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Everything posted by oldphart
~~~Was once phishen Crappie down in Tenn. and this Good Old Boy was with 2 others, and they had 16 rods out 1 guy was in the centre and his job was to take tha Crappie off the hooks and rebait them. Talk about over phishen
~~~Back on the 6th. Slug, Winston, and I decided to hit Sturgen for Bass, had a good drive up with lots of talk, as to where to launch, and where to start. Headed out this island, and sure enough Slugs has the first one, but I said I'm not going to be the camera boy on this trip, here's the cameras someone else take the pics, so Winston got Slugs phish as he released it Winston wasn't to be out done Slug got this pic Slug seem to have the hot bait while I slulked on the bow action shots of another of his Then it was Slugs turn on the camera I tried to hide this one, but no one of the shutterbugs caught me I actually had a good hit, and should have kept quiet, because Winston was fast on the cast, and stole him CAK CAK So you know there was a lot of swearing, and some sugesting about his parentage, and if he wasn't in tight with a certain police officer, he might have gone missing with my anchour. O well there's always next weekend, he better be a light sleeper
~~~What the heck at chance to take some shots at DAWG at point blank range why not, count me in, and I'm sure Slug will want to come
~~~When I was very young, back in the late 50's, and early 60's the city stocked the pond with LM, and on opening day they would have a bass tourney, remmber one young kid my age won it winning I think $1000.00. Very big money back then
~~~A very bad idea, they argue that they only catch the phish to feed their familiy, now they can sell their over flow, there's no quota. I been on Lake Simcoe ice phishen, and natives come buy and try and sell Lake Trout for $5. each, give them an inch, and they will drain the lake of phish, I wonder what Pike is going for on the Black Market.
~~Great post Mike well done, I'll have to some of those Snakes, my Bass bait of choice is a Swamp Rat. Haven't got out yet had a sponcer Golf Tourney today, me and my boss came in 2nd, DRAT. Keep up the good work keep camera and tape measure handy
~~~Recieved a warning from Greencoachdawg about this new scam is being pulled mainly on older men. What happens is that when you stop for a red light a young, nude woman comes up and pretends to be washing your wind- shield. While she is doing this another person opens your back door and steals anything in the car. They are very good at this. They got him 3 times last Friday and twice on Saturday. He wasn't able to find them on Sunday.
~~~yea great seeing you again, don't worry I checked my boat throughly after you left o make sure there wasn't any Bananas, not you would ever do a thing like that, and if you leave Greg at home I might just win this year Perch Derby
~~Day started at my place with Slug showing up with another bud name Kang, who has never caught any Whities before, or phished from a boat, we headed up to Sibalds, for a Charity Tourney, to help a bud who has Throat Cancer, and no benefit. We were hoping to get our coffee fix at Coffee Time, on 48 only to find it not open yet, great day starting great no coffee, Slug say don't worry buddy Horseshoes is bring it. We arrived early, way too early, could have slept in, an extra hour, before the next boat arrive for the tourney. So I decided to have some fun with the Sunnies, and tied on a red body, white tail micro twister tail, on a slip Bobber set up and cast around, a few cast and no action could see some, but no interest, cast out deep, and just gave it a twitch, when "Phish On" it started running, and I thought I might have a good size Sunny on line, then it ran for the dock cribs, and we got a look at it it's a Pike great, yelled "Get the Net, I need this for our on line tourney" It was going this way, and then it went that way, and finally after 3 swipes with the net, we land it only to find it's not a Pike, but a Bowfin, my very first, got camera filled out the form and got it back into the water, and I knew my day had gone to pot, we all have had those days where you catch the first phish, and that's it, oh well I guess I'll be the camera man again. So after we finally were able to sign up, and find out Horsey didn't,t bring the coffee, we took off for my hidden Whitey Spot, and sure enough there was about 30 boats already on it, oh well, we will just have to phish where were are in 82' where I was marking some active phish on the bottom. Sure enough Slug had the active hook, took him 10 hook ups before he got one to stay on, here he is re-tieing after losing 7 in a row He kept checking his hook to see if it was dull, and no I didn't flatten his barb down, at least you can't prove it. Our Newbie in the bow, was having a few hits took him a while how to use a Shoal Digger, but then he say "I got one" told him to bring it in real slow, and rod tip up, and sure enough it nears surface, and I said it's a Laker, and Slug was there with the net his very first Laker, he liken this type of phishen, no more white bucket for him, he's no longer a Virgin, he moven up to a red bucket. Well the day went on Winston called, some ass anchour 15' away from him and Brooktrout, so I told him where we were, and they came over, and it wasn't to long before they were into them here's BT just finished releasing one while Winston was trying to keep his away from the anchour line as in his report he ran a foul of the anchour line a few times, the action was not stop for Slug, he had on over 40 phish for the day, landing about 15, and while I was taking taking this pic of him Kang had one on, his first Whitey, but don't despair I didn't come home empty handed I was able to land 2 of the 6 phish I had on 1 Whitey, and 1 Laker last shot of the day Slug releasing a small whitey The wind started picking up so we headed in had to be back at the park for one to weigh in, seems one guy went over to Cooks to phish for Carp and came in with a big one, which won him Bragging rights, all the money raised went tothe charity, It was a great day on and off the water, and the only reason I'm at home writing this now, weatherman is calling for Thunderstorm on Lake X.
