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~~~I'm heading down on the 2nd. and will be stopping in at the Carra Shop for bait and direction, but keeping a close eye on the weather
Temagami Jan 25-27th Report with UPDATED PICS
oldphart replied to TroutnMuskieHunter's topic in General Discussion
~~~Great report, I've never phished that lake yet. ' -
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~Well decided to take Walleyedreamer, up to Lake AWKMIIT, along with Kris. Left my place at 5 to meet up with Kris, Slug, and Shovel at Tim's in Minden at 7:30, great ride up to about just N. of Sutherland a heavy cloud had sat on the road, restricting our view to about 30', and every so often you hit a dip in the road, and you be just under it, or hit a hill and you be over. Seem to be in a narrow swat, because the road would twist away and we were out of it, and as we traveled along 48 to ward 35 we would be in it again only not as long. Got a call Kris is 20 min. behind us, and got another call, S&S are running 45 min.s behind, and will meet us at the lake. Got to Tim's and reloaded on coffee, and throne room usage, when Kris arrived 10 min. later, and we were off. ~~ Got to the lake and no one about great first on, right away I headed to the spot I had last week, and got settled in, with WD punching holes for every one, we got to work. Kris baiting up and Karol, and WD also The morning started out great no wind temp, was -5, and the sun was comen out, and then S&S arrived, and forgot a major Murphy's Law, and how gravity works, comen down on to the lake they spilled their load and the minnows. Shovel true to his name shoveled them back as quick as he could and raced out to us for some water. Great now the gangs all here lets get down to some phishen. Was marking phish up high about 30' and some on bottom in 48', and yes yours truly was the first to yell "Phish On" and put this nice beauty on ice Kris had one hit after another, phish were playing tag with him, and he was IT, poor WD he had a rod with a bell on it and the phish were Knock Knock with him, the bell would ring he run over to hit and there was no one there, this went on for about an Hour, and finally with us yelling at him he took it off, and the phish left him alone, for the rest of the day. Shovel was next to land a Laker, he was bring it up real slow, when Wham Something hit it, almost taking the rod from his hand, after a short fight it was gone, and he was left with a badly scared Laker, bleeding to much to release. There is something awful big down there. Slug was up next with a small Laker, which he released, to grow up some more. WD was getting frustrated, and started heading in shallow, punching holes here and there, one of the other guys on the lake landed a very nice 5lb. Eye which he fillet on the spot, and not do a very good job of it. I had a few hits, which I missed then I had one I didn't miss, and ws able to put my second laker on ice Terry owner of Eagle Lake Adventures, came out to see us was going to put his own hut on the lake, but just as he was putting it on the trailer, a customer came in and bought it from him, oh well back to the work shop, we stood around and caught up on world events introduced them to my Buddies Jack and Daniels, which always give a person a warm glow after meeting them. Well thing slowed down to a crawl. Shovel went exploring looking for the drop off, out deep didn't find it WD still punching holes in shallow 14' landed a small perch a thing IJ Perch was bigger. Kris had enough and headed home with a promise to take me to another lake for some eyes. I was starting to get hungry, when I had a sharp hit on my rod nothing there, then again, okay something playing Tag with me since Kris left they were going to play with, well I don't play fair had my rod in my hand and as soon as I felt the hit I set the hook, and after a great fight, put my first Whitie of the year on ice Did you noticed the scars on his side, any one want to go chasen Muskie. Well we stuck it out for another hour and then packed it in. Karol carrying an Mexican Auger with S&S bring up the rear Next weekend who knows, another lake for sure
~~~Thank MrEh fixed it
> There is a factory in Northern Minnesota which makes the Tickle Me Elmo >toys. The toy laughs when you tickle it under the arms. > > Well, Joey is hired at The Tickle Me Elmo factory and she reports >for her first day promptly at 8:00 AM. > > The next day at 8:45 AM there is a knock at the Personnel >Manager's door. The Foreman throws open the door and begins to rant about >the new employee. > > He complains that she is incredibly slow and the whole line is >backing up, putting the entire production line behind schedule. > > The Personnel Manager decides he should see this for himself, so >the 2 men march down to the factory floor. When they get there the line is >so backed up that there are Tickle Me Elmo's all over the factory floor and >they're really beginning to pile up. > > At the end of the line there stands Joey surrounded by mountains of >Tickle Me Elmo's. She has a roll of plush red fabric and a huge bag of >small marbles. > > The 2 men watch in amazement as she cuts a little piece of fabric, >wraps it around two marbles and begins to carefully sew the little package >between Elmo's legs. > > The Personnel Manager bursts into laughter. After several minutes >of hysterics he pulls himself together and approaches Joey. > > 'I'm sorry,' he says to her, barely able to keep a straight face, >'but I think you misunderstood the instructions I gave you yesterday...' > > 'Your job is to give Elmo two test tickles.
~~~I'm comen up on Sunday, with some buddies from Ajax, and will be at the Tim Horton's in Minden, at about 7:15, if you would like to join us chasen Lakers 20 min. N. of there.
~~~~Free launch, wearing a light swweather, soft water Crappie's ~~~Harrumph~~ Harrumph
My Tracker boat update... and a customer service WOW from Plano
oldphart replied to Fisherpete's topic in General Discussion
~~~Yes, some stores carry it. -
My Tracker boat update... and a customer service WOW from Plano
oldphart replied to Fisherpete's topic in General Discussion
~~~I've had my Tracker VPro16.5 for 10 years now, and this year, shev starting to leak, but thats because off the 2 lost rivets. Had the same motor on it since I got it an 40 Tracker Force motor, and have not had any problem with it out side of the ones I've caused. Hope you get it straighten out before the lakes open, I use liquid weld to slow the leaks. -
Trip to Toronto.Need help to identify pics from the Plane
oldphart replied to Mike the Pike's topic in General Discussion
~~~Way to go Sinker, I was away off, but on 2nd. look I believe you are right. -
~~~~ Way to go buddy, great looken phish, puts mine to shame, but the one I lost was close. Will be back up there again this Sunday.
