries etc. Wont take long for the LP's to go out of business. I asked 3 people yesterday how much a gram of weed is going for on the black market. I was told anywhere between 6 and 8 dollars. Six for outdoor and 8 for indoor
  14. I took my mom to the cancer clinic in Ottawa before Xmas. When the doc was done doing business with my mom I asked him if I could ask him a few questions. I asked him about cannabis oil therapy for cancer and he looked at me like I had two heads and replied, I know nothing about that. I asked him if there was a doc in the building who was studying this and could answer my questions. He said there were no docs at the cancer clinic researching this. None, not one. so I figured I would ask him why no one is studying this and why are they still offering chemo and radiation treatment when the failure rate is about 93%. He said sometimes you have to take the bad with the good. And research costs a lot of money. Have a nice day doc.
  15. He very well could be. It would not be the first time that a M.D. gave out the wrong info. No worries DW nothing personnal
  16. Darkwater can you prove that comment. If smoking pot causes un developed minds to get schitzo (sp) then this disease should of increased at least 5 fold in the last 25 yrs because that's how many more youth are smoking it. I cant find any reports that say this disease has increased only that it has been about the same in the general public for about the last 40 yrs. Sorry to tell you that you don't know what your talking about. Stop the fear mongering and educate yourself. This is the only card the prohibitionists have left to their defence.
  17. Im sure Rona is outraged by Judge Phelans' ruling passed down on Wednesday. Funny haven't heard a word from the db about it.
  18. I think 16 yrs is old enough. We allow kids to drive cars at 16. We also allow kids to walk into any Timmies or Starbucks and buy a coffee at any age, no id required and its more addictive than cannabis.If we make the age 21 or 25 or whatever we are not protecting that age group and the cops will be targeting that group and busting them giving them criminal records. Id should be required to purchase a Slush Puppy, say minimum 18 since your purchasing a big cup of poison
  19. Potential brain damage to people under 25 yrs old. Some of you guys believe everything you read. For the sake of the children. What Bull
  20. Mainstream media is a big problem. With all their fear mongering. They tell us only what they want us to hear to fit their own agenda. If you really want to know what is going on in our world you have to do your own research. Our dumbed down society believes all this garbage we see on the news every day because the majority is to lazy to educate themselves. Mainstream media has never told us about terrorism in the 50's 60's and up to the late 70's was more prevalent then it is now. Don't believe me look it up yourself. Our biggest fear is not terrorism it's fear itself. Without fear we would never allow our gov't to militarize our police forces all for the sake of our safety. Erosion of our civil rights and privacy all for the sake of our safety. As far as the stuff that went down on parliament hill on Oct 23 2014 maybe that was all done to ratchet up the fear factor so Harper could get his C51 bill passed. Call me a nut if you want but that's my 2 cents
  21. Go west of Deep River on the Ottawa River. Find a nice beach and set up camp. Best part is its free and the fishing is good.
  22. Kane got booed for his off ice escapades. Fans don't forget
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