~~~Two days Phishen Saturday chasen Whities
oldphart replied to oldphart's topic in General Discussion
~~~Yea Mikeh I reconized the boat, next time I stop and say howdy, and your right it was the BadBoys that they were hitten 1 hit on my Williams, and nothing on the Pimple. Just might be out there Sat. for Slyatv tourney -
~~~Winston met up with me at my place, with coffee in hand, and as we enjoyed the coffee waiting for 2 other buds Slug, and Shovel to show up. When they arrived we hooked the Widdle Green Machine up and head to Simcoe, nice drive weather breaking, gaps in the clouds, yes should be a great day the Hell with the Weatherman, and as we turned left on to 48 it started to rain, and the close we got to Sibalds, it was pouring. So we sat there for a short time, and it started to lighten up so after a quick stop at the Throne room, we launched the boat. Then another bud who was already in the water waiting for the rain to ease, say he had been out there, with his wife, and got caught in the down pour, and she didn't want to go back out and since there were 4 of us would someone like to go ewith him, well I was half way out of my seat, when Winston reminded me I had to stay and drive the boat(fudge), and so he said he go because Shovel was sharing Slugs gear, and since he was already on the guys boat. Well we headed out us to deep water, about 79' just NW of Fox, well in wasn't to long before, Slugs lands the first one Shovel had one on and lost it, and Winston and his buddy arrived just as I hooked into one, but instead of watching the rod, and fight the tip I was too busy watching it on the phish finder, and lost it 15' off the bottom, well things slowed down we moved out deep staying well away from the Armada, we marked some phish but very little action, Winston transfered back over to us, kind of fun watching him walk on water, told him to walk on the other side he was scaring all my phish. So after checking out a couple of other spots, we headed back to our first spot, and sure enough we had active phish just off bottom, and again Slug lands the first one, here is showing his rod technic and was rewarded this nice beauty not to be out done and losing a few Winston hooks in to one and while he was fighten it I gave him a report of what it was doing you can see his phish was all over the screen with alot of active phish on the bottom, he finally land it, with a big smile, because he promised the GF, he bring one home for her to clean, what a girl at this point both me and Shovel were phishless, we had phish on but not for long, and finally Shovel hooks into one, and gets it aboard, his Shunk is gone, been trying for years to land a Simcoe Whitie and finally he had one, no pics of it my batteries had died, but Slug got a shot of it, ot to sure how many were hooked into between the 4 of us, or how many the guys were able to land, We ended the day with some light Perch action, got checked out by the boys, in brown. All in all had a great day on the water, no one was safe from the ribbing that went on, a good time had by all ~~~Thanks Guys for another great day See you tomorrow ~~~THe battle of the Canal Lake Zone ~~~It was a tough day, with many casualties. Day started at my place with Slug showing up ready to battle, and just as we were getting ready to leave for the front, we received a coded message, private Winston, had gone AWOL from, the Stockade, and was on his way over, so after he joined us were stocked up on ammo, and mrte(for you non-combatants, meals ready to eat) We headed out knowing, we may not see our love ones ever again, or at least 3pm. Our objection was to lower the amount of the Dreaded Crappie, and the ever Hand Chomping Mr. Pike. Well we entered the Canal Zone at the notorious Sunset Marina, slipping up steam, we set up our ambush site and started firing, I took the first enemy, and released him, on his honor that he wouldn't tell the others Private Winston was next to take an enemy, a little chunky, and he fought hard but lost out, and he also promise to keep his mouth shut and then I saw what we came for, and took my shot, sure and true am I the enemy was in No Phish Zone and we were on them, but no high ranking leaders, but they gave us a great fight Having done enough damage to with a lot of collateral damage, we move off looking for the Slime Dripping Pike, he was well hidden as these two found out We thought we saw one trying to lure us into a prop clogging weed mat, but Pfc Winston took a shot at him at 25' to see it was one of theirs earlier causalities from another battle. Saw one thunder head, away off in the distant so we decide to head for the LZ, and head home, and got home before the main storm hit
