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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. Good answer Bill, duh. Im not sure where your getting your info from TB4ME but that's not what happened. Have any of you guys been to the hill in the last few years? There are so many cops and security people there it makes me wonder how this individual could make it into the big house of our country so easily. And I forgot to mention all the security cameras everywhere. An don't worry Bill there are probably lots of people watching whats going on from roof tops on a daily basis. as there should be. Heres an idea, maybe put a auto lock on the front door and have people monitor the security cameras
  2. The word terrorism is used rather loosely now days. I guess its for a better impact. Why hasn't there been any mention of the colossal failure of security on the hill. Whoever is in charge of security should be removed from that position. There is no way in my opinion that guy should of ever got as far as he did. Maybe our military should put a system in place and have the RCMP execute it to the T or do it themselves. Just a thought.
  3. Maybe take the motor to a shop that rebuilds alternators and starters and have the bearings changed. I did that for a client once and I think the bearings were 40 bucks installed. Saved him from buying a new motor.
  4. Maybe the team should hand out towels before every home game and the fans will keep there jerseys and just throw in the towel instead.
  5. Whats your story Bill. I didn't see the game just the clip on it. Do you think Phaneuf would have any chance against Iggy. seriously.
  6. Iggy would of fed him his lunch. Dion was a bit kesselish till the linesman got there. Not only cant he skate but hes a big wimp as well. lol
  7. That looks awesome Bruce. I just finished my cucumbers last weekend got 30 qrts of dills and bread and butter plus 6 qrts of Chicago style sweet relish. Im just waiting for my tomatoes to ripen and I will begin canning them as well. This is my second year at canning and I really enjoy it. Lots of work and lots of people say Why? I tell them because I like to grow my own food and save it for later. I used to grow my garden and give most of my crop away to the neighbours because I couldn't eat it fast enough and did not want it to spoil. I made salsa last year and was surprised at how much better it is compared to the expensive store bought stuff. Care to share your salsa recipe I would like to try some when my tomatoes are ready. By the way I was in the grocery store last week and a lady was in front of me at the check out. She had a bushel of pickling cukes on a cart brought out from the back. I was curious as to how much she was going to pay. The young lady said that will be 54.00 mam. I said to myself wow that's what I'm talking about grow your own.
  8. The e-smoke works for me. I smoked them nice little cigars for years. My buddy gave me a e-cig last year that he brought back from BC and I have been using ever since. I was off the cigars with no problem. My clothes and car doesn't stink anymore and if I forget it at home that's okay. I am at the office right now and vaping while working. My boss is ok with it in the office. Her opinion is if it keeps me from smoking cigars its all good. a few of my co-workers who started using them to quit smoking no longer use either. I went from 24 mg of nicotine to 12 and now doing 8mg and like I said if I forget it at home, no biggy, Im not dependent on it and have to run home and get it. A bottle of juice costs about 20 bucks and lasts me about 3 weeks to a month. No more hacking and coughing in the morning some its all good to me. I will quit using it when I feel like it.
  9. Look at it this way. Your a cop and you spend your day driving up and down the hiway handing out tickets day after day. That's gotta be a boring job after awhile. Then you finally get the opportunity to get trained and join the marine unit and get to go boating for your shift instead of doing the cruiser thing that sucks cause its so boring. At the end of your marine shift your sgt says what did you do today and you tell him you emptied a couple of ticket books and a big smile appears on his face and he says we gotta put you on marine duty more often. If I was a cop and had the choice of hiway patrol or marine duty I know what one I would want to do. Our province is so broke and the easiest way to generate cash is by handing out tickets.
  10. I used to have the same problem when I fished tournies. I would screw around in the garage till midnight working on my kit. Then order a pizza for dinner with a few brewskies. Make my lunch for the next day which was left over pizza, then hit the rack. Toss and turn all night and be up two hours before my fishing partner shows up to pick me up.By the way I found cold pizza was the best lunch because you could eat it at 6o miles per hour and not waste fishing time.
  11. Wire leaders are cheap and when they kink I just replace them. Lost some big Northerns on fluoro. I use the black leaders, not sure if that matters at all. Cant remember ever seeing a line shy Northern.
  12. Ah the Wilno Hotel, awesome food and the Wednesday night blues night is lots of fun as well. I think its Wednesday's lol
  13. Just get your out of province fishing licence as well as the ZEC licence and you are good to go. All can be purchased in Tamiskaming.
  14. All our fishing license fees go to the big purse. I can pretty well assure you none of it comes back to my area. I have seen maybe four or five C.O's on my body of water in the last twenty five years and two were Quebec C.O's. You know what they say "The more corrupt your government is the more revenue generating schemes they need.
  15. If you don't abide by the rules you get a ticket. But if I have two hours to go out for a quick fish I don't want to be spending 25% of it producing all my filtered try again please every time they see me. Give me a sticker that says I;m compliant and leave me be. They don't stop me every time I get into my truck. So yeah I think its more about revenue then anything. Damn nanny state we live in.
  16. Now that it has happened it wouldn't surprise me to see it happen more often.
  17. Have been to driftwood a few times. Great facilities and nice double boat launch. The fishing is very good. Lots of Walleye and Smallies with a few good Pike thrown in the mix. I don't think they take reservations so first come first served.
  18. Dual Pro are the best on the market. Mine is 15 yrs old and still works awesome. Might be why I get at least 5-7 yrs out of all my batteries.
  19. Went into my local dealer yesterday to inquire about a new motor. The salesman came over and asked if I needed any help. I told him I am looking for a 25 hp 4 stroke tiller electric start, tilt and trim in either a Merc or Etec and what are the pros and cons of each. He said there both great motors and your looking at about 5k for either one. Then he excused himself and went back and started stocking the shelves with oil. He left me standing in the middle of the showroom floor. I waited for 5 minutes for him to finish loading the shelves with the box of oil he was unloading, then he went in the back and got another box and started to stock that one. I waited another 5 minutes and I was starting to get a bit irritated. That's when I decided to leave. On the way out he says have a great weekend. I was ready to purchase but not at that price he quoted me since it was about 750 over msrp. I cant believe that is the way they treat a potential buyer. Wasted an hour of my day, guess I will have to travel a bit to find a motor. What a clown.
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