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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. Lew, Their reason was to go through my insurance because the repair job would cost more then the boat was worth. Im not making this up. So what I did was get it fixed on my own dime. I have been giving Princecraft all the free advertising they don't like ever since
  2. I would go with a StarCraft. Really tough boats well designed. Princecraft makes pretty boats but that's about all. My hull cracked open during warranty period and they would not honour it. I say go with rivet construction and leave the welded stuff alone.
  3. The leafs have a wicked team (front office) this year. They should do well.lol
  4. I used to feed my malamute frozen whole fish once a week during the winter months. Most wont eat thawed fish because they no better but frozen are good for them. When there frozen the dog would just eat them like chewing on a big bone start at the head and work their way down to the tail. Only bad thing was stinky breath.
  5. I don't hear the States offering to take them. Maybe sending all to George Bush's state of Texas since he started all this mess.
  6. Michael Harris researched everything in his book Party of One himself. He never has paid anyone to do his research for him. He does it all himself and double checks to make sure its correct before it goes in his books. Anyone who votes the Cons are just uninformed and don't understand what Harper is really doing. In my riding it took 30 days after the election started before a single con election sign was put out. Our Con MP is nowhere to be found. She has been muzzled by Harper for the last 5 yrs or so now. Why would anyone here vote for a clapping seal to represent them in parliament. She cannot speak for the people who have elected her.
  7. All you Harper supporters should read the book by Michael Harris, Party of One. I have just finished it and I know who I won't be voting for. I'm sure if you read it you will change your mind as well. Educate yourself go ahead and read it.
  8. John was my mentor back when I was taking my courses. He was more excited than I was when I passed my final exam and got my licence. Man, I miss him.
  9. No love here for REA's. Its your property Cliff. Tell the agent this is what I want to list at and are you interested. I run into this often. I have had to walk away from possible listings after I have done my presentation because the Seller thinks their property is worth way more than I have suggested. I just politely decline the listing and suggest they call someone else. I hate to do that but I am not going to invest my time and money to sell at property that is way over priced by the seller and will be impossible to sell. Maybe you should keep an eye on the open houses in you area and go and check out a few to see what they are offering compared to yours. Great way to educate yourself on the value of properties in your area. There are lots of really good hard working agents out there Cliff. People who say we make to much money for the work we do are just repeating what some other dummy said. If that was the case why aren't those people REALTORS. Wish I was closer to you Cliff to give you another opinion. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I would be happy to help you out if I can.
  10. Uhh, very irresponsible as a pet owner. Your dogs are pets aren't they. A rifle would be better for the wolves if they are threatening you or your family. And don't bother educating me about Huskies or Malamutes as I have owned these breeds most of my life. Just my 2 cents.
  11. Keep up the good work Mike. I enjoy your posts very much. The complainer must be a Conservative, there not in a very good mood lately.lol
  12. Im half way through the book and its a real eye opener. Friggen thing is over 500 pages. Harper has destroyed many of his own staff over the last 10 yrs as well.
  13. I was in Coles bookstore on the weekend and a book caught my eye so I bought it Its very appropriate since a federal election is underway. It is called Party Of One by Michael Harris. I have always like Michaels style of investigative journalism and writings.. I must say since I started reading this book it has been really hard to put it down. It is about Stephen Harper and Canadas radical makeover. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is unsure who they are going to vote for in the election. Has anyone on the board read it yet and what are you thoughts if so.
  14. The way the Cons govern breeds ignorance. Lots and lots of promises and nothing done. Everything they do seems secret and you never know what their up to until something is fast tracked through parliament. That's what they like, everyone ignorant of the facts going on. Win or lose the ignorance of our govt will still be there. The question is" Is this the kind of Canada we want,"
  15. Cant really think of one good thing he has done for Canadians in 9 yrs. Has done a lot for big corporate, big pharma and big banks and put us in the hole for 150 billion $
  16. Just pulling your chain Old Iron. lol. I say Harper and all his clapping seals have to go. scandal after scandal robocalls in last election, lies and more lies, gag order on all scientists etc. The power of being the main man has gone to his head I am afraid for our environment. Time to heave steve. The rest are not much better but we can fire them as well in 4 yrs if there not doing the job.
  17. Any thoughts on whats been played out so far. Try and be civil.
  18. Son close your eyes and plug your ears while daddy teaches these men some manners. My oldman always reminded us to never worry about the loud mouth A holes cause that's all they are. Worry about the quiet guy that says nothing.
  19. If the playoffs started today we would be in. Whats it been 22 yrs since making the playoffs Come on Blue jays keep it up, things are looking good.
  20. Rest In Peace Jen. My deepest condolences to your family. Mike.
  21. Cast 6 inch Sluggos on a 5/0 gammy wg weightless. Cast to the shoreline pull slowly off the shore into the water. twitch pause and hang on. Theres big fish in under a foot of water.
  22. 12 guage Cooey single shot. Let er rip.
  23. Id Shanny would of thrown in a skate sharpener and a bag of pucks it would of been a fair trade.
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