~~~~ GreencoachDawg walks into a bar, sits down, and starts crying. The bartender asks, “What’s wrong?” Dawg looks at the bartender through Teary eyes and between sobs says, “I married a beautiful woman two days ago. She’s a natural blonde, twenty-five, intelligent, a marvelous cook, a meticulous housekeeper, Extremely sensitive to my wants and needs, very giving, my best friend, and intensely passionate in bed.” The bartender stares at Dawg for a brief moment and says, “But that sounds great! You have what every man wants in a woman, so why are crying?” Dawg looks at the bartender and says, “I can’t remember where I live!”
Q: Where can men over the age of 60 find younger, sexy women, who are interested in them? A: Try a bookstore -- under fiction. Q: What can a man do while his wife is going through menopause? A: Keep busy. If you're handy with tools, you can finish the basement. When you are done, you will have a place to live. Q: Someone has told me that menopause is mentioned in the Bible. Is that true? Where can it be found? A: Yes. Matthew 14:92: 'And Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Egypt .' Q: How can you increase the heart rate of your 60+ year old husband? A: Tell him you're pregnant. Q: How can you avoid that terrible curse of the elderly-----wrinkles? A: Take off your glasses Q: What can I do for these crow's feet and all those wrinkles on my face? A: Go braless. It will usually pull them out. Q: Why should 60+ year old people use valet parking? A: Valets don't forget where they park your car. Q: Is it common for 60+ year olds to have problems with short term memory storage? A: Storing memory is not a problem; retrieving it is a problem. Q: As people age, do they sleep more soundly? A: Yes, but usually in the afternoon. Q: Where should 60+ year olds look for eye glasses? A: On their foreheads. Q: What is the most common remark made by 60+ year olds when they enter antique stores? A: 'Gosh, I remember these.'
~~( Jason Bourne I'd be having a weee bit of an identity crisis at this point. If I was a Charlie's Angel I'd either be PMS'ing or having a full on beeyotch fight with another Angel, or both. I tried to think what Bond would do at a critical time like this...) ~~~~Never mind what Jason Bourne, Charlies Angels, or even Bond, James Bond, would have done, I'm more like Matt Kelm(Dean Martin), I would have poured myself a drink sung a soft song, and a bevy of woman would shown up to cap the adventure
~~~Both of my trailer bunks are broken one at each end, and I'll have to replace them, wondering has anyone thought of using plastic 2x4s instead of wood, wondering about the cost, and will I need to put outdoor carpeting on them, a buddy has also 2 broken bunks, wants to try them
~~~Shamrock Marina, is on the Severn River, first exit on Hwy 11, north of Hwy 169 on ramp. About 1/4 mile pass the bridge that crosses the river. In & out fees $15. phish just up steam of any holes you find, and have a good anchour with lots of rope
~~~Now Dawg, I only eat sugar free Dewnut, as for bait 4"Shiners on the bottom with 2oz. weights in 44 ft. of water current flow is about 2knots, faster 3 weeks ago, up to 5knots
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~Well Surprise Surprise look what stumbled out of Slug van this morning Shovel(long time missing), and our bait Muskie-bait Great a net-boy, and a spare, we got hoked up and away we went heading out for some Walleyes, and Channel Cats, again launching at the Shamrock Marina we headed up to the deep hole, where we did so well last week, and it wasn't to long before Yes your truly yells "Get the Net", "it's a Biggen", and after a very good fight, I had this one in hand actually it had me boy those lips were sharp. Muskie-Bait very soon afterward say gay man-st "Phish On" I told him no that's bait this is what you want to catch, and brought in this purtty kitty Now we weren't the only ones catching phish but Slug, and