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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. I find it hard to believe a bit on your fingers will hurt you. I picked tobacco as a kid and the odd guy would get sick from the tar absorbed through the skin. The thing is it would be your left arm from the shoulder down to your wrist that would get covered in tar, soaked through your shirt sleeve. A quick visit to out patients and a needle in the arse and you were good to go. I have to say I think it was the toughest job I have ever had but it was worth it we made a whopping 50 bucks a day with r&b included. Most guys would do it for a week and quit because they couldn't handle the work.
  2. Sounds like a Selkirk chimney to me. They are expensive. Keep all the hardware as well when you take it down. Take a piece to a furnace shop and ask them.
  3. Also check out the raingear in a motorcycle shop. Awesome quality and a lot cheaper.
  4. I will never own another Princecraft. Not after the way they treated me when the bow of my boat split in two places. Even though it was still under warranty they said take it up with your insurance and get them to pay for it. I ended up having it repaired and paid for by me.
  5. I wont complain then. I thought I had it bad here. A foot still on the roofs and maybe 2 to 3 feet still on the ground. You should be fine by june 15....any bets.
  6. I don't want to see cops getting killed either. But they all know what can happen when they sign up. If you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen. If you want to act like soldiers then join the D.N.D. All this will do is make the bad guys get bigger weapons like R.P.G's it never ends.
  7. Maybe using the term Police State wasn't proper and sorry if I offended anyone. But cops with this stuff to me is wrong. Just because some bandit once in a blue moon has a AK-47. So does this mean we need to outfit our cops with military equipment?. If the equipment from the military is good enough to give away to police forces it would probably be better used if they handed it out to the militia (Reserve) units across the country that are in deplorable shape for kit. They would love to have those vehicles for training. And that's what they were built for. Just because they do it in States and other countries doesn't mean its required here. Last time I checked we were in Canada. Just my opinion.
  8. Saw this today and thought what the heck is going on. I cant think of one reason why local police forces need 10 ton armoured plated military vehicles. Oh, maybe to intimidate the public. The D.N.D. gives them away free but probably doesn't tell them how much maintenance and training will cost them. And who is going to pay for all this? You know who the taxpayers who else. I see this happening state side as well. I said it before and will say it again, As every day goes by we are becoming more and more a police state, Watch them start getting the new canpat uniforms to go with the fighting armour vehicles. Whats your thoughts on this?
  9. I tried it a few years ago fishing the Ottawa River. It works okay but you have to be paying close attention all the time to your line. Your reeling in then letting out. Its gets your baits down. Went through a mess of old crankbaits until I figured it out. Lots of snags in the Ottawa. I still do it a bit but I always go back to cranks that are designed for the depths I want to fish. Had a few big fish break me off while using core with 20lb flouro, 7ft long leader.
  10. A 27 series, 1000cca should do you. Just leave the darn stereo off when you have to manage your power for a full day. I have a little transistor radio if I want to listen to something. The money you save you can put toward a battery management system if you don't already have that. By the way that battery is about 120 tops at wallyworld.
  11. I have run into the fish cops in Quebec a few times on remote lakes and they couldn't care less about booze in the boat but you better have your paperwork in order or they come down on you pretty hard.
  12. Woke up, made coffee, brushed my teeth, sat down to watch the game realized it was 4:45 am. Guess I am a little excited.
  13. I have the Arctyrex by far the best I have ever used. a bit spendy but worth it after you get over the sticker shock.
  14. One time up in northern quebec there was six of us in our gang except one guy wouldn't be showing up till the next morning. It was about a 45 minute boat ride back to the launch and Ricks partner Elroy was pissed off that he had to waste 2 hrs going to get Rick cause the bite was on. Any how off he went the next morning and while we were out fishing we kept an eye out for the two of them on their return. They were in a 15 ft tinny with a 20 on the back. We notice this boat coming towards us at a good clip but figured it couldn't be them cause they were going to fast, With big Rick at 325 lbs plus all his gear and a 25 Honda they would be really loaded down. His boat was already at camp. Sure as heck it was them and Elroy was driving with both motors on the back running wide open. Twin outboards on a 15 ft tinny. I swear they had to be doing 35 mph. Thet went by screaming and yelling at us. It was so funny I almost fell out of our boat.
  15. I can vouch for the dual pro. its been im my boat since 96 without any issues.
  16. Those are some nice ones, Thanks Pete. Some of the darker fish might be the photo is a bit underexposed. Remember, the sun over your shoulder rule, when possible.No
  17. Depends what I am fishing for. Bass I crankem in fast. Big BQ walleye slow easy steady pressure does the job, Good luck landing a 5+ lb largie from the slop by taking it easy on em.
  18. When is the Kanata store slated to open/? that's good news only an hour away from me.
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