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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. I agree Manitou I would of told them to get a search warrant if they want to search my vehicle without probable cause.
  2. Rod Caster, 13 to 15 chords of wood is a lot. Are you talking full chords? 16 inch length by 4ft high by 24 ft long stacked row. What type of wood stove do you use. I have used 2 chords this winter and am about to run out. My gas is about 40 bucks a month for hwt, and hydro is 80 mth. My woodstove runs 24 hrs a day from nov till april.
  3. 6 mill polly, some saplings and hot rocks out of the camp fire.
  4. I fish the Ottawa as I live on it as well. Best advice I can give you is get the charts for your area and study them. The river is full of obstructions so take your time out there. If you want to catch fish you have to put lots of time on the water.Keep it simple.
  5. If I'm not mistaken I think Patrick Lalime went something like 20 games when he broke into the league with the Penguins
  6. Ms Ambrose the health minister says the only reason med pot users were given the green light to grow their own medicine was because the supreme court said they had to allow them too. If not for the supreme court order they would of never allowed it to happen. She is such a dunce, and should be removed from that portfolio. She knows nothing about health or the science behind it. Heck she has a Arts degree. Is that like arts and crafts. lol
  7. After reading all this I think it should be legalized and taxed for both medicinal use as well as recreation use. Why one and not the other. Also let each adult over 18 in any household grow a max of 6 plants each or a max of 12 per household for personal use. This will keep the price reasonable for all. If the govt doesn't allow us to grow our own plants if we choose to they will have the monopoly and can charge whatever they want and will screw up the whole system by charging way to much. If the price is reasonable most people would be happy to buy it and pay taxes on it from some type of dispensary. No different then buying veggies at the grocery store. You can make your own wine and beer at home and grow your own herbs and vegetables so weed should be no different. Its really just a harmless plant
  8. I fish a spot on the Ottawa where the water flows between a long point and an island with an channel about 100ft wide. We anchor above the narrows and let our crankbaits out with the current taking them down river about 150 yrds or so then close the bail and let the current work the bait for you. Every 5 minutes or so slowly reel in about 50 ft of line and wait 5 minutes then reel in about 50 ft. Eventually we locate the fish and then its easy after that. My favorite is a rippling redfin gold with orange belly and black back or a j-11 in fire tiger. The larger walleye diver in gold works well also.
  9. Limeyangler, I don't think welfare recipients should be drug tested. But if your going into the hospital for an operation it might be a good idea to ask the M.D. who will be cutting you open if he has recently been tested. I recently read that the average life expectancy of a M.D. is 63 yrs old and about 35% are dependent on some sort of pharmaceutical drugs or alcohol. Now theres a scary thought.
  10. I support you 100% tb4me. Im sure your M.D. threw every drug he/she could think of before they issued you a licence.
  11. Can you safely anchor a boat? Or are you talking from shore fishing.
  12. Harper is trying as we speak to take away the medical users who are licensed rights to grow their own weed. He doesn't want the med users to grow their own any longer and is trying to force them to buy from the govt program. Its in the courts now and he will probably lose because he is stomping all over their constitutional rights to do this. They have been allowed to grow their own since 2002. Some are saying that it will cost the upwards of 50k a year if they are forced to buy from the govt program, so they won't be able to afford their medicine.
  13. I hear you pigeontroller, it is scarey. When I mention this to people they give me the look of confusion or something and say something stupid like" If your not doing something wrong what are you afraid of" Bill C-51 there trying to ram through for starters.
  14. Porkpie stop watching Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke. And how can it be taxed and regulated but still be a crime? There is so much info on the web about the use of pot. You should educate yourself a bit on the subject. Im not slagging you or your comments but to call all users potheads is just ignorance on your part.
  15. Well I am not a liberal for starters, and I don't think this is the only thing that the liberals are running on. I have read all the comments and it seems like most are for legalization. I am for legalization as well because I cannot think of one reason prohibition of pot benefits society. If there is, hopefully someone will shine some light on that for me. Now the cons are running their attack adds on tv about the libs legalizing pot and our kids are going to be getting pot from the libs and pot is 400% stronger then it used to be. These are all lies and the cons should be ashamed of themselves for thinking that the general public is so stupid to believe this. I asked my 16yr old nephew this question on the weekend. I said to him. What is easier for you to get at school, pot or booze. His reply was anyone can get a bag of weed at school within 10 to 20 minutes, but for booze it would take a couple of days due to the logistics of getting someone to purchase it for you. So nothing has changed since I was in high school in the 70's. I am thinking that Harper will be announcing that he will legalize pot as well if he gets back in. If I was him I would do it now so the libs cant use that as part of their platform
  16. I like to use it in my bbq burgers. 1 or 2 tbsp. per lb . The cooking process removes the heat flavour for some reason but the taste and smell is delicious. Its also good in a ceaser.
  17. I am wearing Arc'teryx now. I cant say enough about this outerwear. I use it all year round, its a bit spendy but absolutely flawless especially the funky waterproof zippers.
  18. He also says he will take more than 2 million possession convictions off the books. Is this just a ploy to get votes or do you think he would really make it happen. Last year there were over 40 thousand simple possession charges given out in Canada which gives the individual charged a criminal record. He is keeping his cards close to his chest for now but what do you guys think about this. I think its a great idea since the war on drugs has been nothing but a huge waste of money and resources.
  19. At least the Sens have a little thing called pride. Its about being a professional and showing up for work. If that means nothing to you loser leafs and their fans you get what you deserve.
  20. Harper stopped listening to the people that elected him long ago. His days are coming to an end this fall.
  21. well the leafs lost again last night to the lowly Oilers. Will CBC continue to torture us with more leaf games on HNC.
  22. Top Sirloin for me, always tender and has a real nice beefy taste. Bought some this morning on sale for 5.99/lb
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