Shovel released theirs before I could get a pics of their Rockies, and SM, very small SM. Seem to die down we headed up steam to the falls, and while having a light snack caught this pesky widdle fellar Also caught someones lost anchour, thank you very much, I give it to WD who lost his last week, since nothing was happening here we moved back down stream, and Shovel landed a pesky widdle fellar Well he was having a field day 2 SM, 24 Rockies, and a Crappie don't know why he was trying to hide ~~I have to say muskie-Bait was also having a great day with the Kats, almost lost him over board till I made him sit down and fight it, safely, and he followed it with another, and you should have seen the belly on it . Wasn't long before I had another one on after just losing one, my final for the day Here's 2 short videos of Shovel fighting, his first Channel Kat, with Missy coaching Shovel first Channel Cat ~~All phish were released, to be caught next year, total count 10 cats on 7 landed, 2 eyes,2 SM, 2 perch, well over 3doz, rockies
~~~Now was a great story, to bad no pics. I also know Beans, and sitten in a chair 8" above the gunel, oh yea he going in, hope your okay Beans
~~~Would like to enter that Tourney, the weather looken pretty good winds at 25 from the west, scattered showers,with some Sun, but cost of gas, plus fees, are just too high. Good Luck bud
~~~I have 2 and use both quite often, I 'm also on the Bog quite often, and they keep me in the zone longer, with the wind blown, I've used mine down on the BOQ for speed control, on Simcoe I use both when looken for Whities, that are active then anchour up, and again with Perch in Oct.
~~~ If I tried to hold that phish that Bly has and the way she squatting, there be a very large Stain in my shorts
~~~Make sure you stop at the local tackle shop just north of Martin River, and get some green Go-Getters, and some in line weight, or large bottom bouncher, the Eyes are down deep
~~~Not this time Dawg, it were my turn
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~Slug and I headed up to the Severn to try for some Walleyes, and Cats. Launched at the Shamrock Marina, Trailer Park, great operation crew, great ramp, well protected from the winds, and currents, headed up stream, nice to see the water levels down about a foot, from 2 weeks ago, where most of the docks were under water. Got the spot and anchored up, and with the current, still flowing strong we had one snag after the other, happily, I was able to land the first Eye, going to look great on a plate(Slug has the pic) landed another one a lot smaller, let it go Slug got one, same size I had released things really shot down at this time, went further up stream met Walleyedreamer, with 2 buddies, who were having a tough go of it, I should mention WD usually phish this area at 4am, and is in bed by 9am, but he stay up, to be with us. Slug and I headed down stream to hole we knew, about 55' deep, leaving WD to keep hunting for his anchor which he lost. Saw a few locals who told us where to drop anchor, and drift on to the edge of the hole, started casting our lines down stream with 2oz. weight drop sinker, and "PHISH ON GET THE NET" and in it came purring well Slugs hey I can catch then too remember last this mine weight, YEA YEA YEA I know 16lb.s I was there, well he say I got another one on, and sure enough he brings this one in, Not bad, well this went on with a hit every cast, landing a few eyes for dinner, releasing a lot of smaller one, then I hook into this find beauty , and then we turn around and who shows up but WD, and crew, one is his best friend from Poland who is heading back today, and WD shows that he can land one also Well Slug had to get back to town for Momma B-Day dinner so we had to got taking with our limit of eyes, and 4 Cats. ~~O Sunday Slug was to be working, but was able to rearrange his plans so we headed up to Lady Simcoe, and headed out it was 11:30 when we left the dock, and headed out to deep water, marked a lot of phish but no takers, moved here and there into this Armada, then over to that Armada, and finally phish on followed shortly by this very young dinner companion and not to go smelling like a skunk Slug has a major battle on his hands, and with his wife cheering him on he fought this widdle bugger in, and with that we headed in