~~~Phishen Lake IwouldhavetokillyouifItoldyou
oldphart replied to oldphart's topic in General Discussion
~~~I've got a very old map, and on it, it has Upper, and Lower Canada, Rupert Land, and the West is called Injun Counrty. The Lake is 1.5"above the 2nd p, in upper, Hope this helps -
~~~Day started at 5 at my place, with Slug, and Shovel arriving to pick me up. After hitten Tim's we headed up to Terry's at Eagle Lake Adventures, getting there about 8. With lake Hal. not being safe yet to access, he suggested Lake IwouldkillyouifItoldyou, so after getting some bait, we were off to the lake, arriving there, we unloaded the car and set out on a very short walk, which I like. I sat over 48", while Slug, and Shovel moved out deeper, and sure enough Shovel get stuck buying the coffee, on the next trip with a very nice 2lb. Laker. Next was my turn, picked one up off the bottom, got him about 8" up and he was gone, them wham he hits it again, had up to the hole and as soon as he saw me away he went peeling off about 5" of line then turned and threw it back at me. He looked bigger, but I'll put him in the 4lb. range. Slug was up next, with a nice Laker, about 1.5 lbs, and he lands another one also. Boys were marking lots of phish on the Flasher units, phish coming in and looking at the bait and then moving off. finally I'm watching mine, I had left my bail open which I like to do, and then the line started peeling off, lifted the rod closed the bail, and Phish On, and after a very short fight, landed a very nice 1.5lber also. Had a few others where the line started to come off the bail slowly, then stop, believe these were Whities, and the bait was to big. By 1 we had enough, with the wind and the cold, and after a shot of medicine we were going to stay for the Walleye bite, later but decided to head home. Want to thank Terry for putting on this Lake, and a BIG Thank You to Slug, and Shovel for another great outing
~~~~Was out yesterday, N. of Minden, Gull Lake still has a large open water flowing, Minner Bay some huts out on the far shore, but still a lot of open water,and soft areas, Red Umbrella Inn has huts out on 12 mile, Trout very active, nothing big, Lake Haliburton open water from Fort Irwin straight down the channel, access from far shore. tread softly, should be more solid this weekend, and Bosh ahs some areas I would send your Mothwer-inlaw out on, but some guys have huts out there.
~~~I finally got hold of Terry at Eagle Lake Adventures, and he gave me almost the same report, on the lakes, they should be okay this coming weekend, with Temps down around -18 on Saturday night, and Sunday. Slug and Shovel were up there on Sat. and also report weak ice near shore.
~~~~Dang it Beans, you should have lets us know we could have thrown a Swiller for him. Oh well next year Cliff sorry for being late Happy Birthday Buddy, see you on Jack
~~~~~Great post bud fantastic pics, and you still owe me a coffee
~~~If you see alittle girl carrying a dog, don't talk to her, she'll want to know where the yellow brick road is
~~~~I'm a thunken of hitten Lake Haliburton this Sunday, or another lake in the same area, has anyone got any info, on the ice condistions, tried calling a buddy up in Eagle Lake, Terry who operates Eagle Lake Adventure and Tackle shop, but no answers the phone.
~~~~it's on mine, but it's very old. If you look just N.E. of Upper Canada, where it say Rupert Land, it's just under the Pee about 1.2"
~~~~AAAAAH the Famous Lake X, also known as Lake Whydoyouwanttoknow~~~~yes a lovely walk through the woods, and down the lake. too far for me if I can't see my rod from the car, it's too far~~~great pics bud only wish I could walk that far
Way to go girl, congrats on your PB, but it's still early in the season, I'm sure you'll set another record. ~~~i think I'll continue to buy my minnows from Tightlines in Pickering 3 scoops for $15. tax extra.
~~~Nothing better than a Smile a youngsters face, when he sharing quality time with, his dad
~~~The only ice you'll be looken for is in the branch water, you use to soften the Shine you been a drinken
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~Yes it was one of those days, WD, his son ,and I headed up to Lake Takeahike for some Crappie and Pike action. Started out great crisp morning air as we walked out about an inch of snow over 5" of black ice and 4" of frozen slush. Got to our usual spots had WD started punching holes, I set up in 28', and marked phish just off the bottom, while WD move over 32', and also marked some phish, but only received some very light taps. MoonstoneRick joined us and, betweem him and WD they punched hole al over the area going from one hole to another Runnen and Gunn, MR was the first to put Crappie on ice, and the 2nd, 3rd. 4th., finally this 3/4lber took a liking to my minnow and shortly after MR was able to put another on the ice before he had to leave But the weather was turning sour and the phish weren't helping so we packed up and headed home . I had 3 phish on, landing 1 WD had about 6 land landing only 1 very small one while MR out did us, with 5, keeping 2. It was great to meet up with MR, whoI haven't seen since the last M&G on this lake, great seeing again bud, hope we can get out again this season. As alwys it was a great time phishen with WD, and his son Karol, who was a great assist helping me pull my hut out and back in. Going to keep an eye on the weather I'm a thuken it's Perchen time, next weekend