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Everything posted by oldphart

  1. ~~~~Heading down to Picton on Sat. for another shot at some eyes, (note to self the count is 4 each ) with Slug, going to lanch at the ferry ramp, any one else going to be down there?
  2. ~~~I might be down there on Sunday, just waiting for someone to twist my arm, if I am I'll drop into Merlands, and see if I can get it for you. I'll also be down there the following weekend, keep me posted
  3. ~~~Jeff it was blast having you, and Kyle a board, we tried our best, and lets hpoe next year it'll be better, sorry you didn't come out again in the afternoon phishen was better.
  4. Imating me I'm a thunken
  5. ~~~It was great meeting you too bud, you being sick reminds me of a time I and a buddy were going Ice Phishen for Trout, and he had a case of food poisoning, but he still showed up and we had to stop every so often so he could hurl, and as I sat there and waited I asked him was there any Corn in the mix, it would be great for baiting the hole, which only made him sicker~~~Alas there was no corn
  6. ~~~And the great post keep on comen, makes sitten at my desk a lot easier, thanks for sharing
  7. ~~~Great post Carole, and love those pics.
  8. ~~~Another fantastic report for the past weekend, I like the other who were there, all had a good time.
  9. ~~~I always frisk my Phishen partners, to make sure there's no Banannnnnnnnas
  10. ~~~It was great meeting you Bud, glad you got home okay, hope tp meet you again
  11. ~~~It was fun meeting you guys and the rest of the gang, hope tosee you guys on the ice later in the new year
  12. It was great to have met you Joey, and thanks for getting the Tee Shirts it turned our luck around on Sunday Afternoon I'll post that later when I get my Pics downloaded. That potluck meal was out of this world want to Thank all of you guys and Goils who supplied the food, I said I come with knife and fork, and I did and had one of the best meals ever. Thanks again
  13. ~~~~ Congrats Chuck, and Shelley, but bite your tongue on the early ice. I want at least 4 more trips down there, Staying somewhere else of cource
  14. ~~~~Fantastic post, and pics~~~Now let see today is Monday, and I have 3 more work days to go, should be down there about 10:30 on Friday, launch and catch phish by 11 sound like a solid plan to me
  15. ~~~Just a question on dress code, what everyone wearing, I suppose it will be your basic Red. Do you think if I wear plaid shorts anyone would be upset
  16. ~~~~Is it fantastic being out there in the snow, not having to worry how thick the ice is. Just can't wait till Jan. for Laker season, to launch my boat.
  17. ~~~Just mounting 2 new rod holders this weekend and puting new tail lights on, and I'll be ready to go. I'll also be bring some Pepperetts, for snacken
  18. ~~~move over fishindevil I'm fisrt at the table, you don't even know how to spell your name right(phishendevil) I'll take a little off the left shoulder please, and someone pass the wild mushrooms, there are some mushroom ????
  19. ~~~Your making it hard on us, sitting here at work, waiting till the 16th. when I'll be down there. Great looken phish.
  20. ~~~~Slug, Missy, and I headed up to Rice, on Saturday, to give it one more shot, for the season. The gods were making it a little difficult for us with hardly any wind, and clear blue Sky's, but we had 2 ACES up our sleeves a TV phishen host Gus, and a pro angler Jiggie were comen out to play also. So with fully charged batteries, headed for Bewdley, as we arrived, I wanted to stop at the Tackle shop, for some Bucktail, and as we pulled up I spotted his road side sign ahead and said watch the sign,and Slug said "what (crash) sign", oh well no biggie we stood it back up. While Missy made some friends, I checked out the Throne Room, and then we were ready. As we backed down the ramp I said to Slug, it's almost like Simcoe, there was a small Armada sitting straight out. So we got out there and wetted lines, we both had some hits, but the Eyes were hitting so lightly, we could get a hook set in Slug had one on for about 3 turns of the reel then gone. Sun was getting higher so we thought to head over to another area, and with the wind chill at -15, at 28mph, we arrived and just sat there thawing out. Then I get a call, Gus and Jiggie were at the ramp, and told us where they were heading, told him I'll leave for there now(I needed the head start). Well we got to the unknown spot ( don't tell Gus but here it is $#%^%$#**%, by *&^%$%$#**() and started phishen, and won't you know it Slugs says take a look what followed his lure back, and I look down and there was 8 large PERCH I told him no were phishen for Walleyes not perch. A few min. later we hear thunder comen down the lake and sure enough 2 big black boats came roaring down lake, the boys have arrived, they in one spot us in another only about 1.5" apart on the map. Slug and I moved around here and there, with no luck and decided to get a wee bit closer to the boys( wanted to see what they were using), with the 2 Guses(is that a word) together, and Jiggies with his special friend Jen, we joined up. We asked how they were doing and Jiggie says he has 4(harrumph) in his well and Gus says they have 5(harrumph harrumph), both pros show us what they are using and we quickly switch over, and with KC on the net Gus puts on quick demo on how to catch them, landing 2 more in less the 15min. the trick keep casting, and retrieve slowly. Well it worked and sure enough the Mighty Kong is able to put one in the well, a nice 2lber.(he just bought a Storm Elect Filleting knife, now he can try it out). That was it for us, the boys left early and we hung around for another hr. before heading home. Another great day of Phishen and Meeting some Spacial Buds. The Mighty Kong has the pics, only battery I didn't charge up was the camera batteries.
  21. ~~~~Sorry bud for your troubles, but I've had nothing but good service from them. When I phish the Bog, I always launch there, deep ramp, shelter harbour, and once my battery was dead, they gave me a loaner for the day without cost, when a bolt came off my starter, loaned me the tools to put it back in place. Also has great coffee going if you just want to chat.
  22. ~~~~I love phishen for Perch, and for me going to Kenya, and hook into a Nile Perch would be it for me
  23. ~~~There must be somethung wrong with the PM I never got the invite to dinner. Oh well when the next meal
  24. ~~~I've phished for Cats at the dam at Selkirk in Man., and the largest was 22lbs. and I thought that was big, no longer, wow now they would be fun to catch
  25. ~~~Yes the ticket is getting away from the pack and finding your own widdle space, it's what worked for me also. Going to give Simcoe a pass this weekend and hit Rice for some eyes
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