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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. I would bet money he doesn't disappoint.
  2. Everything with his name and # on it is SOLD OUT. The only player to do so. Awesome
  3. I read it yesterday Netminder. I say good for him. NHL has egg on their face over this saga. They tried to make him look like a knuckle dragging thug without realizing he is a very articulate individual. I hope the Habs bring him up to shake things up a bit for that organization. I wonder who was the NHL isiot who phoned him and asked him if he thinks his kids would be proud of him for participating in the ASG. Im betting it came from Bettman. The league is a joke and he has to go.
  4. Hes also a Harvard graduate if I'm not mistaken. He will be ok when his hockey is done.
  5. If you are going to fry your fish use good ol lard. Much better tasting and better for you then margarine.
  6. Old Ironmaker, think I would chalk that up to schittey parenting. You don't need to be on pot to play games all day. Lots of people play games all day without cannabis. No jobs when you sleep all day.
  7. For some reason no matter how I think about this appointment I cant come to the conclusion that this is a good idea. This to me is like appointing Rona Ambrose as Minister of Health (dumb idea) He is probably taking calls all this week from Big Pharma on how this should be dealt with.I don't think there will be much movement on this file now or in the near future. I hope I am wrong.
  8. Looks like someone leaked the Premier's sale strategy for cannabis sales in Ontario.lol
  9. To much individual play by the so called top guns. They should use the whole ice when on the attack and not just along the boards
  10. TB4ME so true. Wynne is drooling at the thought of all the taxes she will get and waste just as fast as she gets it. And when she screws that up beyond repair she will sell it and our new industry will be owned by foreigners or ex politicians. Makes me want to puke thinking about it.
  11. Hey Jedi you should go and watch the movie Reefer Madness. There's a few things you can add to your list of why it should remain illegal. lol. You can smoke you stinky cigars and drink your foul tasting scotch. I don't care what you ingest into your own body as long as it doesn't affect me.(second hand smoke and drunk driving). People that smoke weed and get behind the wheel should lose their licence if caught, its irresponsible and endangers others. Legalization isn't going to fill the roads with stoned drivers, the ones that will do it are already doing it. I also don't think that consumption will increase as much as most people are saying it will once it becomes legal. Let me ask you this. If heroin became legal tomorrow would you go and buy some? Probably not, unless you already do heroin. Getting a bit off topic I think cell phone use is a much bigger problem then stoned or drunk drivers. When caught they should have their vehicle towed to a compound and their licence automatically suspended for 30 days for first offence.
  12. Bigbuck,,, that sounds good but you forgot the No Fried Foods and no soda pop. Not sure about the very little salt part either. Salt is good for you. Your body needs salt to create stomach bile.
  13. I went into a dispensary while in Vancouver a few years ago just to check out the operation. I talked to an employee who was very knowledgeable about all the products they were selling and what they were best suited for. I was quite impressed to say the least. I think stores like this will thrive and create lots of jobs for Canadians. Then there is the growing side of things and that should be left to the public as well. There is lots of good growers already out there.
  14. Just read this on CBC. Instantly thought this will be a colossal failure if the govt gets their grubby hands on it. I don't think it should be sold in the LCBO. This is a new industry for Canada and should be open to the public to start much needed new businesses in this country. The govt should stay far away as possible and sit back and collect the tax and that's it. I think it would be better to have to go to a pot shop to get your herb. Let the entreprenures (sp) battle it out and may the best shops win. While were on the subject I would like to see the LCBO and the foreign owned BEER STORE gone as well.
  15. Two months ago I lost my kid brother in a fishing accident. Two weeks later my 78 yr old mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is recovering and doing well from surgery 2 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago my best friends dad passed away and on Tuesday a good friend I have known all my life passed away from liver failure. I don't want anything for Christmas except no more death in my sphere of friends and family. Times have been very challenging to say the least.
  16. Try colloidal silver. Apply with an eye dropper 2 or 3 times a day. Try and get it under the nail as well as on top. Should be gone in a month. Old nail has to grow out.
  17. Good luck trying to find it. I have been into all the lcbo in my area and its always out of stock.
  18. What about Seagull guitars. Apparently very well made and sound great. Also Made In Canada.
  19. I think the flavonoids you are talking about is called terpenes. I could be wrong.
  20. Thought I would share this. My brother had a dog (Alaskan Malamute) with a skin condition. Dry flakey patches and hot spots etc. That poor dog would scratch till he bled. The vet put him on 100.00 a bag food and steroids as well as other medication. Was costing my bro a lot of money and his wife was not to happy about the money he was dropping on his dog. The Vet wasn't sure what was wrong but was making good money off of him. When one thing didn't work try something else. I suggested we give the dog small amounts of weed on his food and see what happens as I had read that cannabis works for pets as well. So we got some and carboxalated (sp)it in the oven and he started to add a small amount to the dogs food. It only took a few days and the scratching stopped, within a month his skin issues were gone. I have also read that if your dog is older and they develop arthritis that small amounts of cannabis will work wonders for that as well. Go figure. Must be the cannabinoids.
  21. That clip was funny, laughed my ass off. Reefer madness is alive and well with some of the members on this site. Let me ask this to them. How do you feel about your gov't lying to you about this matter for the last 50 or 60 yrs
  22. Once cannabis is legalized not much will change in our society. The sun will still come up every day, we will go to work to provide for our families etc. Maybe our society will become a more friendlier happy society than it is now. The notion that I hear from a lot of people is they don't want society walking around stoned out of their minds. That is such crapola. They legalized gay marriage years ago and none of my fishing buddies have turned gay because its now legal for gays to marry. If heroin was legal would you start doing heroin? Its all about freedom of choice, and as far as gateway drugs go I would have to say alcohol is holding the number 1 spot and always has.
  23. Legalize it already. For recreation as well. The same bud is used for both situations, if you think its different your sadly mistaken. I don't think these old fart politicians should be making the rules on cannabis when most say they have never tried it. Maybe get a panel of long time cannabis users and scientists to sit down and hammer out a new policy. It should be regulated and taxed but not over taxed because that will just defeat the purpose of getting rid of the black market. Growing your own has to be included as well. Most people will go to the store to buy it anyways just like tomatoes. Taking cannabis is a great way to maintain good health. Ingesting the oil is the best way but smoking is the easiest for most since oil capsules are not readily available. Topical cremes and tinctures are going to be a huge part of the business in the near future. My 80 yr old mother has arthritis in her knee and foot that's been bothering her for awhile. A few weeks ago I ordered her some marijuana cream to put on the affected areas. She has been applying it two or three times a day for the last couple weeks and when I spoke to her yesterday she said she has been pain free for about 3 days now. The cream is infused with cannabis resin and is 100% natural ingredients. As for me I have been a consumer for forty years and haven't had to take a prescription drug for at least thirty five years and am in perfect health at 55 yrs of age. I also live a healthy lifestyle of course, don't smoke, not much of a drinker, and no fast foods and very little fried foods. Call me what you will but I think the use of cannabis has played a large part in maintaining my good health. M.D.s quite frankly scare the crap out of me. I look at how unhealthy society is and have to say I give them a failing grade. There the best when it comes to trauma because that is what their trained for. But for nutrition there the last person you should be talking to. They have no interest in curing disease or even want to know why you have it. All they are interested in is managing disease because you are a customer to them. Sad to say but that is how I feel People have to start taking control of their own health if you want to stay healthy. End of rant lol.
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